Title: Lights Are Blinding My Eyes
Characters: Justin, mainly
Timeframe: post-513/fantasy future
Genre: fantasy, drama, major character death(!)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Fic #39/50 for my fanfic50
table | Prompt: 045. God
A/N: Maaaan, I don’t know how this drabble came about. :{ Well, actually, I do. I put on an old mix-CD while cooking and The Streets’ Blinded By The Lights came on and this scene appeared in my head and wouldn’t leave. Title from the lyrics.
Lights Are Blinding My Eyes
by sakesushimaki
In a world where nothing makes sense anymore, Justin will break.
Death. Ruin. Giving up. Giving in.
In a city where the air burns of ash and cries, he will go out and walk the streets.
Cracks. Noise. People pushing. Headlights passing through him.
In a body where the pain never ends, Justin will go numb with hurt.
Honking. Tires screeching. Blinding lights.
In an atmosphere where the dark never leaves, he will seek the end in the brightness.
Loss. Love. Reunited on the other side.
In a time when living has become worthless, Justin will start trusting in God.