Notes from the weekend

May 23, 2011 14:47

My car survived the 40K service this past weekend. The folks at the shop said I need new tires soon. I'll see what I can do after the holiday weekend. The service required killing roughly 6 hours. Roughly half that time was spent watching Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides with the lady friend who took over driving duties for the day. The movie was probably the second best of the series (the first earning the top spot), but suffered from shoehorning in a ridiculous romance subplot and failing to spend a couple of minutes at the start for villain exposition. There is someone who is supposed to be the primary villain, but I never felt that they were particularly villainous. A bad person without question, but the worst, most unspeakable actions are merely mentioned rather than shown. In the grand scheme, it wasn't a huge fault as the overall movie was entertaining.

The cinema visit also introduced us to AMC's new loyalty program. It's $12 a year with every purchase (tickets or concessions) accumulating points. At $100 worth of points, you get a $10 gift card. That isn't terribly appealing on its own, but the of the other perks of the program is free upgrades. WIth your card, if you order a small, you get a medium. If you order a medium, you get large (the only size that gets free refills). The website also states that fees assessed for purchasing tickets online (like through Fandango) are waived for members. With the summer movie season just starting to kick off, I shouldn't have too much trouble breaking even. If nothing else, it was fun tacking on air quotes to the sizes at the snack counter.

No additional Portal 2 co-op, but I wasn't free of gaming over the weekend. It was all small-scale stuff. I figured out one point of failure for some games on one of my laptops. The fix did the trick for World of Good, but the TellTale games still all crash at start. The Steam demo of Plants vs Zombies works, though, and has adequate touchscreen support; I'm just not sure I want to dump another $10 to get a PC version. The cloud saving feature could be handy. I'll keep an eye out for the next sale as it seems to get discounted often enough.
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