Its like the .hack universe...and just as interesting...(OK more than interesting!)

Feb 24, 2009 15:22

The more I read/watch/whatever the more I understand the Tsubasa Universe! I started watching xxxHolic casually (I define casual as non-obsessive Comcast on Demand Anime stuffs that comes out in incriments with a few more episodes each time)

Not only does xxxHolic have elements in Tsubasa as well as Chobits (haven't seen it but I'm sure I'm going to get around to it) but also "RG Veda" which acording to Wiki is CLAMP's debut manga. Its an epic classic and now on my list of "must reads" "X" is another one as well.

Although its probably not right to call it just the Tsubasa Universe but it seems to be the crosshatch intersection of all the other series and ideas in the tapestry of the CLAMP world. Though it would be "correct" in call it the CLAMP universe :P

I'm a big fan of Mary Elizabeth McGlynn voice acting now...mostly because of her voice as Ghost in the Shell's Motoko Kusanagi but the amount of work she has done in anime, movies, games ect is amazing and inspiring to me really.

Anyways, yeah, did I mention Fai is freaking awesome?!? Its so rare for me to become obsessed over fair-haired characters lol. I'd say for every 10 dark haired ones there's 1 fair haired character I like. lol. Hmm, well, I think Cloud has grown on me over the years.

Have friendedchibiyuuto who's more obsessed with everything clamp related than I. Oh and the translator undini  (hey, he's 1 kyuu certificate holder, how could I not resist??? XD) It seems they have way more interesting LJs than I do *jealously* The CLAMP fans community looks great too *adds* And another community *adds* and another....*adds*

Well, its great that I've found something else to fill my time I think I know I was starting to stagnate there for a while. I still have problems but hey don't we all?

I'm procrastinating again but who cares! Its not like its the end of the world! I've worked hard this quarter and I'm passing all of my classes. Life couldn't be better on the college-front.

Random thought of the day: I wonder what the long term effects of having your ears smooshed against your head for hours at a time every day for x many days will do to you...?

anime, fandom!tsubasa, procrastinating

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