Damn it, Tuesday. You, too?!

Feb 22, 2011 08:55

I got to work on time, I'm wearing shoes, and not using crutches. The pain which prevented me from, say, wearing socks last week is down to a dull ache that is, for the most part, ignorable. There is still something of a limp, but nothing overly pronounced.

Winefest on Friday went pretty well. Attendance was on the low side with a small rush of folks popping in around midnight. We stayed at the house until around 1 before heading back to the hotel. I showed the lady friend Rose's campus on Saturday for a while, as we had time to kill until an evening meeting. We went out with a group for dinner before the return trip to Bloomington. A pretty good start to the weekend if I do say so. Sunday was kind of a wasted day. I made it out to Yogi's, but the nachos I had ordered not only weren't made right, but didn't agree with me later in the day. Still made it to Best Buy who, after 3 days and one phone call finally got my online order ready for in-store pickup by around 2pm. By the time I got back from the store, I needed lie down and that pretty much ended my day. Monday, a federal holiday, was also pretty laid back. A friend stopped by to borrow one of my laptops for [unspecified task] early-ish in the day. I got a text in the afternoon about LF's family being in town for an early dinner to which I was invited. It was nice to see/meet the whole gang. That left me enough time to stop by the market on the way home and run out to Yogi's to sample Sierra Nevada's whole-cone Double IPA, Hoptimum. Good stuff, and the brewery rep handed out some swag in the form of a t-shirt commemorating the brew and a pair of carabiner keychain clips.

There is a bit of annoyance today as beverage options are limited this morning. The water is coming out of the faucets discolored with a no-use advisory issued. That means no drinking fountains, coffee, or hot cocoa (bought a can of mix yesterday). At least one soda vending machine is on the fritz with the other out of all diet options. Glorious.
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