Title: Red
saki101Characters/Pairings: John Watson/Sherlock Holmes
Rating: G
Genre: slash
Word Count: ~1.3K
Disclaimer: Sherlock is not mine and no money is being made.
Summary: More about kittens. Also, cake.
A/N: I wrote a ficlet entitled
Milk a few months ago. Somehow there needed to be a sequel.
On AO3.
Red )
Comments 6
I love Sherlock saying 'Our dog...' And I thought he'd leave with a kitten, too *g*
I'm theorising, of course, that the dog was old enough to have been in the family when Sherlock was born, that he was Mycroft's first. I'm thinking that this would mean Mycroft may have been as traumatised when Redbeard died as Sherlock, but had to control it better because he was older. Possibly, that event was the origin of his philosophy that caring is not an advantage.
I think the kitten has to soften Mycroft up more. He's resisting those feline charms because caring isn't an advantage.
I don't think Mycroft would take the kitten on first view. It's in his nature to resist. But he'll sit in the same chair next time and softened up with a few more interested stares and more cake...
This is such a good domestic scene, both the busy surface and what's actually roiling underneath. I hope the kittens will continue to appear!
So pleased you thought he couldn't be won over in a single visit. Of course, that means we need at least one more sequel.
Plants, kittens...I'm not sure what might be next - tatting?
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