A P-Town Reunion - Chapter #9

Jan 31, 2016 20:21

Title: A P-Town Reunion
Author: sajaal
Disclaimers: Not mine wish they were
Rating: G - R; (language and “sexy-times”)

A/N: As the warm weather finally reaches P-Town after the coldest and snowiest winters in recent years Luke and Reid are busy with work, family and their new relationship.  Family and friends are arriving to visit and spend time on the Cape and everyone is looking forward to Scott and Bridget’s wedding.

Chapter #9

“Okay Faith, you can do this,” Faith was murmuring under her breath as she packed up a box with Ginny’s small-framed paintings.  They had sold many of Ginny’s crafts, the small paintings and the stained glass art and blown glass ornaments being the best sellers.

Now Faith was trying to keep her courage up and speak with Harrison.  She’d asked him earlier in the day to come help with packing everything up and although he gave her a curious look he nodded, yes.

“Uhm, okay I’m closing the bookstore at four and then I’ll come by and help,” he’d told her.   The bookstore was open for the Memorial holiday Monday since it was in a tourist destination and many visitors were on the island to celebrate.

It was just before five and Faith was trying to clam her anxiety.  She realized that she needed to talk to Harrison and apologize for her behavior the past few weeks.  She wasn’t going to apologize for the near miss but she would for being so rude to Harrison and she really wanted to smooth things over.

“Oh hey Harrison glad you could make it,” Bridget said and she gestured to a stack of boxes, “Could you put those in the back of Scott’s truck for me?  They’re too heavy for me to lift gently and they are filled with the glass blown ornaments.”

“Sure Bridget I’ll get them for you,” Harrison replied, carefully picking up the boxes and carrying them to the truck.  He pushed them gently across the back of the truck bed, making sure they were close together so they wouldn’t jostle too much on the ride.

It only took a few minutes to pack everything away and Luke thanked everyone for helping, “Hey why don’t you stay awhile Harrison, the food tents and midway are still open for a few hours, Faith could take you over,” Luke added and Harrison darted a look at Faith who stood were her mouth agape.

“Uhm, yeah we could do that if you’re not too busy,” Faith agreed hesitantly to Harrison, who could see her straighten her shoulders and give Luke a narrowed gaze.

“Harrison are you free?” Luke asked and Harrison looked back to Luke, he could swear that those brown eyes challenged him to say no.

“Well, uh sure, I haven’t been to a fair in the US yet, maybe they have fudge and salt water taffy,” and he looked over at Faith with a grin who shook her head and smiled at his sudden boyish enthusiasm.

“I’m not sure but they might have corndogs and cotton candy,” Faith offered and Harrison’s green eyes widened

“Corndogs?” he repeated and looked over at Luke who had a very tired Holly half asleep in his arms.

“I know it doesn’t sound that good but it’s not bad with enough mustard and ketchup,” Luke told him, “You guys go have some fun I’m taking this one home for dinner,” and Holly yawned.

“But I want to see the fireworks,” she mumbled, and Luke sighed.

“We’ll see,” he told her and gave a wave to Faith and Harrison as he turned away with Holly.

“Uhm, so are you ready?” Faith asked, the nerves coming back as Luke walked away and Harrison nodded.

“Yeah, let’s go,” he told her and they said their goodbyes to Bridget.

“So uh, have you been to a lot of fairs back home in England?” Faith inquired as they headed down the hill towards the food tents.

“I’m sorry Faith, can we talk please, about that day,” Harrison blurted out stopping and Faith turned to him, Harrison’s hands were shoved deep in his pockets and his green eyes were pleading with Faith and she just nodded as she found no words to reply, her mouth suddenly dry.

Harrison took a deep breath and pulled his hands out of his pockets to run through his dark blonde hair and then lacing them behind his head, “I really am sorry for what I said to you.  I feel like a complete tosser and I know my mates back home would call me a sodding wanker for treating you that way,” Faith’s face looked stunned as Harrison didn’t realize that his apology was filled with British slang that Faith couldn’t understand but he kept going ignoring the expression on her face, “Fuck, I really am buggering this up aren’t I Faith, but I truly am sorry for calling you a princess and daddy’s girl.”

“Don’t forget silver-spooned brat,” Faith managed to slip in and Harrison stopped his rant and the two of them burst out laughing, “I honestly understood only about half of what you just said Harrison,” Faith gasped as tears streamed down her cheeks, “What is a tosser and a sodding wanker anyway?” and Harrison grinned at her enjoying the sparkle in those expressive brown eyes.

“I guess it’s like a jerk or idiot in your terms,” he told her and then more seriously Harrison repeated, “I truly am sorry Faith.”

“I’m sorry too Harrison, I was just so hurt by what you said and maybe part of me believed that you were right.  I was raised with money and sometimes I did treat others badly but that was a long time ago and I’m not like that anymore,” Faith admitted giving Harrison a sad smile.

“Oh Faith, I can’t believe that, you’re a wonderful person, so good with the customers and so patient with Holly.  I lost my temper and I said some awful things and I hope we can forget all about it and be friends at least,” Harrison told her sincerely his green eyes filled with fondness for someone he knew hadn’t deserved what he’d called her.  He couldn’t quite believe that she thought of herself as some snobby rich girl since he hadn’t seen any sign of that behavior since he’d been around her.

“I like that idea, I would love for us to be friends,” Faith agreed and they headed towards the food tents chatting about themselves.

“Hey Barrett, Kit how’re you guys?” Jeff asked as he and Alex walked towards them.  They were walking towards the midway and Jeff had Ava perched on his shoulders a cone of cotton candy in one of her hands and the other hand showing the telltale signs of blue and pink dye from the sugary confection was gripping the top of Jeff’s once beige Reebok baseball cap.

Kit’s mouth dropped open at the sight of the sticky mess in Ava’s hand and smeared across her face and Jeff’s baseball cap.  Carter was beside Alex chattering about taking a ride on the Tilt-A-Whirl and Alex grimaced.

“I’m not sure if that’s wise bud after the caramel corn, candy apple and now the corndog.”

“Oh please Alex it won’t make me hurl I promise,” Carter pleaded turning towards Alex and his hand clutching the corndog smothered with mustard and ketchup brushed Kit’s impeccable blue and white striped short-sleeved button-down, “Oh jeeze, I’m so sorry Mr. Henderson,” Carter apologized and Jeff leaned forward a wet wipe magically appearing in his hand to clean the shirt.

“Daddy!” Ava squealed as she lost her balance and pitched forward, her sticky blue and pink hand grabbed Kit’s shoulder to stop her from falling.

“Oh shit!” Jeff pulled back one hand grabbed Ava’s sticky one and the other grabbed her leg, “Sorry man,” Jeff apologized as Alex and Barrett looked on in amusement.

Kit’s mouth was still open and he was just nodding, completely taken aback by Jeff’s kids and the total mess of his very expensive shirt.  He was the owner of an exclusive men’s wear store and prided himself on looking good and wearing the latest fashions.  He looked over at Barrett seeing the grin on his face and a little bit of adoration for the two kids.  Kit swallowed hard, kids, he’d never thought of having kids, sticky hands and faces.  Looking down at his shirt he took a deep breath and took the wet wipe from Jeff’s hand and started to clean the cotton candy stain from his shoulder.

“Ah, don’t worry about it Jeff, it’s an old shirt and I’m sure it will come out in the wash,” Kit said trying desperately to not freak out over the mess of his shirt.

Alex shrugged, “You get used to it when you have kids around, everything changes and yeah carrying wet wipes and extra clothes comes with the territory,” he said looking fondly at Jeff and the kids.  Jeff had taken Ava off his shoulders and was using more wipes to clean her hands, face and the top if his baseball cap.

“I’m sorry Daddy,” she was saying her voice quivering and her brown eyes were filled with tears.

“It’s okay honey, Mr. Henderson is not mad, it was an accident,” Jeff tried to soothe and reassure her.

“I really am sorry about your shirt Mr. Henderson,” Carter said again and Kit gave him a forced smile.

“It’s okay Carter no harm done, it’s just an ole shirt,” he added and Barrett gave his hand a squeeze of support knowing full well it was a brand new shirt and Kit had worn it to look good for Barrett.

They followed Jeff and Alex for a while Barrett laughing at the kids antics and Kit watched in horror as Carter turned green on the Tilt-a-Whirl and Jeff rushed him to the closet garbage can, telling him to breathe.  Barrett was still chuckling much later as he and Kit climbed up the hill to a nice secluded spot that would give them a good view of the fireworks.

“Ah c’mon Kit it’s not that bad, I’m sure you’ve thought of having kids before,” Barrett said over his shoulder, he was ahead of Kit and didn’t see the look that passed over his face.

“Uhm, well not really,” Kit admitted, “What about you and your ex did you talk about having kids?” he asked instead redirecting the question back to Barrett.

Barrett shrugged, putting down the small picnic basket he was carrying and laying out the blanket he had tucked under his arm, “We did but never seriously, Andrew would say that we had lots of time and I guess I agreed with him.”

“And now how do you feel about it?” Kit persisted as he smoothed out the edges of the blanket before lounging back on it.

“Sure, I’d still love to have kids, but not right now, we’re just getting back on track Kit and I know kid’s are a huge step,” he told Kit honestly, Barrett knew that they were too new as a couple and with this being Kit’s first adult relationship, kids may not be something he was willing to consider and at this time Barrett did not see it as a deal breaker for them being together.

Having enough of the topic for one night Barrett wanted to change the mood of the night and reached into the basket, “I did enjoy hanging out with Alex and Jeff and the kids but if we had kids I wouldn’t be able to do this,” and Barrett leaned over kissing Kit deeply and unbuttoning the stained shirt followed by the short knee-length pants and Kit heard the familiar snap of a cap of lube.  He jumped as the sky lit up with a bang and a cool slick hand grabbed and started to stroke his cock.   With Barrett’s skillful hand Kit forgot all about kids and enjoyed the fireworks in the sky as well as the ones that coursing through his body.

dr. reid oliver, !author|artist: sajaal, livejournal, luke snyder, fanfiction, lure

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