I'm excited about
I just am. Even though I don't have the systems, I'm sooo gonna play when next I goto NC it gets released.
Check is going in the mail tomorrow, thus, I am completely out of debt.
Wooohoooo great feeling~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Until tickets for NC I'll be in debt again but necessary debt. heh.
Tom's b-day party went great. We made a breast cake, I'd say it was pretty realistic as well. I will probably post a picture of it soon. lol. I bought so many snacks as well and we had a blast playing
Star Wars Miniatures as well.
I saw Fable II for the first time on Friday as well, I am impressed. There is so much clothes and you can dye them to watever colours you want too! Sadie The Whore is my favorite of course :3 eeeehehehehe. The graphics are decent enough, I guess. I liked the fact that you could sacrifice people to the "bad people" and there is some heavy shit that goes down as well but I'll spare ya'lls.
I can't beat modda efffin Shinra in FF:X-2 Sphere Break Tournament and its pissing me off. 50 Quota with 45 Seconds per turn and only 15 turns is RIDDICULOUS!! I want that stupid dress sphere, dammit.
Next week will be interesting. I have test on Friday and that next Monday, D-Day B-Day.
I had so much fun this weekend I don't want it to end. I know I'm going to be all goofy the next day and not focused at all. What a shame.
warningwarningwarningwarningNot for the easily offended.
I can't believe its the end of October.
Merry Samhain, everybody. =] I have many workings to do concerning this holiday. Its a daunting task, honestly. But I feel well enough in the head and frame of mind to be able to take part so I will. I'm glad I'm able to.
The Wind was inspiring today and uplifting. The leaves scattered in groups, hundreds and hundreds, like school fish swimming down the street. How could I not help myself putting my arms out and gladly accepting its purification? A song, my token of gratitude towards this element. The song twists in the wynd beyond my vision. Wynd accepts the gift.
Today I watched 4 cars go into the parking lot, followed closely by an ambulance. Another person died just then in the hospice home across the street. During life's mudane moments of waiting for the bus, I was detatched by this persons life drifting off into the other frequency beginning the next stage. Life is fleeting and fragile.
I have seen too much yet I will see more. Its a pity how hard its going to be for those I love who don't know before the anguish of losing loved ones but I'll be there for them when the horror happens, as I always have been with others.
I have a kitty. Yes, I do.
She's barely bigger than one of my hands, she's this adorable little puff ball of black-ness. The Replacement (I haven't figured out what nickname to call her yet =/) got her on Saturday and I have entered in my two cents for calling her:
Amaterasu. (not the Naruto reference in Popular Culture I rofl at that mhmmm). Short nickname would be: Amma or Ammy. Prolly Amma. I like saying: "Ammammammammammammammammammamma" to her and I think she likes it (???Maybe???) She was clawing at the paper and very keen when I wrote it down to show The Replacement as well.
If that doesn't end up being her name, I just want the kitty to give us hints on what her name could be.
Piewhacket (Pyewhacket? PyPy as nickname?) is in my sekrit stash of boy dog names lol.