
Jan 11, 2010 23:11

Using a university gym means that I haven't had to be bombarded by resolutioners until today which is the official first day for every other college on this campus, both graduate and undergraduate. Now I'm forced to watch and wait for skimply clad girls slowly attempting to work machines improperly. I'm not trying to be a prude but if you have side boob flying around and an audience gathering behind you while your flailing on the elliptical, you don't have enough support.

Luckily, since the charges for the facilities are just built into our fees and not specifically stated, there isn't as strong an incentive to continue as those paying for a gym membership elsewhere so this craziness should die down within 1-2 weeks. But for those of you resolved to get fit and are thinking of getting a gym membership (perhaps to my gym as they allow non-faculty and students to pay for membership), I say hold off for a few weeks for several reasons:
  1. It would make me happy. I'm all about people trying to get healthy but I'm also against others wasting my time (I'm very apt in this area thank you very much).
  2. Waiting for machines and being scruitinized by regular gym goers is not a fun way to start a workout routine. If my workout time is being doubled from having to wait, yours will probably as well. So soon you'll feel like it takes too much of your time and you will stop working out all together. And nobody likes a crowded, smelly locker room whether as a start to their day or at the end of a long working day.
  3. There are fun free alternatives. People think that if they pay for membership that will force them to hit the gym but that's not true at all. I no several people that just pay their monthly gym bill and never step foot near the building. If you don't enjoy it, you're not going to do it and that's the truth. Not everyone's a gym rat. Walk through a park. Bike against the wind along the lake. It's not ideal weather out but being active will sure keep you warm. If you need something more structured there are some great resources online. Google/Youtube it. My favorite:

    image Click to view

    Belly dancing with Neena and Veena (hee...)! It's fun and equipment free and it'll kick your butt. I don't like workouts suggested by magazines precisely because a lot of them require you to go out and buy equipment. I don't have room for all that crap to be lying around.
So in a long winded way all I'm trying to say is that I'm being inconvenienced for the next week or so and will have to change my normal workout routine. I'm annoyed by it. That is all.


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