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Kick back and enjoy what I offer you: Teflon!Brian, Light-Seeing!Emmett and Rock star!Michael.
Episode 1x14
(1) Fries-plural, The Long Road & Pasta In Bed
We start off with Brian having to face the reality of his actions (and of Kip’s asshatery) when his boss, Marty Ryder, announces Brian’s suspension. Michael and Ted are lending their support at lunch and Brian downplays the situation. He’s invincible, after all, right?
Brian remarks how the portions “shrink by approximately one third when Debbie’s not working” and that he “ordered fries, plural.”
The scene turns out to focus on Ted however, who is bemoaning his loss of Emmett, and Mikey and Brian try to cheer him up.
Side Note: Brian eats fries. Brian orders them even. Did everybody get that? I repeat, Brian orders fries at the diner-and it doesn’t look like it’s a big deal whatsoever. Isn’t it amazing how many wrong fanon things we’re discovering during this rerun? :D (Don’t feel bad, I tend to go for the Brian-doesn’t-eat-anything-with-more-than-50-calories theory as well.)
Okay, moving on.
Emmett is getting more cozy with his new church group and that obnoxious group leader asks for a punch in the face once again, if you ask me.
Em and Heather find compatibilities seeing as they both want to see the light pretty badly (Hit that switch, why don’t you?) and want to be a success story.
Mikey and the doc are having pasta-sex when Ted calls with the news of Brian freaking out about his job situation, after all.
David turns on the bitchy at the prospect of the phone call having something to do with Mr. Kinney and delivers a line I have issues with. He says: “Promise me you won't get involved in his [Brians] problems.”
Uhm, yello? If someone told me not to bother with my BFF’s problems, I’d punch their face in!
Now, we know that David is scared of the ten kinds of dysfunctionality the Brian-Mikey train is, but even if they had a perfectly healthy BFF relationship, getting involved in the other’s problems would be considered perfectly normal, right?
(2) The Fuck-Defence, The Hustle & Normal People
Brian goes to Melanie for legal advice, which is kind of amazing. I honestly love the arrangement of this scene and also how they seem to almost get along nicely during that whole sexual harassment suit arc. Too bad that doesn’t stick for all too long.
Melanie’s comment on Brian’s being still better off than any person of color or any woman is a brutal reality reference, but well played.
Vic and Deb recall the days of their youth to the radio playing Do The Hustle while little Justin is doing his homework and feeling disturbed. Well, if he needs peace and quiet, why not do the homework up in his room, duh? (Oh, Michael and I agree on that one. Look at that.)
Enter Michael, and I might be imagining that, but I think it’s the only time I remember Debbie ever calling her son Mikey. Have there been other occasions where she calls him that throughout the series? If so, tell me, por favor?
Deb and Vic react awfully unimpressed and apathetic at the news of Brian’s sexual harassment suit. Their basic opinion seems to be along the lines of “he had it coming”. Which, well, is somewhat understandable, but really? That’s all you have got to say? Gee, thanks a lot, mishpocha.
Michael tells his second half a white lie over the phone in order to spend the night with Brian. While Justin is listening, might I add, an act that I personally find discrediting. He doesn’t care that Justin is there to witness his antics, obviously due to thinking of Justin as no threat whatsoever. It’s undoubtedly true that he need not fear anything from Justin, still, I’d feel awkward being put in Justin’s position. Wouldn’t you?
Ted and Melanie are spending an evening together as we see them coming out of the movies. The theater is named Paradise Cinema by the way, which sends a bolt of reference through my synapses and makes me want to cry because of thinking of the movie Cinema Paradiso.
They run into Emmett and Heather who are test-driving their hetero dating skills. Heather proposes a double date, being under the impression “that maybe you [Ted and Mel] were normal.”
Melanie has a go at trying to set Emmett straight in her own charming ways, resulting in an awesome verbal slap.
(3) Pig-outs, Flu-Cough-Fever-Things & Pains In The Ass
Brian and Michael are having a junk food fest to go with Brian’s new gloominess.
And ladies, here’s the consolation price for all of us who can’t fly to see Gale singing in Orpheus: See him singing Just Because You Love Me as Brian!
Anyway, as Mikey and Brian play rock stars at Woody’s, of course David shows up. He has found out about Michael’s betrayal and walks right in as they kiss.
By the way, does anyone know what that song is that starts playing at the end of the food orgy scene? It sounds like Brian and Michael are singing already, but it’s definitely not the Just Because You Love Me song from later on. All I understand is “I’ve got a heart made out of Christmas rolls”? Ha ha, yeah, didn’t think that made sense.
The morning after isn’t so awesome for rock star!Brian anymore as he’s majorly hungover. Justin tries to help via administering home-made cure shakes. Mel flees the loft as Lindsay shows up, who gladly accepts money from Brian who is in the middle of a law-suit and very possibly out of a job. Oookay.
David confronts Michael about the night before and Debbie promptly slaps him verbally at Woody’s later on. The way everybody shoves Michael at David is bound to take adverse turns.
I find it amusing how Justin is-apart from the end-the textbook definition of a sidekick in this episode. He only offers a comment or two in every scene he’s in. But oh, then Kip Thomas walks into Woody’s and Justin sniffs his chance at saving the honor of his princess.
Also, how hilarious is it that Kip differentiates that much between work hair and going-out hair? This reminds me of one of my high school classmates who emphatically explained that she can’t go out before stopping by at home since she was still wearing her school hairdo.
Anyway, Justin goes to hit on wild hair!Kip and it’s lame-oso, but well, in the end it gets him where it should.
Brian visits Dr. Chiropractor and explains how by setting such rules as to not let Mikey see him, he’s only making things worse. And he is right. Can I assume we all agree on that?
I’m wondering why exactly Brian came to see David, though. Is his motivation to rub things into David’s face and mark his territory or is he really giving well-meant advice (wrapped in sarcastic commentary and reference to David as a medical issue, namely “this pain in my ass”)?
Can I also assume that we all approve of Brian’s black jacket-shirt-jeans combo? Good.
(4) Beliefs, Blasphemy & Bed Stories
Heather and Emmett are making progress! You know, that kind of progress that gives Heather “a queasiness in her stomach” and Emmett ”a numb tingly sensation” resulting from his legs having fallen asleep.
Methods to get over their sexual orientation that has been determined since before they were 6 years old predicament evolve, and their make-out session seems to work now that Heather is imagining a woman and Emmett a man. Sounds right, doesn’t it?
The guy Emmett imagines to kiss looks like some frog prince right out of The Bold and The Beautiful and the imaginary woman in Heather’s head looks like the lost sister of the Brady Bunch. I like that.
Justin convinces Kip to want him through his awesome frenching technique and badmouthing Brian, omg! Blasphemy! :D
Justin ends up going home with Kip who declares him a “hot little fucker”, something we can confirm.
What am I seeing? Is that a small, badly covered tattoo on Justin-Randy’s upper arm? Whatwhat?
Anyway, Justin and his tighty whiteys are getting cocky and for once, Craig’s psychoness is good for something as it works in favor of threatening Kip.
Sex has never looked as unsexy as it does the Emmett/Heather way. If it weren’t so tragic, it’d be really funny. The god-devout intercourse takes place on classy tiger-print sheets. After, we get a glimpse of Emmett’s (Peter Page’s, really) amazing body. Heather’s isn’t bad either.
The awkwardness as they lie there discussing the just completed union is almost cute.
(5) Teflon, God’s Image & That Gay Thumpa-Thump
Brian and Melanie are gearing up for the hearing and waiting at Ryder’s conference room, when the boss himself drops in and announces Brian having to get back to work since Liberty Air was going nationwide with his campaign. The suit has been dropped, as it turns out. (Thanks to one hot little fucker.)
Melanie: “What are you, Mr. Teflon? Shit just never sticks to you.”
Ted and Michael visit Emmett at his See The Light group to give an amazingly corny speech to say goodbye.
When Teddy breaks off that speech about how God created everything in his image, I bite my lip. It is sweet and heartfelt, but when he reaches the “every tear” part, it’s just too much.
Once again I want to hurt obnoxious group leader guy.
Em and Heather have a silent heart-to-heart and it’s tangible that something profound is happening between them. About time.
Michael and David reconcile and dance in the living room, period.
Mel is hung up on Lindsay, Ted is hung up on Emmett and they share their solitude during a night out at Babylon.
Justin and Brian are dancing and we learn that “tomorrow” is gonna be Justin’s 18th birthday. Brian helpfully points out that Justin lost his shirt and Justin nobly decides not to mention how he heroically saved Brian from losing his. Oh, how I used to wish Brian would find out. At least we’ve got 4 million fics that soothe that particular boo-boo.
Emmett glamorously returns to Babylon and his queer life and thereby concludes the “See the Light” arc. Meta thoughts on that: I actually quite enjoy the storyline, but I have problems with how it all started. Emmett comes off weak to fall for that crap in the first place, I think, which does not correspond with my image of him. Any thoughts on this?
Please add your comments, thoughts, whatever you feel like saying. Just a line to let me know you’re reading these recaps and are not bored out of your mind while doing so will make me happy, as well. :]
ETA: I just realized how many icons from this episode I have (made). Find them (and a bunch of others that are not from 114) in
this post.