Advice From a Brown Paper Bag

Nov 01, 2006 17:18

One of the times I was driving back to camp from a day excursion to Yosemite, I wrote a list of things I believe in on the side of a brown paper bag. I found the list today while I was sorting through my files, and thought it would be interesting to share. So, here goes!

Some things I believe in:

That wishes will come true if you make them while holding your breath all of the way driving through a tunnel.

When you find an eyelash that has fallen from your eyelids, you are supposed to pick it up, make a wish, and blow the eyelash away. An eyelash that blows away easily will be a wish granted just as easily. An eyelash that sticks will take a longer time or more work to make come true.

Crossing one's fingers in hopes for something to happen actually has the opposite effect. I have always believed crossing one's fingers to be a curse rather than a blessing.

One of the best things in the world to recieve is a hug.

Farting, belching, and other bodily functions are natural and therefore are nothing to be embarrased about. Some of these things are even uncontrollable, so why is that one is ashamed when it happens among even family and friends?

Every situation should be approached with both logic AND emotion. I feel that trying to figure out a problem with just one will not yeild good results. We are beings of both logical arguement and emotional awareness, and bbecause of this we should include both in our reasoning.

My live journal will never be "friends only" because there is nothing I would post here that I would want to hide from anyone, nor is there anyone to hide from.

It is not what you believe in, but the act of believing itself that is important (I am mainly thinking of religion when I make this statement).

Skills considered to be elementary or even juvenille, like long division and cursive, are necessary skills for life and no one should forget them.

Well, that's all there is to the list on the bag. Perhaps I will add more later. For now, enjoy!


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