Title: Chimera
Author: Saki101
Genre: slash
Rating: PG-13
Length: ~1300 words
Warning: Spoilers for The Hounds of Baskerville.
Disclaimer: I don't own BBC's Sherlock and no money is being made.
Author's notes: This is a sequel to
Unwritten Notes.
(Also posted on
sherlockbbc and
Earlier parts of the Experiments
Read more... )
Oh, how lovely. You've written more!
I love what you've done with the idea of the experiment and the cage - beautiful. And your description of the tangerine, the way Sherlock divides it, the spray of the juice... I swear I could smell it *g*
I'm so glad you're still writing them, and thank you for sharing.
Going inside the cage was brilliant use of the resources to hand on John's part, but the symbolism screamed at me every time I watched it.
I suppose what I've written altogether is still far shorter than one of my typical MFU stories, so maybe that's my excuse, it's a longer story coming to light in small fragments!
Thank you again!!!♥
it's a longer story coming to light in small fragments!
LOL - I hadn't thought of it that way, but yes! Lots of tiny exquisite details and perfect moments that you're weaving together... the way music is written, when you hear a little at a time before you finally appreciate the piece as a whole.
Oops, I appear to have the rambles *g* Too much veggie soup on a lazy Sunday makes me yappy *hg*
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