omg 48hours days where are joos?

Apr 05, 2007 00:18

way too little hours in days - wake up late go for dressmaking class/sew then it's work at fishfish then i bum around on the net.

Need an overhaul here.
Eat at home more and at regular times and more veg, fer fucks sake. a little constipated there. Which makes for a rather grumpy Sak, hmn. Whoopsie. Also. OhMaiGawdSHUKUDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIII. *dies* tmr morn i gotta draft a bodic at home, then I gotta do a mad scramble for the material, then Kadomay, then FishFish...Friday morn is free FOR SHUKUDAI then it's a mini sleepover at Aya's till Saturday 6-10shift at Fishfish. The next morning and afternoon is for shukudai-ing [that sounds like dying there, lol] and sewing because dammit, my spotlight ichigo set must come to pass so I can wear it on Monday ;_; *wobbles* And Sunday night I'm working. [everyday except Fridaypublic holiday------> more pay, but NUUUU. effing genius. *keels over*]

*deep breath*
Basically I have Thursday night night, Friday morning and Sunday morning for [alot] of shukudai.

Recap a little

AJ concert with Aya~
last minute wore my pink floral to kinda go with her green knit.
Saw Cyn and Kiwi and Sabrina and omg Sam [hobbit] joined AJ band! :o
Did Not Know.
Hermy was in the audience along with some random people from IJ so yayz! 8D
Ah and Mummy Chu was there!
Ah. didn't get to take a single photo. *sad*
Sak agrees with Aya on that the AJ band uniform isn't the nicest anyway XDDD *shot*
[black sharp suit, classy, but then the dumb satin tie in yellow or pink...kills...]

Dragged my stupid arse over to TP.
take the train+bus from tampines route and it takes 90 bloody minutes.
518 may be salvation.
I shall have to try, yus.
Took me the whole damn day and then there was work.

Woke up late and then
afternoon at Kadomay
Interrupted by a call
had to go for work at fishfish cuz of that
nice, but still. *annoyed*
wanted to walk round ppl's park and bugis street.
Made the butt bow for the candystripe! ^^
<333 desu~
I really like those buttons

Wednesday [today]
Bummed the day away with toroi-san in PS and Clarke Quay and Kinoooo.
Then work.
had a lovelyyyyy supper *-*


sewing, work, aya, kiwi, cyn, i suck

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