Tales of Phantasia, Part 1

Jan 19, 2008 22:26

I just recently started playing Tales of Phantasia for the first time, and I have to say, it’s a pretty good game. Standard RPG fare - hero swordsman country boy gets his hometown destroyed, finds out the mystical piece of jewelry his parents left him is the key to big magical thing of great importance, goes on journey with hot healer chick with long hair and a tendency to blush a lot. Still, fun, and I look forward to seeing Arche sometime soon.

Like I said, I’ve only just started; I just left the small town of Beladum, a quiet, peaceful little town with quiet, peaceful BGM in which it sounds like someone occasionally kills a chicken. (Is Link in town?) It’s populated with overly nice and helpful townsfolk who automatically believe in the goodwill of two total strangers who waltz into town and claim to be travelers from the future. It’s that kind of mentality that’s going to get the town torn to bits within the next century.

Anyway, I don’t have anything in particular to say, except for one small detail that bothered me: What the hell is up with the pictures Tornix has hanging around his house? Check it out:

...Is that a purple Sherlock Holmes? What the hell? Does Tornix have some crazy obsession with old detective stories? And why is he purple? A cursory glance at the character sprites shows that they had no problem creating a suitable skin pigment, so why would they decorate Tornix's home with purple Sherlock Holmeses?

Where did Tornix get so damn many paintings of a purple Holmes, anyway? Maybe they're the Velvet Elvis or Dogs Playing Poker of the ToP-verse; they just spawn randomly at garage sales, and no one knows where they came from. And Tornix has some bizare obsession with those things, because it's not like normal paintings aren't available. I saw a couple flower paintings around Belladum that seemed fairly normal. Granted, that was a hundred years in the past; maybe that was before the evolution of the purple Holmes.

content: screencaps, content: rant, game: tales of phantasia

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