Tales of Destiny: Screencap Adventure 01

Oct 26, 2010 20:50

There are Certain People who have become very impatient indeed for the start of my ToD: Screencap Adventure, so let's get the show on the road.

And so it begins.

For some reason, Namco decided that the sprite should be facing backwards when this screen opened up, so I had to wait for him to turn all the way around as he walked in place.

Anyway, I'm going to be keeping the default names, even if Stahn is kind of a ridiculous name.

We open up in this hallway, where we meet some nameless NPCs who aren't going to live
very long.

Oh, uh, spoilers.

I don't know which one of them is complaining, either.

Or which one of them is the Officer, but at least there's some way to distinguish them in the dialogue.

And then they wander a bit in the darkness, which I didn't bother screencapping because it would have been incomprehensible and boring.

Hey, do the spikes on that sprite look a bit familiar to you...?

Why, I do believe it's our hero. Is he already dead at the beginning of the game? Do I need to call the Will of the Macrocosm?

This will become a familiar scene.

There are some generic "hitting things" sound effects here. Stahn looks around and...

...falls back asleep. Oh the hilarity.

Spoilers: He doesn't get a whole lot more eloquent than this.

More hitting noises.

Not very well, I'm afraid.

Namco: k if we want an mysteerius hero we just maek him not talk rite

Officer doesn't give a shit; he just wants to go off-duty already so he can have a damn beer.

But it is his job, so he perseveres.

Stahn has decided to use up the game's quota of ellipsis in one go.

Thankfully, there's someone here trying to get the plot moving.

They drag Stahn out of the storeroom like so. I think the one sweating here is Officer, who is not nearly drunk enough to deal with this shit.

Back where the scene started, Crewman makes another attempt at waking up our hero.

Officer gets more and more impatient as he realizes just how much time this is taking away from drinking time.

It's really unfortunate that this game has no voice acting outside of the battles, because I'd love to hear someone take a crack at "grmblfzzz."

Officer introduces us to the Tales series' classic Angry Cloud(tm).

Our hero, ladies and gentlemen.

Crewman and Officer march Stahn down the hallway, with not just the Angry Cloud(tm) sprouting above Officer's head, but also the angry anime vein.

Eventually they reach this place. The route is a bit more circuitous than the screenshots imply.

Dude, chill. You're going to spill your tea.

Told you so. But that's okay, because Crewman (or Officer?) is there to clean up after the Captain.

"Who are you" is pretty easy as questions go, but it has Stahn stumped.

"Cap'n." Like Crunch?

Our intrepid hero wakes.


Damn it Stahn

Enough with the exclamation points, jeez. Don't knock over your tea again.

Stahn: Please don't let it be Monopoly -_-

Stahn: Wait I don't get it will you explain the rules again


Presumably, the screen has gone black to protect the players from violent sprites. :P

This scene is interspersed with more generic hitting things sound effects.

And then you hear Stahn's injured-in-battle voiced bits.

No, but I want now I want IT.

And then Stahn does his KO'd battle scream.



Wait, who's the guard? Did either the Crewman or the Officer morph into a Guard?

...Or possibly I missed taking a screenshot. That's also possible.

You'll get worse during the course of the game, trust me.

Stahn: Derp a derp?

It shouldn't be that hard to figure out, seeing as how that's what the Captain said and all.

Guard: Usually he only hits a little bit, and he always says he's sorry and buys me flowers after. ;_;

Even Stahn's not buying that one.


Okay, this bit isn't strictly necessary, but if you want to see what they're flying on...


...with a walkway on its back. :?

The guard's spidey sense is tingling. :O

Stahn: Fiiiiiiiiiine I gueeeeess so *DRAMATIC SIGH*

O_o That is not helpful.



It actually is a legitimate fear, but Stahn manages to make it sound pathetic.

The guard is doing this for the lulz, I think.

Definitely doing it for the lulz.

Between this and the "awright" and calling Stahn "lad" up above, I'm not sure if he's supposed to have some indeterminate accent, or if he just has a dorky sense of humor.


Those little action lines are pretty handy when there are so many identical sprites, huh.

What could IT be? :O

I thought the eyeball-pump-thing was kind of creepy, so I made a crappy animated gif so you can get the full experience.

An irritating alarm starts beeping.

Uh, Stahn, Guard has a question mark over his head, too. I'd guess he has no idea.

Guard: Uh, alarms mean something happened. So I guess something happened. :?

OH SHIT MONSTERS which are actually pretty easy. I think I could take 100 of them on my own, whether the crew helps or not. :P

Also, it's kind of hard to tell here, but the purple demon things are carrying the barbarian guys and dropping them onboard.

Okay, forget "grmblfzzz." I want to hear someone pronounce that.

The guard backs away from the bat thingies, but then...

Hard to see, but that's an axe.

Wait, you guys can talk? What happened to "Grrwarrggkkkkk"?

Stahn: Why are you so mean ;_;

...Maybe it's actually a hatchet, since he can throw it. I dunno.


See the top of the stairs?


Now you can watch the crew being chased around and around by monsters up there.


Sword in storeroom. Got it.

...Where was the storeroom again?

Oh, that's alright. I was going to explore everywhere anyway.

Thanks for pointing that out, hero.

No way, bathrooms in a video game? :O

Chill out, jeez. All you have to say is "there's someone in here."

Gels are healing items in Tales games.


In case you were wondering.

There's one of those wacky monsters again. And another corpse blocking a staircase; that's pretty strategic murder.

Stahn: :(

Stahn: :D

Pretty decent, considering it was free.

Stahn: What's a lock derp a derp

Moving some boxes?! :O What otherworldly strength does our hero possess?

Our first puzzle is a challenging one...

...but somehow I manage. And look, a corpse-free staircase!


Crewman: Witch-ay woman...

Any possible drama this scene might (MIGHT) have ever had is dulled by the monster cracking up back there.


Whatever happened to the guys on the bridge manning the battle stations and whatnot? Everyone we've seen so far has either been dead or crying.

And I took a screenshot of a door because...it's pretty. :?

Actually, I think it's because the room contains Important Things and also opens to pitch darkness.

And then the screen pans over to show...



:O :O :O

Wait, what's with the chains? Is the sword into BDSM or something?


Okay, overkill on the question marks.

Stahn: Shit, I hope it's not a boss or something, because I haven't been able to level up or find a save point or anything...

Dymlos! He's snarky and a bit grumpy, which works fairly well with Stahn's derpiness.

At least he doesn't waste any time doing the "Buh? Whuh? Who's there really?"

Dymlos: It's pretty simple. Pointy end goes into the other guy.

I still find it hard to believe believe that those monsters can talk.

...And yet I can accept the sword talking.

At last, the battle screen! Tales games are action RPGs, and the early games like Phantasia and Destiny (and Legendia, which regressed for some reason) take place on a 2D plane. The player character automatically runs at the enemies when you use a regular attack, of which there are three types differentiated by pressing the directional pad.

There's the slash, which doesn't require pressing a direction.

Pressing up when you hit the attack button will make Stahn stab upwards...

...and if he has a running start, he'll jump up in the air like so. This is especially helpful against flying enemies, which you'll see soon enough.

And finally, there's the stab attack, which is done by pressing down when you attack.

1 exp? Fuck that.

Gald is the Tales series' currency, and Lens will be explained later on.

Victory pose! The T1 means that Stahn recovered 1 TP, even though he didn't use any.

That is way too close to a Steve Urkel reference for comfort.

Haha, Dymlos doesn't even give a shit.

Dymlos: Thus the name. Fireball. Is this getting through at all?

PFF TUTORIALS WHAT TUTORIALS. I like this approach a lot more than the "STUDY EVERYTHING IN THE FIRST HOUR OF THE GAME AND THEN YOU GET TO PLAY" approach that more recent games take.

Dymlos: Enough exposition, there's a plot somewhere in here! Move it!

It takes a while for information to make it through all of Stahn's hair and into his head.


Succinct, to the point, and explains exactly nothing. Thanks, Dymlos.

Aside from the whole fighting/magic thing, Dymlos's primary job is to keep Stahn moving.

Except for when he feels like sharing backstory.


Stahn: Uh, I'm not judging or anything, but that's not really my thing...

Dymlos: ALSO I TOP

Stahn: O_o

Okay, sorry, I'm done.

Stahn: DERP :D

And here's what our new equipment screen looks like. See how Dymlos is listed as both Weapon and Swordian? That'll become more relevant later on.

And there's the spell Dymlos gave Stahn. I almost never use Stahn's spells, because it's a pain in the ass. I'll demonstrate.

If you want to use his spells, first you have to open up the menu, which pauses the battle. Then you select the Spells icon...

Then you select the character....

Then you select the spell...

Then you select the monster...

Then you wait for the spell to charge up...

Then FINALLY SOMETHING HAPPENS. Unless you get attacked while it's charging, in which case nothing happens.

Occasionally using spells like this can be helpful, but the skills Stahn gets in a bit are quicker to use and don't interrupt the flow of the battle as much. And later on, your party members will be able to cast spells automatically, which is much more helpful.

Oh, and then it explodes. So that's nice.

Since the first corpse we came across, Stahn has been spending his time searching his soul for something more poetic to say than "What a mess herp a derp."

And having come up with a decent line, Stahn decides he's going to stick with it for quite a while.

Yay treasure!

Here's what those items are, in case anyone wants to know. This item is for selling.

I would probably hoard these and never use them, except that in Tales games, you're only allowed to carry 15 of one item, and 15 Green Gels is often not enough for both dungeons and their subsequent bosses.

This item is also for selling.

YAY! Something I will actually use!

You use skills by pressing a different button than the normal attack button, and you can set new skills to whatever directional button suits you. The description for Missile Sword tells you nothing helpful, but it's a shockwave sort of attack that runs along the ground, so I set it to the down button.

And there it is. Skills are way quicker to use than spells, so they'll see a lot more use by me. This attack completely misses the Petit Devil, of course, but it's handy against anything on the ground.

Yeah, you're a poet, Stahn. Enough already.

But I still have to check all of the corpses in case they have *treasure!*

One defense point? >:( That's just teasing me with shitty items.

Stahn: HI ME :D

I love the detail the sprites in this game have, like seeing characters in the mirror as they walk by.

SHIT. I trapped myself. He didn't even have anything.

I didn't get a screencap of it on the menu, but Orange Gels restore TP.

Exploring the bridge is actually totally optional, but I did it because :D

Stahn: Derp?

It hasn't, don't worry. Anyway, if monsters got ahold of Dymlos, he'd just bitch at them until they tossed him in the ocean or something.

Stahn: Uh, are talking swords special or something?

Captain: The stupid! I can't take it!

Captain: (Maybe if I just play dead he'll go away.)

Anyway, none of the dead guys were carrying anything interesting, so I left.

Um, you can't really tell from the screencaps, but the monsters just killed that guy. If you hadn't guessed.

Anyway, one battle later...


Oh, right, he's our hero. *Sigh*

That's two death rattles (or death screams?) that the random NPC has gotten. I think that's enough.

Dymlos agrees with me.

*SIGH* Heroes.

That's redundant, but I'm glad somebody's pointing it out.

Stahn: ...Derp? :(

Stahn: *Sniffle*


Oh, so that's what the weird-looking thing is supposed to be.

...Except for the escape pod. Random monster is random; his weapon pings off of the pod and does nothing.

Even though I've played this game many times before, I always expect the escape pod to shoot forward and crush the monster.

But no, it just drops off to the back.

And does anyone else think that the escape pod looks like an egg? Which the dragon-shaped ship laid in mid-flight?


Stahn slowly crawls out of the water.

There's a pause here.

With no other options, Dymlos resorts to insults.

I like his style.

Oh, no! What has become of our intrepid hero? Has he really died in the first episode? Do we have to call in the Will of the Macrocosm? Will I keep reusing jokes in the span of one episode? Find out next time on Tales of Destiny: Screencap Adventure!

...except that I'm not actually done with you yet. I know a lot of screencap adventures post the soundtracks along with their games, but the music in the Tales series tends to be not terribly interesting, so I'm going to skip that. Instead, I have some assorted media that I'll be sharing with each entry.

First off, the ToD remake on the PS2 had an animated clip for Stahn's escape from the Draconis. It's not in the PS1 version that I'm playing, but it's kind of fun so here it is anyway.

image Click to view

I also have various character artwork of Stahn to share.

...And now I really am done with you.

content: screencaps, game: tales of destiny

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