Mar 31, 2005 20:09 wasnt too bad. i had to go to school, but i decided to go in my pj's cause i didnt feel like dressing up. then tyler picked me up from school and we went to chick-fil-a and wal-mart (he wore his pj's to, totally not planned) well when we were at wal-mart tyler had left his head lights on so his battery on so the battery died. it was kinda funny...tyler your so cute when your mad. my mom came and helped us out so its all good. then me and my mom and carrie had to go to the church for an hour, then we met tyler at a mexican resturaunt and ate and my mom flipped out cause they stopped serving lunch at was halrious cause she was in a bad mood just because of that. i swear that woman is gunna make me go crazy.
i have so much stuff to get done. i have to finish my school work tonight and get all my chores done so i can leave tommorow and spend some time with tyler before he goes to ATL. so wish me life is not getting easier.