Oct 17, 2009 16:48
[1] America, I need your help.
I has a fic research-related question regarding US-American politics. :x In detail, I'd like to know whether it is common to have a person from the opposing party act as vice mayor? Say, the elected mayor is a Democrat, is his proxy typically from the Republican fort? Does the city council have to be "mixed" to a certain degree?
'm sorry, but I don't feel like plowing through the cyberspace for the info today.
[2] Work for a good cause. <3
Oh, and, the fic I'm doing the research for? I'd also need a beta for that one. Heh.
I expect to have it finished ~tomorrow and was wondering if any of you awesome English-skilled people could spare a bit of time to read through a ~2,500 words by moi?
Specifications: QaF B/J (duh.), end-of-S3 AU, R-ish, nothing dramatic.
blah & miscellaneous,
help! damsel in distress,
qaffy things,
things that make me look stupid