Oct 14, 2010 19:36
So there's supposedly a ghost who shacks up at my friend's house. I was skeptical, but then I'd never come across said ghost. Still, I know better than to disregard things I don't understand. That was, until a week ago. We had trip to Chicago planned for the next day, so we had to hit the sack earlyish to get up early the next morning. I hijacked her dad's room since said dad had disappeared for the night to wherever. Normally I sleep on thier comfy couch, but I thought, "Hey, free bed!" and that was the end of it. Until I started nodding off. I heard noises...but it's an old house so I wrote it off and tried to settle back in. And then there were the flickers of things in the mirror...and then...something breathed on my neck. I promptly freaked out. Needless to say, I barely slept that night. I later learned that my friend's dad's room is where thier ghost 'Betty' appears the most. Fabulous. Just so we're clear, not staying in her dad's room EVER again.