rinmonsterer: (rephrased) go occupy yourself while I finish your present.
Sake: k! i'll go look if I got any b-day wishes on LJ!
Rin: (later, still working on the present) how're the LJ wishes?
Sake: :D i didn't get a single one
Rin: D: dude, did you know i never got any notification of your bday? did you change your bday date or smth?
Sake: when did my f-
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I love needy birthday, girls!
*gives you birthday gropes*
Um, is your date right now? Never too soon to plan for next year!
The date on my profile should be the right one. It was always the right one, for the record, I just had my settings to show year only or something. That must've been it.
Thanks again! *squishes*
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