Title: Dragon's Egg (Dragon's Egg: Part II)
saki101Genre: pre-slash
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~3.8K
Characters/Pairing: Illya/Napoleon
Disclaimer: Man from UNCLE is not mine and no money is being made.
elmey’s prompt was an
evocative photograph and a quote:
Every chance, every chance that I take
I take it on the road...
Also posted
on AO3.
Excerpt: “You incinerating something?” Napoleon called when he came into the living room still towelling his hair.
The door to the balcony was open, the spring breeze bringing a singed aroma with it.
“Not deliberately,” Illya replied.
Napoleon tightened the belt of his bathrobe and stepped quickly out into the leafy shade. There weren’t many things Illya did accidentally.