katamari first think later!

Dec 18, 2007 00:50

Haha, such a lazy slacky snackish day!
Met kuro a around 11ish,
she n tsu figured we'd be really late so we set the time to meet at 10 see?
lol. 174 took forever to come, and it was really hot round midday.
aya was cooking fried rice~ nom nom nom. 8D <33333
the two of us were starving the way there cos we didn't have breakfast
wasted the day away with dark chocolate mushrooms and biscuits and things
and food glorious food
and the EMS guy came with gor's gundam and tsu's rori booty
hullo castle print...such a cute subtle sparkle you have!
rolled some katamaris
sorry I still suck at it la. XD
Dipp is adorable, I wanna play him next time. XD
Somehow dozed off while aya rolled the racecar level
then we flopped onto the bed and rolled and were lumpy lumps of strawberry print
flipped through kera and glb and glp mags and all and took vaguely pr0ny looking pics cos see, once you put girls on beds and take photos everything just ends up looking vaguely pr0ny oh it's rather sad isn't it?
Then we stoned in front of the com and watched random JE vids and Princess Bride.... such lovely cheese from when the world was not as complicated but then again it was only the 80s. impression of the 80s and early nineties is that well they were pretty ugly so garish.
and then Adam road! for dinner and so much hawker fare. ate a fair bit of sheep and on second though kickapoo didn't go so well prolly should've had some tehpeng instead. i didn't know tehpeng wassupposed to come with froth.. zomg and murthabak!!!! muttonmuttonmutton. haha. and the achar ketchup thingy. oh wait kuro sez its murtabak. orh. XD
then walked to serene centre for someisland creamery
haha rarely go there, it's always either with aya or tsu or one of them
soursop tastes like squid sushi??
ah well. I want a cup of the potong ice cream flavour next time round
then went to the video store to try pick vids for christmas

bayside shakedown
giggolo wannabe
the other taiwan or hk? giggolo show
what else?
those plotbunny sounding korean shows
[we subbed in riku and sora among other things XD]

there will be pichars!
when I am more awake

sleepy sleepy
oh dear
ah it's been bugging me
someone explain the concept of tokimeki to me
sleepy sleepy sleepy

downloading so many mag scans
anna tsuchiya in szipper
btssb and aatp ads in cutie
how mind boggling
but not unthinkable, then again
is Baby trying to take over the world?

I wish earning money was was easy as earning ribbons on poupee~~~~~


i hope kurosagi shows in local cinemas

it's only 1:22!!


kuro's post makes so much more sense of today haha.

ah i want good fic
chocobo!cloud preening sephy wings is so good meep.
which reminds me
saw this really ghei fethery bag [among other ver ghei feathery bags] at m)phosis or whatever they're called
the feathers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so. sexy. the iridescence!
just how I imagine sephy wings in my head
and Draugr
Inky black with that lovely bottle green-blue-violet shimmer when the light hits
lol ciceqi's verses totally ate my brain
although I got a little lost with the basch and vahn and...yeah.

omg i want fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic.
like fluffy cute things.
News or FFAC or KH or Yami no Matsuei or HP or HPnext gen....
haha wait i rmb audy going on about something about an AU where Kame and Pi are working as h0es.. XD

lol feeling energized after talking about food and y!j fabric oogling with
sweetfm XD

omg i rly should slp XD

lolita, fangirl, fic

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