Chapter Three

Nov 05, 2007 22:11

This is the third chapter of my NaNoWriMo story.

Chapter Three

“I got the job!” Anne enthused over the phone to her best friend in the world Challon.  She always told Challon everything that happened in her life and new that she would want to know as soon as she found out.

“I knew that you would get it.” She told her confidently. They had been friends since their freshman year of college. They met the weekend before classes started when they were moving into the dorms and found out that they were going to be roommates. Challon thought it was funny the way that she was reluctant to say her name because she could not figure out how to say it. So she had told her that it was no big deal that it was pronounced Shall-en which rhymes with gallon. They soon became best friends and have been ever since.

“Well, I’m glad that you knew because this morning, with everything that was going wrong, I was sure that I would not be able to get the job.” Anne told Challon truthfully. She then told her everything that had happened that morning in detail and at the end Challon told her that she was lucky that her new boss was apparently already better than her old one because he was nice about everything instead of trying to get her to leave or make sure that you did not take it out on the company. She also said that it was nice that he was more concerned for her welfare than getting to his meeting or anything else.

“Yeah, I know that you are right.” Anne said. “It is nice to know that my boss seems to take what you think into account and also that you can have a bad day and still be able to make the most of it.”

“Would you like to meet me some time and we can go and celebrate the new job?” Challon asked her wanting to ask her more about her boss.  “We can go anywhere you like and it will be my treat. What do you think?”

“Sure.” Anne replied enthusiastically. “Are you sure that you want it to be anywhere that I want to go?” She questioned mischievously.

“Of course I am sure.” Challon replied and then she realized where she was talking about and asked the question again anyway, “Why, where do you want to go?”

“Franconi’s, of course.” Anne told her and smiled. It was their favorite Italian restaurant in New York, or any other place that they had traveled to as of yet.  They almost always went to Franconi’s when they wanted to celebrate.

“Yeah, when would you like to meet there? Lunch now or dinner later?” Challon responded after her obvious choice of restaurant. They always ordered the same thing because even though they knew that everything in the restaurant was always made superbly they had a favorite and knew that the only place to get it was at Franconi’s.

“Dinner tonight around eightish, does that sound good? It can be earlier if it is more convenient for you and I can tell you everything over again and then I can see your expression and tell you about any details that I might have missed.” Anne said and was already thinking about Nick again.

“Eight sounds good I will see you then.” Challon hung up and Anne decided to go shopping since she got the job and wanted to have a new suit or two for her first day on the job and she also wanted to buy herself a new dress just so that she could feel special tonight since they were celebrating her new job.

* * * * * * *

Anne walked into Franconi’s with a smile.  She was still in a good mood since she got though the interview and was told that she had the job.  She had gone out and bought two brand new business suits. Then she had decided to splurge on herself. She bought her self a new dress, which she is now wearing and it is to die for. It was a beautiful shade of sapphire blue, it was long and flowing around her ankles.

She had a elegant bracelet and necklace set.  They looked very nice together, it was silver with sapphire blue teardrop gems.  The sapphire set had been a graduation present from her parents.  She had later bought nice dangling teardrop sapphire earrings to go with the others. The combination was elegant, not gaudy or flashy like some women she knew would always wear.

She had also bought herself a new pair of beautiful strappy sandals.  They were midnight black, which accented the dress perfectly. They had rhinestones on the thin diagonal strop going across the top of her foot.

She had also decided to buy a new handbag. It was also the same midnight black as her shoes. It was a small purse that would hold very little more than the essentials for the night.

She walked into the restaurant and was told that Challon had not yet arrived so she asked of she could be seated and wait for her there. She ordered a nice red wine to go with their dinner. A few minutes later Challon walked into Franconi’s, she like Anne came dressed to impress.

Challon’s dress was a very pretty lavender. It was a floor length, nicely flowing dress.  It was similar in style to the one that Anne was currently wearing but not exactly the same.

She also wore matching jewelry. The difference was that where Anne had sapphire teardrop gems Challon wore very nice looking square cut amethysts. Her earrings were just the stud of amethyst instead of dangling like Anne’s were.

Her shoes were silver strappy sandals. They were different from the kind that Anne was wearing in the style and in the fact that they had no rhinestones on them. She was carrying her favorite handbag with her. It was a small lavender purse with a nice royal purple trim around the edges.

They almost always wore those colors because they were their respective favorite colors and because they wore the colors well. As Challon sat down the waiter brought her a glass of the same red wine that Anne was currently drinking.  Since they continuously ordered the same thing Anne had ordered for them both when she sat down.

Anne looked around for a minute before she was going to go into more detail about the events of the morning to make sure no one from work that she had met so far was in the room. She then noticed that sitting at a table not far from them was Nick Taylor.  She stared for a minute before she realized what she was doing and waved at him to come over and join her and Challon.

As Nick stood up Anne quickly told Challon, “That’s Nick from this morning. Please don’t tell him about how I told you everything that happened this morning.”

“I won’t. Promise.” Challon told her just before Nick was within earshot.

Nick was wearing a specially made tailored suit which made him look devastatingly handsome.  It was nicely fitted and made his presence even more commanding presence. It was of course a gorgeous midnight black that accentuated his good looks very well, with a white shirt and a tie that was the exact same shade of blue as his eyes. He was wearing very nice looking black Italian shoes.

“Nick, this is my best friend in the world Challon. Challon this is my new boss Nick.” Anne introduced them.

“Challon…that is not a name that I get to hear very often. It’s unique. It suits you.” Nick said as he took her hand in his and gently lifted it to his mouth and said, “Pleased to meet you Challon.”

“Wow, you are a charmer aren’t you?” Challon responded.

“I try.” He responded politely.
“So you are the guy who completely ruined Anne’s morning.” Challon said with a straight face and after getting a look from Anne she added, “But then you saved the day so I guess that makes up for the beginning of your relationship, huh?”

“Uh, yeah I guess that I ‘ruined’ Anne’s morning, but you would have to ask her if I managed to be able to fix it.” Nick told her seriously.

“You did not ruin my day.” Anne told him sincerely. “That of course means that you did not have to fix my day, even though you did make it a little better. Thanks for your help this morning. Are you here alone tonight?”

“Well, I was supposed to be having a business dinner with another client, but he just called and had to cancel, so I suppose that I will just leave. Have a nice dinner ladies.” Nick said and started to turn around.

“Wait, you can eat with us if you like.” Challon invited him pleasantly.

“Okay, If you are sure that I am not interrupting.” He responded hesitantly looking at Anne to make sure that it was okay with her as well.

So he called the waiter and asked that his meal be sent to this table since he had moved and then asked for a glass of the same wine that the ladies at his table were drinking. He sat and thought about what he could say next.

“So I was informed that you got the job. Congratulations! It is nice to know that someone as intelligent as you will be working in the advertising department, it will help us bring in more clients. Plus now that I have met you it is nice to know that you are not afraid of adversity. Most people that I know would have never made to the elevator after even just half of what you told me that you went through this morning.” He told her, realizing that he really did babble when he talked to her.

“Thanks, I am really glad that you feel that way. So did you get to reschedule your meeting without any problem?” Anne asked curiously.

“Yes, it was fine.  So, Challon, what do you do?” Nick asked trying to make sure that she was included in the conversation.

“Oh, I am a country singer. I am actually holding a concert for the Non-Profit organization lymphoma/leukemia cancer society tomorrow night at eight. If you want I can get you a backstage pass.” Challon told him. The reason behind the suggestion was that she knew for a fact that Anne would be attending and already had a backstage pass and she thought that they would look very good together and was hoping if they saw each other enough times that they would realize that they belong together.

“Sure, I would love to go. The company could donate money to the organization. I love to help people that are less fortunate than myself. Where would I have to go to pick up my tickets?” Nick asked.

“Oh, I can give them to Anne in the morning and she can bring them to you. So how often do you give to non-profit organizations?” Challon asked.

“I give to at least one different one every two months sometimes more often than that.” He informed her with a smile.

“So how did you two meet? Because you both know how I have met each of you. You seem really close.” He asked them.

“We met our first semester of college.” Anne replied with a smile, before adding, “She was a Music major and I was majoring in business.  We stayed roommates though out the entire time that we were there and it was a while because we both ended up with a masters degree.”

“Wow, we all have a masters degree what are the odds of that? I also have mine in business. It is nice to meet a person that got a masters in music most of the people that were going for a music degree that I knew in school were unable to keep going for that long and only got a bachelors degree.” He told her thinking that the both of them seemed like they had known from day one what they had wanted to accomplish with their lives.

“Yeah,” Challon said. “Most of my friends thought that it was a waste of time to get a masters in music when most singers are not really required to have one. Anne was one of the only people who supported me in my decision to go all the way to a masters degree. After I get done with singing professionally I plan to teach music to others who want to learn.”

“That is a very nice thing to do after a singing career.” Nick told her.

“Yeah, that is what I told her. She has become more like a sister to me than just a friend.” Anne told Nick. “I have always supported her decision to teach after her singing career ended, even though it will probably be awhile before that happens because she is still so popular.”

Their food arrived and then they noticed that Anne and Nick had ordered the exact same dish. It seemed funny to Challon how much they were alike and the fact that they really seemed to be oblivious to that fact.
They talked about just random things through out the dinner. Then when they got done and they had paid for their meals Nick walked them to their cars to say good night. They approached Challon’s car first and the other two waited to make sure that it would start and then Nick walked Anne to her own car after she unlocked the door he held it open for her to get in and then he waited while she tried to start her car. Nothing happened she turned the key a few more times and when it still did not start Nick asked if she wanted him to give her a ride home and then she could the car shop and have it fixed then.

She agreed and they walked to his car as he opened the door for her she was barely able to keep from gasping at the fact that he drove a Porsche. It was absolutely beautiful. She especially liked it because of the fact that it was blue and that happened to be her favorite color. It was so comfortable to sit in and the air conditioning was set to the perfect temperature. She felt like she was in heaven.

She then told him her address and her started his car. It started on the first try without you even thinking that there cold be something wrong. They did not talk on the way to her home and she was soon asleep because the car was so comfortable and it was such a smooth ride. Nick soon pulled up to her place and got out and walked around the car and opened her door and asked, as he gently shook her shoulder. “Anne, we are here. Are you going to wake up and go inside?”

“No.” She said still mostly asleep. Then as she became more aware of where she was and who she was with she blushed. “Sorry, I did not mean to fall asleep on you like that. Oh, and yes I am getting up and going in.”

“It is okay, your day has been a little hectic and it is nice to be able to take a nap when ever you can.” He told her.

“I guess I will see you in the morning with the ticket for the benefit concert that Challon is doing tomorrow night.” She told him as she got out of his car. She turned away and headed for the door before she embarrassed herself. She had almost kissed him as she woke up in the car with him leaning over her like he was and then she realized what she was doing and got out of his car and now she was hoping that he had not followed her to the door. He just stood outside of his car and waited for her to open the door to go in. She briefly turned to see him standing there and she waved her hand at him and he waved back just before she walked inside.

Nick then got back inside his car and started it. He could have sworn that she had almost kissed him as she woke up but then as she became more aware of her surroundings she did not seem interested anymore. As he started to drive away toward his own house he thought that it would not have been such a bad thing for him if she had kissed him. In fact now he was sure that he would be thinking about it until he actually could hold her in his arms and kiss her gently.

Please tell me what you think and remember that since this is being written within one month it is probably not he best it the world.

So far my word count is 6526.

nano, story chapter

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