There was talk of cake.*

Aug 14, 2009 21:37

So yesterday was Thursday, right? And good stuff happens only on Thursdays, right? **

Anyways, lizzyshoe and I decided that because it was Thursday, we really needed to celebrate. So we decided that after rock climbing, we were going to eat ice cream cake for dinner. Why? Just because.

So we headed over to the downtown Baskin Robbins and spent a few minutes perusing the cake selection, having debates over what the best ice cream was and what color we thought the frosting should be. We finally chose a chocolate cake with mint chocolate chip ice cream, chocolate icing, and whipped cream. HEAVEN, I tell you.

I set it up on the counter and Lizzy turns to me and says, "What should we get written on it?"


Which begins a discussion that I've never planned parties where I had to buy a cake, so that's why I have no idea. Of course, I usually bake and frost the cakes myself if needed for parties. Anyways...

The amused and/or frightened employees are eying us warily at this point, waiting for our decision.

"What about something about how we're celebrating Thursday?" I suggest.

"Maybe..." Lizzy answers.

"OH! I KNOW! How about something fandom related because we love our fandoms?"

"Oh! Yes! Ships! We love our ships!"

"Okay, so we currently are on kicks about Sam and Jack*** and Booth and Brennan****." says I.

"So S♥J and B♥B, yes? What colors?" Lizzy adds.

"GREEN AND PURPLE! Because those are our favorites!"

And so we went with it. And yes, I do talk in CAPSLOCKS rather frequently. Only when I'm excited and/or tired. Was this story as funny to others as it was to us? Because let me tell you, we were in massive giggle fits for a large portion of the night.

Cake was had and cake was good. It mostly happened this way, but I'm probably not recalling the exact dialogue correctly.


Love and huggles,

*+10 bonus points if you know where we got this reference. +12 more if you can name the ep. +4 more if you can name who said it to whom.
**+7 bonus points if you're part of the exclusive club where this saying is a common occurrence.
***+8 points if you know who we're referring to. +42 points if they are your biggest OTP, as they are mine.
**** +8 points if you know this fandom couple. OMG, did you see the season finale? How about the new promo out for Season 5's premiere?

I got 91 points. How did you do?

friends, cake, fandom, life

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