The Business: The Epic Supernatural Adventures of Atticus H. Quailen and Mortecai Faike

Jan 30, 2009 21:20

Laaawlll. Omg, I am so cruel to nillabunny haha my b

OKAY THE FOLLOWING is the conversation I just had with her, in which I created a story~ It seems kinda long, but it's not really.

lawl I also wrote a little fic to go with it, I'll post that later. xD

Okay I apologize for me being pretty retarded. But this does get kinda epic & a little gay

The following is the raw conversation of the prologue, and Chapter One of The Business: The Epic Supernatural Adventures of Atticus H. Quailen and Mortecai Faike


nillabunny: Do you think Atticus is a cool name?

nillabunny: cool, then I'll use it
sakanda: Dude he'd totally be like an alchemist or something. Someone misunderstood by society
nillabunny: uh...well, he isn't
sakanda: who still does his weird hobby
nillabunny: um...not really
sakanda: and wears glasses
nillabunny: he might have glasses, i'm not sure
nillabunny: okay, he does, then
sakanda: DUUUDE ATTICUUUSSS AWESOME he totally has a twin brother named Alistor too
nillabunny:'re really excited about this guy
sakanda: MAN AWESOME
nillabunny: no he doesn't. He’s an only child
sakanda: Alistor was always the more popular one. Like more conservative
nillabunny: Did you just steal me character?
sakanda: But Atticus always had lots of friends because he was so eccentric and outgoing
nillabunny: Um, he's my character
sakanda: SO ATTICUS
nillabunny: and he's actually kind of normal
sakanda: totally has a cat, whose an orange tabby, and it's like his best friend and is always hanging out with him in his study/lab. And he is always talking to him and replying like he answered to him haha
nillabunny: quit making him up
sakanda: he has long hair he keeps in a ponytail
nillabunny: that's not how he is at all
sakanda: just because he's too distracted to get it cut haha andand his middle name is Herbert
nillabunny: how do you make things up so well like this?
sakanda: and he totally hates it. Huh what do you mean? xD
nillabunny: I give you a name and you have the whole character plotted in half a second! plus! He's my character, and you stole his name and turned him into someone else
sakanda: haha it's not that hard. He just seems to fit like that xD Yeah but he's totally cooler now
nillabunny: I'm not making him like that!
sakanda: AH he has orangey brown reddish hair andand gray eyes mmm
nillabunny: it wouldn't fit the story at all
sakanda: and his glasses are the round ones haha but rimless
nillabunny: no he doesn't
sakanda: and he likes to wear overcoats too. Really weird looking ones
nillabunny: he has blond hair, and I guess his eyes can be gray
sakanda: but his clothes are normal other than that, but they totally like, clash with everything haha and his house is always super messy
nillabunny: he's a high school student
sakanda: and Alistor comes over and is all, "...SIGH." and starts picking up for him while Atticus is talking to him without even noticing totally engrossed in his task
nillabunny: HERE IS NO ALISTOR!!!!
sakanda: THERE IS I TOTALLY STOLE YOUR CHARACTER xDD And his best friend is named, hmmm… Evan. And he's actually really reserved, and totally the opposite of Atticus. But they're super close best friends cause they've been friends since childhood

(lull in conversation)

nillabunny: I'm gonna have another guy named Mortecai, or something
sakanda: OH YEAH I love that name! …Dude. Atticus is totally gay for him, and like he was originally attracted to him because, hey wow this dude has an awesome weird name too! and atticus loves stuff like that
nillabunny: His last name is gonna be, like, Faike or something, and he prefers people to use that. Whaaat! don't steal Mortecai too!
sakanda: BUT THEN HE WAS ALL, oh snap this guy’s awesome. He didn't realize he was TOTALLY GAY FOR HIM THOUGH. Just like, he like looked up to and admire him
nillabunny: would you stop it!
sakanda: but then they like, were on this awesome life risking adventure, AND BOOM SNAP something epic happens
nillabunny: I'm not telling you my characters names anymore
sakanda: like they idk all have weird skills to fight against supernatural things
nillabunny: No they don't. They are normal people
sakanda: and so they like have a lil business thing they run. So they get hired for this job
nillabunny except maybe for Mortecai. I dunno, he might be a vampire or something cool like that
sakanda: Oh THE BOSS OF IT IS ALL MYSTERIOUS. They don't even know the guy’s name or whatever. So they get on this mission-OH DUDE he totally is like a vampire or something epic yeeeaaaaaah
nillabunny: they don't run a business they go to high school
sakanda: Mortecai is like,hmm,WHAT IS HE WHAT IS HE? He totally has epic like gray hair though. EVEN THOUGH HE'S A YOUNG'UN awesome
nillabunny: who, Mortecai? no he doesn't his hair is black
sakanda: He's like like, a um OH HE’S A MOONLITE cool and like their like all water attributed (right word?)
nillabunny: a what? What’s a moonlite?
sakanda: I MADE IT UP and like, at the full moon they transform into this epic fairy thing. It's kinda like angel, but more water version. But like,he completely looses his sense of self when he transforms, so he's always really on edge and cranky right before a full moon, cause he's totally the type of people who need to stay in control. He has control issues. And that makes Atticus and him like, fight and argue all the time, because Atticus doesn't like being under anyone’s rules
nillabunny: okay, this sounds cool and all, but this is not what happens
nillabunny: I'm not letting you read this story. It's not anywhere near as cool as your thing and now you're depressing me
sakanda: yeah but I'm not even writing this so whatever xDD So like they get hired for this job where like, they're hunting down these shadow things. The shadow creatures have been causing a ruckus,BECAUSE THEY LIKE slip into the crack of doors and stuff at night suck up the 'soul' of a person while they’re sleeping. Like the person is still alive after that, but their eyes are all dead, and they have like no personality. They continue what they normally do but with no emotion AND SO THEY'RE TOTALLY HUNTING THESE and they’re like uh wtf WHAT ARE THESE SHADOW THINGS DOING HERE they aren't even suppose to be on this plane, SOMETHING IS AMISS so it seems like this little mission, BUT IN ACTUALITY IT IS THE BEGINNING OF A GREAT PROBLEM like like, the world itself doing something weird AND FOR SOME REASON the edges of the different planes are mending together, and sneaky creatures like the shadows can sneak in through the cracks BUT LIKE it's slowly growing more and more and the portals or whatever are getting larger and when they find this out they’re all OH SNAPZILLA because when they get larger, even WORST THINGS can get through to our world and we just don't have the defenses to put up with them and so they're all, WHAT IS THIS WHAT IS THIS WHAT IS CAUSING this but meanwhile, the shadows are all, WE'RE STILL HEAR YO, COMBAT TIMMMEEESSSS and pow bam they’re fighting. Dude because like, Evan is totally epic and an awesome physical fighter
nillabunny: wait, Evan came with them?
sakanda: He has this weird power where he is able to actually hit and effect supernatural things where normal people can't even touch them
nillabunny: that's pretty cool
sakanda: what yeah Evan is totally in the whole business. Allistor isn't though
nillabunny: I'll accept anything you say about Evan, because you made him up completely
sakanda: Haha xD he's normally really shy seeming,but like when he fights he’s all ROAR INTENNNSEEE so whoever sees him fight for the first time is all like, OH SNAAAAP WHO IS THAT so anyways Evan is fighting up a storm and you can tell that the shadows are all wtf why is he beating the crap out of us? meanwhile Mortecai’s all, we have to stop and seal them quickly. And Atticus is all, "WOW WHAT A GOOD IDEA WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT duurr how do you propose we do that?" then Mortecai gets all offended and he's all like, "WHAT I THOUGHT YOU BROUGHT SOMETHING WITH YOU TO DO THAT, WHAT WERE YOU DOING IN THE LAB ALL MORNING?"and Atticus is all "HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO JUST WHIP UP SOMETHING LIKE THAT OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD? WE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HOW THESE THINGS GOT HERE THIS MORNING!” and they get into this argument, and meanwhile evan is all, WTF GUYS HUFF HUFF PANT PANT I AM KNDA TRYING TO SAVE YOU RIGHT NOW, I WOULD APPRECIATE IF YOU STOPPED BEING RETARDED haha and they're all oh whoops because even though Evan is fighting them, they’re totally strong he can't hold out much longer. So Mortecai and Atticus are ah WELL we have to look around here! Because they're like in the sewers or subway or something of some big city like New York and they’re all, “There has to be a reason they were drawn to gather here. I'm sure if we find it we can find some way to stop them.” And so they like, manage to just barely get away with Evan and hide. But Evan is totally all wounded like oh snap he really doesn't have that much in him anymore. And then suddenly their head pieces start working
nillabunny: what head pieces?
sakanda: cause they have like communicators and when they came in the subway place they stopped working, and it lets them talk to home base. So Lucy the operator comes on
nillabunny: oh, okay
sakanda: And they explain to her about the whole ripped space time thing, and she's all, "HOH SHI---" and is all, "I've gotta report this to the boss! Bye!" and Atticus is like, "Wait! We need---" STATIIIC cause she cuts them off. So he swears under his breath and meanwhile they are like in this little tunnel thing that's really enclosed and they are carrying Evan between them and whispering and stuff. SO THEN LIKE, OH, like these weird lil lizard dogs come out of nowhere, and they've got these GIANT TEETH and they're like OMG WTFFFFF I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THESE AARRRE
nillabunny: lizard dogs? Hold on, I have to go. I have to talk about supper or something. I'll be back in a sec.
sakanda: aw ): K

(after a while)

nillabunny: that took longer than expected, and we didn't even come to a decision
sakanda: wtff lame YOU LEFT THEM TO GET CHASED BY LIZARD DOGS so cruel
nillabunny: okay, so what do they do about these lizard dogs?
sakanda: uuuh idk WHEN WE LAST LEFT OUR HEROES
nillabunny: hahaha
sakanda: they were all OMG WTF WEIRD LIZARD DOGS WUT and the lizard dogs are all drool drool pant gonna eat your flesh drool. So they book it down that tunnel thing, dragging Evan along with them. And the lizard dogs are just at their heels and one manages to latch onto Atticus' leg,
nillabunny: oh nooo!
sakanda: But Mortecai kicks it in the head and gets it to let go. So they’re running, but Atticus is all,"OW FUCK MY LEG OW" because he totally would have a dirty mouth when working haha so they see the end of the tunnel, and run towards it POW RUN POW and then run into this bright light and BOOM WUT they come out into this epic decked out brightly lit room. It's almost a THRONE ROOM, like there's a frickin THRONE IN HERE MAN. There's these rich expensive drapes hanging from the ceiling, and marble checkered floors, and like a chandelier
nillabunny: aren't they in the subway?
sakanda: They stop and they're all UH WHAT I THOUGHT WE WERE IN THE SUBWAY/SEWER PLACE haha and then they're like, "OH SHI--" and turn around to see in the lizard dogs are still there. And they are, but they’re just standing there, panting and drooling at the doorway. And then suddenly there is clapping, and they whip their heads around and like, this elegant and decked out guys walks out from behind the overhanging curtain behind the throne, and he's got like, bright blonde hair, and is like, crazy pale. And like BRIGHT FRIGGIN BLUE EYES and oh snap. This guy is gorgeous. In a sense that like, both Atticus and Mortecai feel chills run up their spines because no one could ever possibly be THAT beautiful. (and Evan is totally passed out and sagging between him - the running was too much) So like, the guy walks around the front of the throne, still clapping his like, white gloved hands. And when he stops, Atticus hisses out, "Who are---" But lovely man cuts him off in this surprisingly powerful, booming, but soothing voice, and he's all, "Ah, Atticus Quailen. You have my deepest gratitude for delivering him in one piece" and he's got this like, lil sly I know something you don't smirk. And Atticus gets super ticked off because, hey, who the eff is this guy? Seriously. And why does he know his name? And evan is totally passed out, and Atticus is still kinda outta breath from running, and MAN there is friggin BLOOD running down his FRIGGIN LEG and it hurts like a mother.
sakanda: To make it short, he doesn't feel like dealing with this crap right about now. So he like growls, "What HELL are you--" but he gets cut off again as Mortecai abruptly steps in front of him (leaving Evan's dead weight hanging off of Atticus yeah thanks Mortecai xD) And Atticus is all, “Wha-“ and Mortecai snaps, “BE QUIET,” and the lovely guy's smile gets even wider. Then suddenly, OH SNAP WHAT those shadows are stepping out all over the place, but where did they come from? This room is so brightly lit. They’re all, CRAAPPP THIS SUUUUCCCKKKKSSS and dude Atticus’s leg is THROBBING so BADLY MAN OW and Evan is SO HEAVY and Atticus is starting to sweat bullets. And like the lovely guy is all, "You see, I knew they would assign a man of your... talents to a case such as this this," waving his hand towards the shadows, and Atticus growls again at the condescending tone. The lovely guy continues "So of course, I knew that they would also send your wonderful partner with you to keep you in check," and his eyes land on Mortecai and are all glittering. And he's right because heck, they always make these two go together, because Atticus has to admit he does have a talent for getting in trouble and destroying stuff, but who needs rules and guidelines anyways? But lovely guy’s eyes are all glitter glitter, and he's like, in this quiet voice, with this SMILE just spread across his face, "Mortecai Faike, come to me." And like, a heartbeat goes by, but then Mortecai is stepping over to him
nillabunny: oh no! Don’t do it!
sakanda: And Atticus is all, WUT and feels the stab of betrayal. All he can see is that back of Mortecai’s head though, no expression. And he's all, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU BASTARD! GET AWAY FROM HIM!" He's just yelling helplessly because he can't seem to MOVE his leg, his LEG and Evan is so heavy (but he moans a little in his ear because yeah, he's passed out, but Atticus is so loud). But like, Mortecai still keeps walking to him, and he goes up the steps to the throne, and the lovely guy takes his hand and gives him a little smile.
sakanda: Then his eyes land on Atticus again, but he loses his smile completely and his eyes look all uninterested. He's all, in this bored tone, "You see, Mister Atticus Quailen. Your partner here is a Moonlite" And Atticus sucks in a breath and whips his head to look at Mortecai who is hanging his head, his hair in front of his eyes so you can't see his expression (ANIME MOMENT) and like, the lovely guy gives his hand a little *squeeze* and you can see Mortecai shutter. The lovely guy is all, "Ah, I see you've heard of them. I've been trying to get my hands on one for quite a while now, so I must thank you, Mister Atticus Quailen. But, you've served your use to me, so I fear this is where we must part," and then the shadows start to move forward towards Atticus. "Goodbye,"
nillabunny: oh nooooooo!
nillabunny: I'm so into this, it's crazy
sakanda: laawwlll let me think xDD
sakanda: AH OKAY, SO LIKE the shadows are moving towards them, and Atticus is like OH CRAP CRAP SNAP CRAP WTF AM I GONNA DOO, and he's all panicked and he knows he's DONE FOR and he can't do ANYTHING and Evan is useless and GOD HIS CHEST FEELS SO TIGHT it aches so bad, why would Mortecai just betray him like that? So the first shadow is upon them, and Atticus has the passing thought, Maybe if I like, grab Evan's fists and move them for him, they could hit it...?!" haha
nillabunny: haha
sakanda: But then FLASH there is this eruption of extreme power, white light: Atticus can't see anything, but he can hear these high pitched shrieks, and can feel the shadow that was just on them isn't there anymore. Then out of the light he hears, "ATTICUS, RUN, RUN!!!" and it's Mortecai's voice AND OH GOD MORTECAI and he hears this yell of pain, and then the white light suddenly disappears, and he's suddenly standing in the middle of this dank, dark subway/sewer room the same size and shape of the other place but, ew, right?
nillabunny: right
sakanda: and like, the lovely guy is still where he was, on this platform place, and he's still perfect and decked out, but he's got Mortecai next to him, and has his arm, and is twisting , twisting it, oh gods it's going to break, and has this look of such pure hate and evil on that perfect face that Atticus feels his insides crawl at how wrong it looks. And shadows are all gone, wut, and the lizard dogs are laying by the door, unmoving. But Mortecai, Mortecai, oh god, is that him? Atticus can only vaguely recognize him, by his face, but his hair, it's now silver, and flowing down his back, and his face has these weird markings, and around his eyes, almost like eye-makeup are these blue marks that blend away into his skin. His iris are completely black, and his hands look… blue? Blue, is that it? With claws? And there are these like flowing wing things coming out of his back, but they kinda look more like fins than feathers, and there are these weird ears things that are like fins on his head. He is shining with this weird POWER and he's got these fangs things, which are visible because he's snarling, and oh GOD IS THIS MORTECAI? But at the same time he has that thought, he knows it is, he can FEEL it, SENSE it, this is Mortecai, Mortecai, and oh gods what happened to him? He's got this intense feral look in his eyes and he’s snarling and growling and making these weird noises that Atticus has never heard before, but it almost sounds like he's underwater. He looks so WILD; those claws, fangs, hair, eyes, but at the same time, Atticus is completely breathless because he's pretty sure that whatever this is, whatever Mortecai is, it's the most beautiful thing he's even seen. "You dare defy me, Shaakal?" says the lovely guy with such VENOM that it almost physically stings
nillabunny: shaakal?
sakanda: dude Atticus doesn't know either. "Hmpf, no matter," and he smiles this cruel smile
nillabunny: okay
sakanda: "I needed you in this form anyway," and suddenly, the lovely guy has got Mortecai by the throat, but Atticus didn't even see him move
nillabunny: oh nooooo!
sakanda: And he starts lifting Mortecai up, up, and he's struggling, so fiercely, and oh snap is that a TAIL?! He’s making more of the gurgling underwater sounds, and the lovely guy just laughs, a small delighted laugh, that sounds like silver bells, and Atticus can't help but feel warm from hearing it. But still screams "MORTECAI!" helpless, and drops Evan to the floor (plop poor Evan)
nillabunny: so mean to him
sakanda: and tries to rush over, hurry hurry, before it's too late. But when he tries to move his leg, he SCREAMS, because oh god oh god his leg his leg, and he ends up falling on the ground and he can't even FEEL his leg, there’s just pain, such pain, so much so that he almost passes out for a second, black and dizzy, vision fading, but the gurgling, he can still hear it, Mortecai, oh god. He can feel his heart in his stomach, and he’s cold all over. He has to do something, what is that bastard doing to Mortecai! So he ignores the pain, and drags himself forward on the floor, quickly quickly, and he sees that perfect bastard look down at him, and SNEER, and tighten his grip on Mortecai's throat, and his gurgling stops, but his legs and tail are lashing, and he's clawing so frantically at the hands holding him, but to no avail.
sakanda: And Atticus, desperate, reaches into his bag blindly, because he needs SOMETHING oh god how is he suppose to crawl up that PLATFORM? And he pulls out this unmarked bottle, the one he was working on that morning. It's this rusty red color, and the liquid is kinda thick, and honestly, Atticus has no effing clue what it even is, he was just messing around. But still, he has nothing else that can do anything, so he takes all the focus and strength he has and HURLS it at the bastard, and hey, good thing he was always so good at baseball because it SMASHES into his face, and shatters, but the shards don't even seem to have any effect on him. But the liquid WUT it splashes all over his face and his chest and his hands, and he starts SCREAMING SCREAMING and drops Mortecai. He starts clawing at his face, screaming screaming screaming, and he's pulling away bits of flesh
nillabunny: eeeew!
sakanda: and liquid is like an acid and he's just screaming and screaming and it soaks through his clothes and gets to the other parts of him. And meanwhile Mortecai is just laying at his feet, gagging, panting, dazed and out of it. Some of the liquid got on him, but it doesn't has any effect, it just runs down his skin like water. And that bastard is still screaming, and then suddenly, abruptly-- There's nothing. Nothing but the sound of Mortecai gagging and choking for air. The lovely guy is completely gone with no trace of him, and Atticus’ only thought is, "I have to help Mortecai," and he tries crawling towards him again, but it jars his leg and he doesn't even get a chance to scream before he blacks out.
nillabunny: whaaaaat? that's so epic
sakanda: lawl totally and all because I liked those names xDD haha


Lawl sorry. Haha also,
nillabunny: I stole the name Evan for my story
nillabunny:I figured it was fair trade, since you stole all of my names
sakanda: hahaaahhhaaa

mortecai, the business, epic, lawl, atticus, story, aim, daralyn

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