LURE Rio 2016 Summer Olympics

Aug 19, 2016 20:17

Title: Rio 2016 Summer Olympics
Author: sajaal
Disclaimers: Not mine wish they were, I just like to play with them.
Rating: G - R; (language and “sexy-times”)

A/N: All mistakes are mine and all opinions are mine.  I had a request to have Luke and Reid from the Winter Olympics Sochi 2014 verse to attend the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics.   I know they’re almost over but I will post a few stories for you to read and find out what our young men are doing…Enjoy!

Week 1:

Luke sighed as he got out of bed, he needed to get down to the aquatic centre for a news conference followed by tracking down the UK Race Walker Tom Bosworth who had reportedly proposed to his boyfriend the day before for an in-depth interview.  He gazed at the tousled head of red curls and the almost blonde eyelashes covering the beautiful blue eyes of his husband.  Luke still couldn’t believe it was just over two years ago he and the esteemed Dr. Reid Oliver hooked-up one night in Manhattan.  Then to their surprise met on a flight to Sochi, Russia where both of them were working at the 2014 Olympics.  Since those two weeks the two men had been together and rarely apart except when Luke was an assignment or Reid was at a medical conference and they couldn’t arrange their schedules to be together.

Reid had left the hospital in New York where he worked as a neurosurgeon and moved to North Western Hospital in Chicago where Luke lived and worked for The Pulse magazine.  At first Reid had stayed in accommodations provided by the hospital but after three months and spending only five nights there he and Luke bought a condo that was close to the hospital.  Luke’s work as an associate editor gave him flexibility to work from home and go to the office only when he had meetings.

It had been there second anniversary earlier in the year that had brought Luke to tears as his not so romantic boyfriend got down on bended knee and proposed.  Two years from the day they had spent in Vienna on their way to Sochi.  They hadn’t expected to come to the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics and had planned the wedding for late July in Oakdale.  But in May Dr. Blair Wilson contacted Reid and asked if he’d join the team of doctors heading to Rio.  With the number of possible head injuries they wanted someone with Reid’s experience in Rio.  When Luke found out he spoke to his boss Marnie Callahan about doing a piece for the magazine on athletes that were out.  Things had changed dramatically from the 2012 Summer Olympics in London when only about 20 athletes were out, now in Rio over 40 athletes were openly gay.  One couple, Kate and Helen Richardson -Walsh played for England on their field hockey team.  Rumour had it as well that Tom Daley the English diver and his fiancé Dustin Lance Black a movie director from the US had secretly tied the knot.  The world of sports was changing quickly and hopefully the idea of being out or in wouldn’t factor in the next Olympics, whether it be the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea or the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo.

Marnie was more than willing to let Luke look into the changes from Sochi to Rio and spotlight some of the athletes that had the courage to be out in the competitive world of sports.  Robbie Manson a rower from New Zealand spoke openly about his need to be better than his fellow rowers so they wouldn’t suspect he was gay.  It was these stories that Luke wanted to tell and how when they did finally open up about their sexuality that it actually helped them especially emotionally and finally be able to focus on being the best at their sport rather than trying to hide a huge part of who they were.   So many athletes hadn’t come out until they had retired, Ian Thorpe an Australian swimmer being one of those who suffered from bouts of depression possibly from his need to hide until he finally admitted that he was gay after years of speculation.  Luke wanted to observe the changes surrounding the games and how and if the openly gay athletes had any affect on the competition and those attending.

The months leading up to the Olympics had been a whirlwind of activity, Reid working long hours and Luke too and then trying to organize a wedding and attend meetings and orientation sessions.  Luke was so thankful for his grandma Emma’s and sister Natalie’s help to organize the wedding in Oakdale.  He and Reid still spent many weekends driving to Oakdale to make decisions on invitations, flowers, the venue, the dinner and the cake.  It was only those weekends with food involved that made Reid stop complaining and of course working off the food with sex made those weekends even better.

Luke shook his head remembering one particular weekend when his grandma Emma got more than she bargained for when looking for some old photos of Luke.  She hadn’t been prepared to see her grandson’s very naked backside as she walked into Luke’s old bedroom.  Later after they were dressed and back down in the kitchen Reid blamed Emma’s rhubarb crumble pie she’d made for lunch for the afternoon escapade she’d walked in on.

“I should have known that I need a nap after all that pie was code for some afternoon delight,” Emma had chuckled before adding, “Harry would always use that excuse too,” her brown eyes shining with laughter.

“Grandma!” Luke had exclaimed, shocked and embarrassed.

“Why Luke how ever did you think I could have all my children,” she teased him with a wide smile.

“I know but no grandson wants to think about their grandmother or grandfather having sex,” Luke argued and heard Reid’s snort behind him.

“Uhm, Luke let’s just leave it okay, we were caught and we’ll just need to be more sneaky next time,” Reid told Luke giving Emma a sly wink.

Yes, Dr. Reid Oliver was doted on by Emma Snyder, when she met him two years ago she took one look at the happiness on her grandson’s face and that was enough for her.  The sometimes gruff and grumpy doctor became one of her favourites.  She loved to cook for him and Reid enjoyed all of the food and the unconditional love that she gave him; of course her love and support of Luke made Reid fall in love with her too.

The day of Luke Snyder and Dr. Reid Oliver’s wedding was stinking hot, as Luke’s younger brother Ethan kept saying over and over again.  The outdoor wedding was a scorcher and once the vows were said and the men kissed the wedding party ran to Snyder’s pond and jumped in, shoes, tuxedo jackets left on the shore.  It did give Luke and Reid a good excuse to disappear and consummate they’re marriage and be late for the rest of the wedding photos though Luke felt it was worth all the ribbing by their family and friends to see Reid so relaxed and smiling in every photo.

“Well Luke, you sure know how to put a smile on Oliver’s face,” Jace Kirkpatrick, Reid’s best friend and best man drawled.

“Hey don’t razz Luke man or you won’t be smiling tomorrow,” Roman threatened his husband, but the twinkle in his deep brown eyes belied his intentions.

“Ah, c’mon Roman, we’re going to Montega tonight and I want to enjoy it with you,” Jace pouted and Roman looked up at his handsome long tall Texan and shook his head as he pulled him down for a soft kiss.

“Don’t worry babe, I’ll still be able to do you right even after I fly the jet down,” Roman promised, Roman had been Lucinda Walsh’s personal pilot for the past year.

Luke’s Aunt Sierra had kindly offered a honeymoon villa for Luke and Reid on the island where she lived and it just happened to be on the way to Rio.  Jace and Roman would be staying for the weekend at another resort for the weekend, a special gift from Lucinda to her favourite pilot for flying her favourite grandson and his new husband to their honeymoon destination.   The following week Roman would come back and pick up Luke and Reid and take them to Rio where another apartment had been rented for the two of them.  Reid would not think of trying to live in the Olympic Village, after the appalling conditions in Sochi he and Luke preferred to make their own accommodation arrangements.

The rest of the wedding reception had been filled with food, laughter and heartfelt words from family and friends.  Casey Hughes, Luke’s best man had everyone laughing at the antics he and Luke got into as kids.  Holden had everyone in tears as he spoke of the boy he called his own and how proud he was of him and his choice of husband.

The island breeze from the water on Montega was warm but compared to Oakdale earlier in the day this felt cool.  The netting surrounding the bed fluttered around the two very naked men lying entwined.  Soft kisses and murmured words and moans came from the two men.

“Reid,” Luke whispered as Reid sucked the sensitive area behind Luke’s ear.

“Mmm,” came the muffled reply as Reid made his way over his husbands skin.  Reid loved to kiss and nuzzle Luke’s skin as his fingers brushed the wiry hair smattered across Luke’s chest and dark rosy nipples, “Love you,” Reid murmured still kissing and nibbling on Luke’s skin.

“Mmm, love you too,” Luke, sighed and then gasped as Reid tweaked a very sensitive nipple, “Fuck Reid, don’t make me beg.”

For the past two years Reid had Luke begging many times and Luke had Reid begging almost as many.  But from that first night in Manhattan Reid loved to worship every inch of Luke’s body and make him burn with desire and need that only Reid could satisfy.  Reid never rushed as Luke writhed and moaned for more beneath him, pleading for Reid to make love to him.

Reid continued his gentle assault until he couldn’t wait any longer and he prepped Luke slowly as if it was their first time together.  Lubed fingers circled Luke’s puckered hole before one slipped in.  Luke took a breath as Reid moved his finger in and out leaning forward to capture Luke’s open mouth in a scorching kiss.  Luke whimpered as Reid’s tongue mimicked the movement of his finger in Luke’s ass.

Heat and passion built quickly between the two men and Reid started to lose control.  His need for Luke had never diminished over the past two years together.  A second finger pushed in deep touching Luke’s prostate and making him gasp in Reid’s mouth.

“More,” Luke mumbled against Reid’s lips as he tried to catch his breath when a third finger joined the other two and he pushed down into them, “Reid, please!” Luke pleaded wanting and needing to feel his husband and have that connection with him.

Reid’s fingers withdrew suddenly and were replaced by Reid’s silken hard cock.  In perfect sync Reid thrust forward and Luke pushed back.

“Fuck Luke, so good, you feel so damn good.  I want to stay inside you like this forever,” Reid told Luke as he pushed Luke’s blonde hair off his forehead and his piercing blue eyes gazed into Luke’s beautiful warm brown ones.  Reid put his forehead against Luke’s and began to move, slowly at first and then faster.

Reid’s hands grasped Luke’s as he lay Luke down onto the bed and began kissing him again.  Luke’s cock lay hard trapped between them rubbing against their bellies as they moved together so smoothly and that was all Luke would need to come when Reid was inside him so deep and with their mouths fused together.

“Reid!” Luke gasped pulling his mouth away from Reid’s as his orgasm slammed into him and he could feel Reid’s own release fill him.

“Oh god, Luke, so good always,” Reid groaned as he shuddered feeling Luke’s heat throb around him.

Seven days, they had seven days on Montega, making love, swimming, enjoying the sites and ambience of the beautiful island.  Now another week had passed since they had arrived in Rio.  Reid had been gone the first day to help at the men’s road race which saw many cyclists crashing as they tried to navigate the grueling course.  The women’s race followed under wet conditions and the terrible crash of one of the Dutch competitors had Reid spending even more time at the hospital.

Luke leaned down to kiss Reid’s forehead before leaving, “See you later,” he whispered.

“Hmm, yeah see you later Snyder,” Reid mumbled before falling back to sleep.

dr. reid oliver, atwt, !author|artist: sajaal, livejournal, luke snyder, fanfiction, lure

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