So..... yeah!
What was I going to add nowies?!?
I have finally figured out how to get a yahoo japan email address LOL!!! Its so easy now phew~!
anyways errr....
I lost my flash drive last night when this creepy guy was following me.
Yeah, I had a better animated story for ya'lls but seriously: I'm a bit upset right now.
So I got a C- and another C- for the class.
Ehh....I was expecting higher, myself.
Ehh...I'm a little pissed off.
Ehh....*rips peoples to shreds*
Stupid motherfuckers. *Frieza attackage~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!*
RONZO RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Writing in Japanese at the language lab is SOOO much better than using that shitty program.
Now I'm passively listening to a newb 101 student struggle with 何時ですか?(what time is it?)
Its been a while since I've read