After scoring 102% on my Econ midterm, I began questioning why I ever decided to major in Biology in the first place. It's a rare day that I will score above 90% on anything in any of my science courses let alone get everything on a 7 page short answer exam (plus the extra credit) correct. This is a 300 level econ course too! If I had chosen wisely, I wouldn't be in the danger zone right now. And I wouldn't have everyone threatening my position in med school either. I wouldn't be the stupid bio major but rather an econ major who was also knowledgeable enough in the sciences to get into med school. Oh, respect...
So, I spent a great deal of time lamenting my poor decision. Then today's homeostasis class reminded me just how amazing biology is.
So why would an organ like the liver be important? Let's simplify our system a bit. What do you guys know about bananas? That they're high in potassium, right? Let's say you eat a banana. What would that do to your body? Increase the potassium level. Right. Now let's think about the heart. What would that banana do to your heart? It will increase the potassium in the plasma, effectively depolarizing the cells of your heart. To compensate, your heart will start beating faster leading to an increased heart rate. If there is enough potassium to completely eliminate the action potential, your heart will stop beating and you will die. All because of a banana.
How can you not love this stuff?
Somehow I managed to convince myself that I didn't need to buy All About DBSK season 2 DVD set (even though it comes with an amazing poster and all five dvd's have english subtitles, including the "couple talk" sessions). My roommate helped me decided that the money would be better spent on video games and such that could be enjoyed by everyone in the house. Now, let's see what me and my selflessness are missing out on:
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Why am I so stupid?