The First Chapter of my NaNoWriMo Story

Nov 01, 2007 14:24

Okay this is  a short chapter and it is the first time that I have tried my hand at writing anything other than fanfiction.

Chapter One

Anne Roberts was running late.  She was supposed to be at her interview twenty minutes ago. With her luck when she finally gets there they will have skipped her and hired the next person on the list who was actually on time.

Okay so the reason that she was late is because she accidentally set her alarm for 6:00pm instead of a.m. so she woke up late and then got a very quick shower.  Then when she got to the bus station she had of course already missed the bus that she had been planning on taking and the next one was supposed to be in five minutes but it was ten minutes late so obviously she was not having her best morning.

After she finished taking her shower she put on the suit that she had laid out the night before, which consisted of a white shirt and a matching blue jacket and skirt. She then put on her make-up which she decided should be light since this was a business interview and not a date.  Then she put her hair up in a very stylish bun that was perfect for her hair, which was brown with blonde highlights from the sun was just longer than shoulder length and any other way that she put it up she ended up felling self-conscious about how professional it looked.

So now she is on a bus anxiously waiting for her stop so that she can get to her interview at Taylor Computer Technology which is widely known as TCT.  Her interview was with the advertising department of TCT and she had been hoping for a job like this for years.  The reason that she needs the job now is because she got fired from her previous job for complaining about a guy who would not believe that she was not interested in him.

So here she was late for her interview with the most prestigious computer technology company in New York.  She was really hoping that she would get there in enough time to still be considered for the job.  She had been with the advertising department in her last job before she was fired.

As soon as the bus stops, she is out of her seat and walking to the front of the bus to get off. She got off as fast as possible but still had to walk two blocks in a direction that the bus did not travel before she would get to the building.  She is now walking as fast as she can without becoming short of breath so that she did not show up to her interiew looking like she had just come from the gym.

When she comes to the building there are many people milling around just talking to each other and it is hard to navigate her way through the throng of people so she ends up walking around everyone and giving at least a two foot radius so that she did not have to worry about running into anyone.

Then she finally got into the building and was walking towards the elevator because her interview was on the twenty-seventh floor and there was no way that she cold make it all the way up twenty seven flights of stairs any faster that It would take to wait on the elevator to get to her.

So she pushed the button indicating that she needed to go up in the elevator and stood back to wait for it to arrive.  A couple of minutes, which seemed to take forever to go by the elevator door opened and she started in just as someone else was walking out and just to add to her bad luck he was holding a cup of coffee which as soon as they collided ended up on her shirt.

* * * * * * *

Nick Taylor is the president and CEO  of TCT which is the company that he built from the floor up.  He had been working at making it a success for three years before he got his first big contract for his computer program. Now after five more years he was one of the richest men in America.

The magazines  had dubbed him the sexiest man in America.  He has light brown hair and blue eyes.  He has high, sharp cheekbones, which only adds to his overall look that give him a commanding presence when he steps into a room.

He has been sitting in his office looking over the information for his early lunch meeting with his  hopefully soon to be client.  The meeting is to start in thirty minutes and since he likes to arrive early to make a good impression he was walking out of his office just after he looked down at his watch to realize what time it was.

He was still carrying his copy of the information for the meeting as he walked out of his office.  He picked up a cup of coffee on his way to the elevator and was in luck because just as he got to the elevator the doors opened and he walked inside and pushed the button for the ground floor.  As he stood in the elevator waiting to get out he decided to go over the papers one last time before he got to the meeting.

His mind started to wander as he was looking through his notes that he had made on the brief in his hand. He barely noticed the many stops that the elevator made on its way down as people left the elevator and more joined him on the journey downward.

When the light finally showed that they were on the ground floor he was the first to step out, bus as he was not paying any attention to who was standing outside of the elevator he barely noticed the slim woman with hair up in a professional bun and a nice blue suit before he ran into her accidentally spilling his coffee on her.  She looked up at him in surprise and slight pain as the hot coffee burned her skin as it soaked through her shirt, staining it in the process.


So what do you think?

Comments are welcome.

nano, story chapter

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