Sakura Con is a 3-day-long anime convention that takes place every April in Seattle, WA. In 2004, it was the first anime convention I've ever attended.
Here's the official website. Zelos, from Tales of Symphonia.
Zelos (Tales of Symphonia) and me, cosplaying as Sheena from the same game.
Lina and Xellos, from The Slayers.
Sango, Inu Yasha. She blinked.
Sheik, Ocarina of Time.
A group from Star Ocean 3.
...I don't know.
I'd have to say that my favorite part of the con this year was probably the concert; it was a duet called angela, with a singer who I believe was named Akito and the guitarist, Katsu. They really played some great music - fun and upbeat, and very loud, which was fun. Afterwards, they were selling their CD at a great price - $10. Then, after a long wait in a hot, sweaty, crowded line, angela was signing CDs. It was great fun.
As for the AMV contest, there were some really great vids, but it was practically overflowing with drama videos. I would've loved more comedy. There were some great comedy vids anyway, though, like the Naruto vid set to "One Jump" from Aladdin, and a vid that managed to be fun even though it was almost completely focused on blowing plushies to smithereens ^_^
IMHO, the cosplay contest was much better than last year's. There was a pretty wide range of acts, too. A bachelor show hosted by Wolfwood, Kakashi using "Sexy Ninjutsu, and of course the hot boy-on-boy action (Encore after encore after encore...). There was also hot tentacle action (offstage, mind you...).