Title: Penumbra (Series Two, Fourth Chapter: Glazed)
saki101Characters/Pairings: John Watson/Sherlock Holmes, Bill Wiggins, James Moriarty, Mrs Hudson, OCs, Mummy Holmes, Mr Holmes, Charles Augustus Magnusson, Culverton Smith
Rating: Mature (for the series)
Genre: slash
Word Count: ~6.1K (for this chapter), 26.3K (for second series)
Disclaimer: Neither Sherlock nor Dark Shadows is mine and no money is being made.
A/N: A sequel to my gothic fusion of Sherlock and the universe of Dark Shadows (the television series), set about a year after the first series.
Chapter 4: Glazed
on AO3 Chapter 3: Hammam
on AO3Chapter 2: Alchemy
on AO3Chapter 1: Do You Dance?
on AO3Series One (all five chapters)
on A03 Excerpt: “Serious business, names. Not to be invoked lightly nor given away casually.” He’d gone back to watching in the glass over my head.
“So, no one but your parents knows who I am?”
“Oh, they know who you are, John. That’s why they’d like to know your names.”