What an odd dream....

Jun 29, 2005 12:55

Well, just as Anna had an unusual nightmare a few nights ago, I just remembered a very weird dream that I had last night which involved Gmail. So, in my dream I was checking my email, but for some reason Gmail was like a bookcase type thing, and there were just books in it, and they didn't even represent emails or anything. But that isn't the weird part. It's that I looked over at the place where it lets you invite people to use Gmail and says how many invites you have left, but the invites were for some odd reason pieces of gum.... The kind that's in a little paper wrapper and not long and thin but short and not wide and fat. And so I tried some and it was REALLY good gum, so I kept eating it until I only had about nine invites left from my original 49. Then suddenly a lot of my friends were behind me saying stuff like "No, Sam, leave some invites for people who really need them!" But I couldn't stop taking more gum because it was so good!

Anyway, I still have 49 invites so if you want one ask and tell me your email address. Oh and I just thought that it's a bit odd that Anna and I both just had weird dreams. Although it isn't really that odd.

On another note, I could go into detail about which note but I won't (that's a Billy G. reference for those of you haven't read it), Anna is going to college as probably all of you know, so she has to get a laptop. And there's a really cool deal where if you buy a laptop from Apple, as Anna plans to, you can get a free iPod mini. And not could as in you enter a contest, but as in you get one as long as you sign up for it! And so since she already has an iPod, she says she'll get it for me! Now, I'm trying to not get my hopes up since it might not happen, but I still think it's pretty cool. So hopefully we'll go to some computer store today and see how this thing works. It's odd that I want Anna to get her laptop even more than she does, but it was the same when she was getting an iPod.

i still don't really know what tags are.

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