Jul 03, 2013 19:24
I'm soooo busy these days (almost entire week, I guess!) that I forgot that it was a birthday of a special boy yesterday...
So when finally I can use free wi-fi to access internet (days barely without internet! I'm awesome cz I survived =__=v) I went crazy when I found out it was the day!! I went, "O MY GOD, IT IS HIS BIRTHDAY!! IT IS HIS BIRTHDAY!!! HE'S 34 OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!" for about 12 minutes. Well, you can imagine how my co-workers looks at me. That kind of "Are you okay, Sake, ,?" and gave me worried looks. I even gave hugs to my random friend while saying, "Oh my God, you're 34 now Ken-chan. . Hahahaha, you're 34! Who can believe that XD" and my friend said, "I'm 19!" while glaring at me (even though we both know she's older than me xD)
To all my co-workers that day, summasen deshita m(_ _)m
So Yes, Otanjoubi omedetou Ken-chan~. . . ^^
Even when I remember how old you are now comparing to my age I'm not sure I can call you Ken-"chan"~, but you'll always be our ken-chan ne, , ^^