Sep 10, 2008 21:55
I saw the most brilliant minds destroyed, starved, dragged out into the twilight and shot in cold blood by ignorance. Some would say that this is the beginning of 1984, but I say it has been 1984 for a generation already. I have seen first hand the way the government has dealt with education. The slow and gradual processes of less required History classes, the programmed propaganda to kill innocent childrens' minds to not learn, to be the ignorant worker-bee that it should be because the government has led them to believe.
If conspiracy theorists can come up with the ideals of the government watchign us, it has already been done or is being done as you read this. You are on a watch list if you have checked out questionable materials from the Library, bough on a credit/debit card, went to college, subscribe to magazines with messages that go against popular thought, among the many others things due to the Patriot Act. Which is under the pretense of keeping America safe when in reality we have written an all-exclusive VIP pass to prosecute, imprison, harass and watch innocent people.
I don't understand how we all can sit idly and let this happen to us.
It sickens me.
crafty witchy,