So, I bought my midnight tickets for Order of the Phoenix at NCG Cinemas in Lansing, MI. I'm freaking thrilled! I was probably the first person to buy them, because the girl that sold them to me?
Total idiot and had no idea that they were even selling them already.
cluelesschase is working on beta-reading Ambivalent Lucidity for me, thank GOD. You should see the fucking markup. I'll be replacing each chapter as it is beta-read. :D
I've received soooo many reviews for
Enemy of My Enemy. Like, I've never received this many reviews in such a short amount of time for anything but Ambivalent Lucidity, and this was just a one-shot! The person it was written for,
ravenna_c_tan, however, hasn't read it yet, I think. ;.; I wrote it for her in appreciation of her fic "Tempus," which I enjoyed immensely.
I'm partially through Chapter Four of Sectumsempra Animi, but I keep getting distracted by online pictionary very important things, I swear. c.c I will have the fic finished, all ten chapters and epilogue, by the Deathly Hallows release. I promise. If I can write Enemy of My Enemy in one day, I can write these Sectumsempra chapters, damn it! For fuck's sake, I hadn't even outlined EoME and it just poured out of me.
*Sigh* I wish I were going to Sectus. Someone take me to Sectus.