Blasted Japan and their games...
Samurai Shodown Edge of Destiny: Like the dark look but gameplay looks a little choppy. A little too much like Tekken where it's a way too easy to air juggle. I was kinda hoping they were going to be like KOF: Maximum Impact -where characters keep their old moves the same- but oh well. I'll still probably play it and love it for it's quirks. Especially since the new characters don't look too bad for this one. Speaking of Tekken and newbies...
Tekken 6: Renders look nice and lovely. Probably won't be much different as far as gameplay goes since Tekken 4 seemed to "kill" any other chance for innovation in this series. I'm digging evil Jin and the new characters (yes, even Bob!) because it's a nice change of pace. I'm just hoping Zafina isn't a complete magi lady in her fighting style. As for its expansion, I'd say I'm not really gungho for it. Mainly because Alisa and Lars look a little lame.
Street Fighter IV: Was thoroughly impressed by the teaser, turned off by the trailers, but slowly being sucked in again from what I've seen online. I must admit; the whole "before SFII" was what made me really go meh (what was Alpha for then?). I don't really give a crap about Gouken appearing but I would like to use Cammy again. Haven't played it yet but will definitely want to try it.
Blazblue: So what if it looks like a Guilty Gear clone? It's got some nice things going for it like Tiger (Tigger?). He looks like a Potemkin clone but I do like those type of characters. Also looking forward to trying the guy who fights with the giant nail.
Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Yes, please. Tatsunoko for the win! I'll like it even more if Hayate or Strider make an appearance for the Capcom side.
King of Fighters XII: I'm trying to not get hyped up for this -since I don't want to ruin the experience when I play it- but I do like the artstyle and animations. And old-school gameplay to me is much nicer than the combo-switching-freaks-galore that was KOF XI. It seems unlikely thinking about it now but I'm really hoping Clark or Maxima comes back for this one. I don't want Goro and Raiden to be the only grappling characters. @_@
Battle Fantasia: Looks adorable and something I'd like to play. But I have to say that it: this title looks like bait for other girl players to get sucked into fighting games. I mean, really. Castlevania Judgment: I don't know about this one. The concept's neat but I have a feeling that it won't be the greatest one out there. How are fighting games on the Wii anyway? I don't really count Smash Brothers so please don't use that as an example.
Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe: Urgh, no thank you. The last decent Mortal Kombat was years ago and even then, it was more for its gimmicks. This game looks way too serious for my tastes. Plus, the ladies in this game look really weird and too much on the manly side. Poor, poor Wonder Woman and Cat Woman. D: