Chaotic neutral is called the "Anarchist" or "Free Spirit" alignment. A character of this alignment is an individualist who follows his or her own heart, shirks rules and traditions. They typically act out of self-interest, but do not specifically enjoy se...eing others suffer. Many adventurers are of this alignment. An unusual subset of chaotic neutral is "strongly chaotic neutral", describing a character who behaves chaotically to the point of appearing insane. Characters of this type may regularly change their appearance and attitudes for the sake of change, and intentionally disrupt organizations for the sole reason of disrupting a lawful construct. Captain Jack Sparrow is of the Chaotic Neutral alignment.
well, here's the story:
i was browsing through my FB profile when i saw one of my friend's results in taking this test called " ROLE PLAYING ALIGNMENT" , i was bored to death *as usual* so i decided to give it a try. The result is what i posted above. NEAT HUH?
let me just clear things up. First, the result really hit me. I mean everything that's written there is just exactly what i am. I am an individualist *selfish if put in the negative perspective* and i don't really mind being that way because that's where i'm most comfortable. I don't just meekly follow anyone i set my own rules and follow them, don't get me wrong though I may sound deviant but i'm not, well not really deviant in the extreme sense that is. I still follow laws etc but when it comes to other matters i follow my heart, my rules, my traditions, to hell with what others will say! Second, i do act out of self-interest, usually, most of the time keke... i know it's wrong but i only work when i know there will be some benefit for me in the end *as i've said guys i have the VIRTUE of selfishness*. well, that can't be helped i grew up alone *as in i didn't have siblings i could share my things with or parents i could tell everything to*, there's okachan but she wasn't really with me until just recently when she and my step-dad transferred here. anyway, most of my *growing up* years where spent with me, myself and i with a little splash of school friends here and there. Lastly, i love changing not just my appearance but anything that i can get my hands to changing. i get bored easily and i can't stay put in one place for a long period of time. I love seeing unusual things happen around me. I don't like going over the same routine everyday. i also love interrupting people *hehehehehe* my friends are witnesses to this. i don't really know it's just i love getting their attention, confusing them sometimes not really having the intention to annoy its just i love being random ..anyway i have to stop this it's getting pretty nonsensical nyahahaha..
there, another tidbit about me...
i just felt like sharing this now plus i suddenly had the urge to write so yeah..hope you enjoyed reading this ^___^m. v---v