Cure 2005年5月 [苺69]

Dec 28, 2006 02:54

The theme of this interview with 苺69 is 「出会い」と「別れ」- meeting and parting. It's very cute (^^)b If anyone is interested in the Japanese original, just let me know!

Let’s make memories of the bittersweet spring ☆
Vocalist: Io
Guitarist: Yuina☆
Bassist: Ren -ren-
Drummer: Sora

In the center of Nagoya, Ichigo69, who is in the middle of activity, spreading out more and more, at last this spring has decided to do their first Tokyo tour! Furthermore, they will consecutively release the two titles “mizuiro sasupendaa to ichigo mizu” on March 26 and “AM 11:00 koi dorobou owari kaihouku” on April 15. Don’t look away from them - they have the driving force of a wave! Let’s make lots of spring memories with Ichigo69 ♪

―Talking about spring, it’s definitely the season for meeting and parting. Do you have any memories?
Io Before that, should I talk like I’m covering a news story? Yuina☆ and my meeting, that is. I was invited into this band by Yuina☆. We met then through a common acquaintance; I asked him “Will you give Yuina☆ my phone number?” and he said “Ok~!” and gave him the number. So it wasn’t completely through the acquaintance we met. But, one week and then one month passed, and I hadn’t heard from him at all (laughs).
―It wasn’t that lonely, was it? (laughs)
Io Did I think that? (laughs) Then, I got tired of waiting and called him (looks at Yuina☆).
―To be frank, that gave you a bad impression, right? (laughs)
Io Yup. (laughs) I was also thinking “what’s with this guy?”, but since I wanted to see what a band was like, I went and did that.
― Yuina☆, why did you leave him alone?
Yuina☆ I wanted also to make a new band, and I had to look for members. But in crucial moments, I’m really shy...It’s a side of myself I’ve rejected.
― Yuina☆, you’re being shy is completely unexpected. (laughs) How about Sora?
Sora With me, too, Yuina☆ made an impact when we met.
―How did you meet?
Sora We met for the first time after a live. Generally, you return home after removing makeup and changing clothes, right? Well, Yuina☆ went and returned home on the train in full makeup and costume!
Yuina☆ Ah, that’s right! That costume was my personality! It was for a session!
―What!? Were the people around you surprised too?
Yuina☆ Well, I’m not the type of person to be worried about that!
―When seeing him like that, what did you think?
Sora Of course, Yuina☆ is so coo~l. (laughs)
―What about Ren?
Ren Well, there wasn’t anything in particular about me…
Yuina☆ The first time Io and I met Ren, we were surprised. “Can a person this slim and cool really exist?” we felt. (laughs)
Io “He’s such a tall and slim man” we thought.
Yuina☆ I felt that if I were the opposite gender, I would doubtlessly fall in love ☆
―Did you think “hey, hug him!”? (laughs)
Yuina☆ Yes, of course! (laughs)
―Well, do you have any memories of “parting”? For example, a broken heart or something.
Yuina☆ The one with the best story of a love relationship is Ren.
Ren What!?
Io Your cell phone was constantly ringing~. (laughs)
Ren It was not ringing~ (bitter smile)
―Was she sexy, Ren?
Ren That’s a made-up story! (laughs)
Yuina☆ (in a story-telling voice) Didn’t you think she was nice, Ren? (laughs)
―Let’s hear about it, Ren! When was your first broken heart?
Ren Why that kind of question? Is it alright to talk casually? [stop using the polite forms and go to plain form]
Yuina☆ Yes. [talks in plain form]
Ren Okay. Rather than parting, this is a story of the first time I confessed and was rejected.
―Really, when did the story take place?
Ren The first year of high school (blush) Oh, this is a bad story
Yuina☆ But, a memory of “the first~” remains, right?
―What kind of memory is it?
Yuina☆ The day of the middle school graduation ceremony, snow was falling. That day, as a couple for the first time, we went to school together for the first time early in the morning...
―You’re a romantic, aren’t you?
Yuina☆ I have a wonderful memory like that. (laughs) Even now I can clearly remember it. Even now I can’t forget it. In high school we grew apart, and it wasn’t as spontaneous anymore.
Io But it was good still.
Ren Yes, I’m jealous! Especially since I wasn’t able to attend the graduation ceremony.
―Really? Why couldn’t you attend?
Ren Although I went to school everyday and had the prize for perfect attendance, the day before the graduation ceremony I had an took half a year to recover. Moreover, on the very day of the graduation ceremony I had an operation. (laughs)
―That must have hurt~ Sora, do you have any memories of the graduation ceremony?
Sora For both elementary and middle school, in the last year I was first on the roll of the first class.
―…does your real last name start with “A”?
Sora “A” (he starts) that’s not it. (laughs) Number 1 generally is the first to receive the graduation certificate, right? So I did a couple of times.
―Did you greet the president of the PTA and the teachers?
Sora Yes, of course!
Io Afterwards, did you take a lot of pictures of the graduation ceremony? With my friends, I made a lot of pictures.
―Even now do you still have those pictures?
Io Yes, there are a ton in my house. I like taking pictures.
―Do you often take pictures in privacy?
Io I always have a camera in my bag. Saying that, I don’t have a digital camera so I just have a disposable one. (laughs) And then, the camera on my cell phone.
―How about at lives?
Io Of course! This story is a little out-of-place, but this one time, the day we had our first one-man in Nagoya, at the end from the center I wanted to take pictures with the guests, so I was making preparations in the dressing room! Saying that, I really forgot that generally saying “thank you!” means to go home. So, I was left alone in the dressing room looking at my camera… “Ah! I didn’t even take one picture!” so it seemed. (bitter smile) And it was the first one-man in my life!
―Well, at your next one-man please take your revenge. (laughs) Although there is parting too during the spring, do you feel there are just as many meetings?
Io (pulling himself together) So it seems, together with the recent releases, we will advance to Tokyo!
Yuina☆ We land for the first time on April 4 at Shibuya O-West!
Io So far, Ichigo69’s activity has just been locally in Nagoya’s center and hasn’t been in Kantou [eastern half of Japan - includes Tokyo] yet, making this a new encounter.
―It’s good that Ichigo69’s circle of encounters is expanding, right?
Io That being so makes me happy.
―This time you are releasing two titles consecutively. Will you share any uncertainties you have about the contents?
Io The March 26 release “mizuiro sasupendaa to ichigo mizu” was “es twilight snow drop” and “koi otome dekiai kyoku”, the April 17 release “’ AM 11:00 koi dorobou owari kaihouku’” was “kei sekieki” and “monokuro kousaten” respectively; each have been recorded two tracks at a time.
Yuina☆ As for the the theme, we aimed at pop, and continued following that direction. It’s a sense of summarizing who Ichigo69 is up until now.
―Can you introduce each song respectively?
Io “monokuro kousaten” is the same meeting and parting that is the theme of this interview, that Yuina☆ composed with a feeling of loneliness. From the start, it is a song arranged so that “everyone” is replaced by the “self.”
Yuina☆ With “es twilight snow drop” I wanted to write a song with a sense of the seasons. Of all our songs, this is the type I really want to make you listen to. You can listen to this even with your parents, who aren’t familiar with the visual style.
Sora Now, “kei sekieki” has the most visual kei type of music.
―The titles of the songs are coined words.
Io Generally if you write “hikari to kage (Light and Shadow),” it’s just a shortened version. “Only in places where the sun hits can there also be shadow” is the meaning of this kind of painful song.
Ren “koi otome dekiai kyoku” is a “We are this type of band!” song, one that works instead of a meishi. We are pop, but also kind of punk.
―We'll look forward to the release. Well, since we’re at the end, please leave a message for the readers.
Sora I’m hoping to have a good meeting in April!
Ren Certainly for the ones in Tokyo, please come and visit Nagoya.
Yuina☆ Everyone in Tokyo also come be hungry with me (laughs) ☆
Io Spring is the season for encounters. I want to enjoy lives with the people I meet for the first time.

Songs Mentioned in Interview
モノクロ交差点 Monokuro Kousaten
恋乙女溺愛曲 Koi Otome Dekiai Kyoku
Es twilight snow drop
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