Title: The Rich and The Poor
Genre: Comedy, Romance/Love, and Drama (Whatever I think and feel XD)
Rating/s: GP
Introduction: Ups and downs. Yes, it’s all about UPS and DOWNS. In the literal way. Rich and poor. That's what Chinen Yuuri and Dine Nakamura are to each other. They love each other but they are far beyond existence. That's what Dine's father actually said. Between the circumstances, can they fight for their love? Read the story to know about their funny moments, dramas, love and romance.
Main -
Dine Nakamura
Chinen Yuuri
Others -
Umika Kawashima
Hey! Say! JUMP members
Random people: P (I like to do this a lot when you don't give me definite characters. XD)
Chapter 5
Dine entered her father’s office. She put her hands on her waist and gave a curious look at her father.
“Oh, you’re already here.”
“Of course dad, you told them to pick me up remember?” Dine said smiling at his father as if it was in a teasing way.
His father looked away and hesitated to say something, but he started it.
“I want you to go to America. You’re gonna study there.” He started.
Dine’s jaw dropped in shock. She was too furious about what her father said. Adding another angered feeling when his father continued talking.
“And after you study, you’ll marry the son of Edogawa Company’s owner. His a good friend actually.”
It made Dine even angrier at the statement.
“No. No way! I won’t marry someone I don’t even know. And marry someone that I don’t even like. Don’t just go with your decisions dad. Stop this nonsense. Why are you so cruel?” Dine shouted with tears falling down.
Her father stopped and was shock at how her daughter reacted.
“Here’s your I.D.” A girl from the security office worded.
“Thanks.” Umika smiled as she left Nakamura’s Company.
“I told you, I won’t stop.” Umika added while she took off a wig from her head and started to take off her glasses as well.
Things went wrong, what will happen? I don’t know. WE don’t know, can Yuuri and Dine fight this event with all their love?
PS. Sorry for not updating for too long. :( I'm chooo busy, plus the laziness I have in my body. WOOHOO. It makes it all awful. :))