Nov 03, 2003 16:13
wow...i figured i should update this piece since everyone is wondering where i have been and why i havent updated in like 4
well....the first thing i want to say...and i know im going to get shit for it from certain that Scary Movie 3 was the DUMBEST MOViE seriously wasnt funny at all....a couple people were raving about this piece..saying that its so fucking hilarious and the best one yet....yeah uh NO!...not at all....i wasted like an hour and half of my life and $7 which i could have spent on the gas i used to get to the theater!! damn...i should have just gone and seen Alien - The Director's Cut instead. you know what....i would have rather sat through anything instead...even fucking Underworld!!....even House of the Dead.... hmmm...nah...maybe not.
yeah...thats about
oh wait!! and remind me to NEVER go see a movie where there are like 50 10 year god...i wanted to kill myself....they were laughing their asses off the entire time and pissing me off and talking...seriously....if i was like 13 again....i would have fought
yeah thats all...haha.