The inactive Post button follows me when I travel

Jun 28, 2011 06:42

Travel wasn't as pleasant as it could have been, but I got to my destination in the end. Both flights got delayed because neither flight had secured a flight crew prior to the scheduled departure time. Is this common? The second flight got a little bonus in that they didn't account for the weight of the half-full craft; the solution was to leave the co-pilot behind. I don't usually fly with that airline and I certainly don't look forward to doing it again (although I have no choice on the return). The rental car wasn't completely free of interestingness. They were completely out of compacts, so I got a free "upgrade". Sadly, that ended up being a Prius. The lot at the airport wasn't well labeled so they emphasized that I was looking for a white version of that hybrid. There wasn't one. I found a black and a gray one, but no white. A quick Panic button check showed that the rental company thinks dark gray and white are the same color. I called back to the desk to make sure, but they confirmed that the "white" car was the one to be rented. The hotel isn't bad, but the room wasn't very clean. There was trash on the tables and counters when I arrived.

As for the car itself, I don't like it. It defaults to "Eco Mode" which mean accelerating required a couple of miles to reach highway speeds. The gear lever looks like a toy and the layout is certainly non-standard. I hate the split in the rear window that cuts visibility and required a double-take when adjusting the mirrors. There are too many buttons that look and feel the same so it takes concentration to change the radio station versus lowering the temperature. Too many ports are hidden. The running lights are too dim when the headlights are on. But I did get good gas mileage. Even at ~65mpg, I still don't think it's worth the aggravation of having to actually drive that piece of crap.

Anyway, I skipped lunch during my layover so food is needed. It looks like I'm not too far from a small shopping center that should be helpful in this regard. (Since this didn't post yesterday, I can add that there was a Ruby Tuesday in that shopping center. There were a few of the usual problems such as unlisted tomato ingredients, soda lines crossed, and a lack of silverware, but they did have the Nadal-Del Potro game on, so it wasn't all bad.)
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