MFU Fanfiction: The Rosebay Affair (Part III)

Apr 07, 2012 10:04

For the MFUWSS 2012 Easter Egg Challenge, ashley_pitt requested a slashy Easter Egg with flowers and sunshine as the prompts. Her prompts inspired me to write an Egg-size (more or less) continuation of a story I wrote a while back which has a flowering plant as one of the characters. (The first parts were also posted at MFUWSS here.)

Also posted on MFUWSS.

Title: The Rosebay Affair - Part III
Author: saki101
Fandom: Man from UNCLE
Pairing: Illya/Napoleon
Genre: Slash
Rating: R
Disclaimer: The usual, because MFU is not mine and no money is being made.

The Rosebay Affair - Part III

Napoleon opened the door to the lab quietly and limped over to where Illya was perched on a lab stool jotting down notes. Illya smelled Napoleon’s cologne. “How was the physical therapy session?” Illya inquired without looking up.

“I think there are THRUSH moles working in Medical,” Napoleon replied, pulling a stool out for himself.

“That bad?” Illya asked, turning with a small smile towards Napoleon.

“I always feel better before I go,” Napoleon answered. “How are your fingers?”

Illya waved the splints on three of the fingers of his left hand. “Fairly good. They think another week should do it.”

“Three weeks for me,” Napoleon sighed. “If they stopped their torture sessions, I would be fine in half the time.”

“So Mr Waverly isn’t sending you on a mission alone?” Illya probed, watching Napoleon.

“No, he wanted my opinion on who to ‘borrow’ until we’re off medical leave.”

“So who will be joining us?”

“Jorge from Rio and Jean-Pierre from Quebec,” Napoleon replied. “They’re due here tomorrow morning and they're scheduled to leave for Colorado before noon with Mark and April.”

“The dam again,” Illya surmised as he poured water from a beaker into several petri dishes arranged in a semi-circle around the small plant at the end of the lab table.

Napoleon tilted his head and sighed. “Our friend’s doing all right down here without any sunshine,“ Napoleon observed. “It’s got flowers.“ Napoleon glanced around the lab, at the door to the adjoining laboratory. “Everyone gone?”

Illya nodded and added some granules to the water. Napoleon reached around Illya and simultaneously hit two buttons under the lab table. The doors locked with a loud click. Metal shutters rolled down over the windows to the next lab.

“We’re supposed to lock up after we’re outside,” Illya observed as he wiped his hands on his lab coat.

“Depends on who we’re trying to keep out and who we’re trying to keep in,” Napoleon said softly.

“And who are you trying to keep where, Napoleon?” Illya asked, snapping the container of fertiliser closed and making a quick entry in his notebook.

“I’m trying to keep you here with me and everyone else away,” Napoleon replied, laying his hands on Illya’s shoulders and letting them slide down his arms.

“It’s after six, Napoleon, we could just go home,” Illya said.

Napoleon stepped closer, leaning over Illya’s shoulder. “April and Mark are due back from Ottawa by seven and I need to stay and debrief them,” he explained. “You’re keeping notes on the plant?”

“Only for a couple days while Sawada’s away. He’s been monitoring it all winter in case it was part of the THRUSH experiments in Trinidad. He thinks it grows faster when I’m nearby,” Illya added.

Napoleon raised an eyebrow, noted the thread-like roots snaking across the table and ending in each dish of water, the small machine with several dials humming by the plant.

Illya glanced at the flowers and shrugged. “It only had a couple small buds when I came in this morning.”

Napoleon slipped one arm beneath Illya’s arm, placed his palm on Illya’s abdomen and pressed them firmly together. “You have that effect on me, too,“ Napoleon said, closing his eyes and listening to Illya’s breathing as his hand circled lower.

“That urgent, is it?” Illya teased before Napoleon’s fingers dipped beneath his waistband and Illya drew in a quick breath.

“Yes,” Napoleon whispered, his lips brushing past Illya’s ear and cheek, seemingly unsure of where to settle. As though they were dancing, Napoleon turned Illya around, guided him backwards until he was pinned against the wall. Napoleon shifted his weight against Illya, rested his cheek against Illya‘s hair. “Can you feel how urgent?” he murmured.

Illya rolled his hips, noted Napoleon’s gasp. “Yes,” Illya replied, his smile audible as he turned his face towards Napoleon and curved his arm around Napoleon‘s hips. Illya slid his other hand up into Napoleon’s hair and brought their open lips together.

Napoleon approached lovemaking like a virtuoso, a master of beautiful movements practised to perfection. Sometimes Illya liked to take Napoleon off score, light a short fuse and feel him explode.


Illya’s head was thrown back against the wall, his breath harsh as Napoleon’s lips drew blood to the surface along his neck. Napoleon steadied himself with a palm against the wall by Illya’s head. His other hand was between them, moving to a rhythm unstudied and primal, every stroke keeping time to the sounds Illya was making low in his throat. Napoleon stretched up onto his toes and Illya gasped, tensed the leg hooked around Napoleon’s waist, tightened his grip on the edge of the lab table until his knuckles were white. Napoleon’s hand stilled, but he continued to rise on his toes and fall back until he muffled his groan against Illya‘s shoulder. The tension eased out of him and Napoleon flung his arm out to keep from dropping all his weight against Illya, his hand slapping wetly against the wall.


“The debriefing shouldn’t take long,” Napoleon said as they waited for the elevator. His eyes lingered on Illya's profile.

“I can probably finish my last report,” Illya replied as the elevator doors opened and they stepped inside. “I’m not doing yours,” Illya added, turning to look at Napoleon as the doors began to shut. Napoleon lifted his gaze from Illya's mouth. The corners of Illya's lips twitched. The doors closed.


In the violet light of the laboratory, the meters on the small machine whirred. The plant watched a cloudy drop roll slowly down the wall. It pressed its petals against the cool surface and waited.


slash, the rosebay affair, easter egg, fanfiction, ik/ns, mfu fanfic

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