Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Part 1

Feb 13, 2008 22:23

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is an infuriating anime. It was happy fun crack anime until you hit episode eight, in which (Z0MG SPOILARZ) they killed off the coolest damn character in the show. I was pissed. I threw things. I yelled. "What the hell, Gainax?!" I said. "What the fuck do you think you're going to do now?! Do you expect me to sit through nineteen episodes of whiny bitch boy becoming a man?!"
Well, I've watched up until episode twenty, so apparently I wasn't all that angry. But the tone certainly changed after that point - much more serious, much less crazy cracky z0mgwtf-ness. They also tossed in Nia, who did absolutely nothing to make me less pissed off over Kamina's death. Moe chick with irritating voice actress does not make up for the death of entertaining enthusiastic shirtless guy. Remember that, Gainax. Don't expect me to put up with this bullshit again.

However, they also introduced batshit!Simon at that point, which I found rather intriguing. Batshit near-suicidal angry kid is totally more interesting than oh-god-I-just-pissed-my-pants whiny brat. Plus, it wasn't too long after that that he stabbed a guy with his keychain drill thing, so I started liking Simon around that point.

Shortly after the keychain-stabbity-thing, we fast-forward seven years in order to allow society to develop a bit. Also...

My, my. Society's not the only thing that's been developing. Hello, Simon. Your character just got a lot more interesting.
On the other hand, Rossiu took seven years to become a total bitch. What the fuck, Rossiu. You were reasonably nice before! Even slighly cute, in a kiddish sort of way. Now you're a bitchface who digs up people who'd rather be underground, throws cuteboy Simon into jail for no reason, and leaves hundreds of thousands of people to die. You lose, Rossiu. You fail.

Anyway, while Simon is thrown into jail, he makes a new friend.

Oh, snap! Simon's about to become Viral's bitch.

Speaking of jail sexytimes, what did you think about that fight between Simon and Viral? If you're a straight guy or just someone with a naturally clean mind, go back and watch that scene. How many fangirls do you think were hoping those towels would slip? I'm gonna go ahead and guess every last fangirl on the planet.

How did they stay up? This is doubly puzzling when you consider that Viral seemed to favor kicking over punching. There was at least one point where I was sure that thing was about to flip up and/or fall off, but no such luck. Ah, well. C'est la vie.

content: rant, anime: tengen toppa gurren lagann

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