Title: Cat + Dog = Endless ♥
Genre: Comedy, Romance/Love, Drama (Whatever I think and feel xD)
Rating/s: GP
A/N : OK so here we go. :D Updating. ^^
Previous Chapter/s :
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 |
Chapter 3 Introduction: Love is always around right? As they say...
Love sometimes attracts to people, but what if love doesn't make a way? What if, love makes two people hate each other so much. Just for them to realize that they are meant for each other.
This story is full of funny moments, and chills of love for them.
Main -
Frances Nakajima
Keito Okamoto
Yuto Nakajima
Others -
Mrs. Nakajima
Mr. Nakajima
Mr. Okamoto
Hey!Say!JUMP members
Random people :P
Chapter 4
Get out of my head…
Shaolin walked in front of Frances.
Pulled a bit sleeve on her arms and she’s ready to fight.
“What do you want with her, eh?” Shaolin asked with sinister in her voice.
“Ah… Eh… I-I was just asking for forgive-“Keito stopped.
“He just slipped and I was in the bathroom too helping him out.” Frances snapped in the midst of the conversation of the two.
Shaolin and Keito looked at her.
Shaolin rolled her eyes as she heard a lie.
“Alright, let’s go down now.” Shaolin pulled the older one.
Keito was stunned at what Frances just did.
He doesn’t know the reason but he sure was surprised.
That was the first time he felt that Frances doesn’t hate him.
“What’s wrong with you? Why cover him?” The younger one stated with irritation.
“I don’t know. I think, because I know what you’ll do to him? I don’t know!” Frances replied.
Shaolin smiled at the girl and laughed.
As they reach downstairs. They saw Yuto and a beautiful girl talking with each other.
Frances and Shaolin looked at each other; they understand what the one wanted to do.
“Yuto, Asuka will be melted with your stunning gaze.” Frances teased.
“Looks like you two are having a good time. I won’t even say that Asuka neechan is blushing.” Shaolin added with grin.
Asuka gave a light tapping on both of her friends.
She pouted like a little girl who was caught eating a candy bar when she’s not told to.
Asuka looked away from Yuto and Yuto was like asking for the both of their time together.
“Why not go out with each other? I mean, you two are obviously in love.” Frances smiled while looking at her nails.
Asuka blushed even more.
She gave a pierced look to her friends.
The two laughed.
Yuto grabbed her sister’s hands and pull her.
He led the way outside the living room.
“I know I tickled you, but this is too much!” Yuto said in a low voice.
“Sorry, you two were just too sweet.” Frances said with her voice laughing.
Yuto blushed and smiled.
“So what’s up with you and Keito?” Yuto teased.
“Argh! Stop the crap out of me Yuto! I don’t like that joke.” Frances became irritated with the topic.
Yuto smiled and hugged her sister.
He was a caring and naughty brother, but he knows when to stop teasing her sister.
“Don’t worry sis. I know he won’t hurt you, I know he likes you and… You like him.” Yuto let go of the hug even before he was about to be spanked by his sister.
He gave out a tongue to his irritated sister and laughed all the way.
As he was laughing while he was walking he bumped his head on the wall.
He wasn’t looking at all.
“HAHAHAHA! Now, look at that! I might want to tell that thing to your soon-to-be-girlfriend!” Frances ran into the living room.
Yuto begged her to not do something like that.
He was perhaps a little bit, IDIOT.
As they walked in to the living room.
Mrs. Nakajima told them that she would be gone for 1 day. There was an emergency.
She asked Keito, Asuka, Kim and Shaolin to stay for 1 day or more.
Mrs. Nakajima called the Tokinobu, Nuki, and Ken residences. Keito said he was really going to have a sleep-over so no need to ask permission from his parents.
“You’re going to sleep here? No, just go home.” Frances’ raised her eyebrow.
“Whatever. You’re not the one I’ve been here for. Yuto is my friend.” He answered back when his cell phone rang.
Keito dropped the call and whispered something to Yuto.
Yuto came to his mother and whispered what Keito has whispered to him
Oh stop with the whispering already…
“Oh good then! You won’t be lonely.” Mrs. Nakajima happily said.
Mrs. Nakajima gets ready and left soon.
She kissed her kids and bid goodbye to the others.
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