Title: Stone Mirror
Author: Saki101
Genre: slash
Rating: Somewhere between R & NC-17 (this section), NC-17 (overall)
Length: ~1400 words
Warning: AU, post The Reichenbach Fall
Disclaimer: I don't own BBC's Sherlock and no money is being made.
Author's notes: This is a continuation of the
Other Experiments Series which forms an AU frame
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There was a beauty in the unaired pilot that influenced my imagery. That scene with John looking up to find Sherlock on the rooftop, by the ornate Victorian chimney pots with the full moon and the moody, half-lit clouds behind him was a key image for me and the appreciation for Sherlock that shows on John's face when he sees Sherlock like that was another. I was sad that that didn't make it into the aired episode and essentially tried to put the wonder of it into my story.
If we took Sherlock's comment about John not being luminous himself, but a conductor of light, the stone mirror would be a perfect description for him and the moon does pull the tides and so on, so it has not insignificant effects. However, John is less passive than the moon. He is reacting to the moon's reflected starlight, nearby star, but still. (More on this sometime fairly soon because I will finally be getting John and Sherlock to Paris and there we will have lots of symbolism in the form of art exhibitions! This may be good or not. However, I have a challenge deadline in another fandom I have to meet first.)
I am partial to clever John. We are given him sensing that he should follow Sherlock in ASiP when everyone who knew him longer had given up, figured Sherlock'd show up again in his own good time. John realised Sherlock might need help and was able to act on it. (This is why I found John's reactions in much of s3 difficult to assimilate. I didn't think all his grief, and it would certainly have been profound, would have deadened that sensitivity to Sherlock's need.)
Sherlock and John's life style would certainly be challenged by the need to raise a child, however, it seemed something that needed to be touched upon. BBC!John could definitely have been attracted to the idea of it, but I think if someone hadn't specifically insinuated themselves into his life, his grief would still have been isolating him for the two years Sherlock was away. As you say, when John pursued that fantasy it didn't hold up long. It didn't hold up once Sherlock wasn't participating in it as he had been participating in the wedding planning.
My John had more support in staying attached to Sherlock's memory as well as that biological link that was being maintained without his being conscious of it. He also knew why Sherlock jumped fairly early on. (BBC!John still doesn't know this!) And he had the fright of almost losing Sherlock at the same time he found out he wasn't dead, so John's appreciation of Sherlock's life was heightened immediately. Possibly that is what the BBC!Sherlock's four-minute exile will have done for BBC!John.
I'll stop rambling now! Thank you for your insights!
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