I'm participating in
NaNoWriMo I'm not sure if I can make 50K I'll be very happy with 30K of words. I said I would do it and dammit, here I am doing like I said I would.
And so it begins! Hurrah! Today I shat out about 2,000 words. 'nuff said.
I'm feeling much better than I did three days ago other than my head feels like its got run over by something large and un-ecofriendly (think Hummer). I spent most of my time in bed asleep or lying on the couch playing Assassins Creed to distract me from pain and nausea and feelings of putting myself out of my misery.
Assassins Creed. Wonderful. Something I do give a damn about. A certain someone thinks its average, I think its fantastic. Awaiting AC2 eagerly.
Now I'm enjoying a nice cuppa tea and about to head to bed and wake up and spend the next 48 hours doing nothing but catching up.
My birthday is day after tomorrow. I thought about doing this big bash and having all these people at some bar....but I'm still under the weather and I don't know how well I'll do tomorrow if I'm going to get sicker tomorrow or be alright. I still have no appetite.
Feeling quite devious besides sick. Been writing a lot of "blasphemous" esque things lately and been a bit of a smartass---It could be Samhain, it could be the full moon. Could be both, don't give a damn. I'm here, this is who I am and if you don't like it well go
do something else.
Heh, I kinda like this. No worry, no drama, no censorship. Not like I have been worrying, making drama and censoring blah blah blah and such for a while but I guess I went introspective in the last hour or so and how much I've changed over the years.
Here's your warning about religious stuff ahead
There's a lot I disagree with when it comes to Christianity, the way they treat women and the whole convert or die thing smells a foul stench. It makes me wonder if we did fight back more, back in the day, would the western world turned out for the better or the worse?
There's a few things I agree with when it comes to Christianity. "Be good to others the way you want to be treated" is certainly one of them. People should treat people with respect. Things like the very early principles of Christianity where the people combined their pagan culture with Christianity principles, that shit is interesting. Ireland comes to mind when I think if Paganism and Christianity flourishing together in harmony.
Now its just a low-level religious war. Sure, its invisible but it always comes up around this time of year from both sides.
There's still a lot of things that I don't agree in the Christianity today and the Christianity about 500 years after it started and onwards when people in power started changing their philosophies to suit their needs and place Christianity at the center of everything in the western world.
People like taking advantage of the times, can't blame them, its the perfect oppurtunity to influence others in hard times. Good thing our way of thinking says not to force or coerce people to follow our path. Talking with a couple of Christians knocking on my door a couple of days ago, they were surprised to learn that I was studying the bible (read: old testament) and how its affected the western world. I calmly chatted with them, all pleasant and all. They seemed quite pleased that I was taking an interest and recommended me a few sites and went on their way.******
They didn't seem bad, no, their intentions are good but the way they go about it is horrible. Always scouting for new members, some having to spend time converting people as a requirement for things---this ideal of a "gentle" convert which is so embedded into their core principles is how Christianity will flourish for the next 500 years.
As you know, we don't convert at all, we listen to the wind and the Earth, its all a personal individualized religion in the first place: if people ask about something we answer, if people attack us, we defend ourselves and our families, no more no less. With this eco-friendly movement and people paying more attention of how they are affecting the Earth, who knows, maybe we are getting more people. Maybe we will stick around until humanity dies off.
I don't have an answer if Paganism would have made the western world better, we might have had less war but people are interesting and would try and change it anyway to something that it is not. Paganism might have become very structured and have had the same things happen to it as Christanity went through. Its just one of those questions that make you ponder, no more no less.
*******My side pointing being they haven't met many people in my neighborhood who did read the Bible. Which really made me think of class issues and exactly how many people claiming Christianity as their religion have read their bible. I don't have reliable answers but look around yourself, how many well educated Christians in their faith do you see around you? How does it differ in class systems, by region, by race, by sex?
So what I guess I'm trying to say is just a couple of things I agree, disagree and my main message is that this "gentle" converting business that people do is wrong, one should be able to choose for themselves without having messages forced down their throat. I tend to get off topic or out of focus by putting in some questions out of the scope I was trying to say but thinking while typing is tricky business.
Finally I just want to say that I'm biased...really biased. I see it as converting people, others see it as saving them from "hell" or what have you. Always question what you read, folks! No one knows all the answers, let me sum up a couple of things I picked up: 1. Question Everything. 2. Everything Is Perspective/Bias (even college!) 3. Knowledge Is Power and finally 4. Everything Is Permissible (guess where I picked that one up) in that everything is permissible to be studied and everything has an equal chance to get their point across to you. I've learned a lot of interesting lessons from people who are the total opposite of me in all of my values and beliefs but if I did shut them out then I would have learned nothing from these people. I grew as a person from these people no matter what they did to me, growing as a person is valued very highly to me. Being wise, knowledgeable and always growing, always learning is something I strive for.
I guess thats something I really give a damn about.
Its safe now, come back
My book deals with issues like these so for the next month I'll be focusing heavily and expanding these ideas and the rest of my thoughts as well on these issues. Expect lots of warning religous shit ahead kind of things. I know not everybody cares for this so I try and include these since this is beyond the scope of this blog but its my blog and I do what I want? Yes. Atleast I'm nice with the warnings.