A P-Town Reunion - Chapter #4

Nov 11, 2015 21:46

Title: A P-Town Reunion
Author: sajaal
Disclaimers: Not mine wish they were
Rating: G - R; (language and “sexy-times”)

A/N: As the warm weather finally reaches P-Town after the coldest and snowiest winters in recent years Luke and Reid are busy with work, family and their new relationship.  Family and friends are arriving to visit and spend time on the Cape and everyone is looking forward to Scott and Bridget’s wedding.

Chapter #4

Faith checked her watch and swore under her breath, she was much later than she had hoped but she had wanted to take the ferry from Boston to Provincetown.  She’d missed the first one of the day and ended up on the ferry that left at 1 pm from Boston Harbor.  It had messed her whole day up and she had texted Luke to tell him and he just sent her a smiley face and told her to not worry and get there in one piece.  As the cars started to move in front of her she drummed her fingers nervously on the stick shift it was her first standard car and she loved it.  It was a little British racing green MGB convertible soft-top that her grandmother Lucinda’s husband had tucked away in his garage in Baltimore.  John Dixon watched Faith’s eyes light up as he took her for a drive around the city and was charmed by her excitement over the little car.

“How about I lend it to you for the summer,” John had suggested to an open mouthed Faith, “Every beautiful girl deserves to have one of these to drive for the summer,” he’d chuckled and Faith just shook her head with amazement.  She was spending the summer in P-Town so she wasn’t expecting to meet anyone but she wasn’t going to say no.

Faith was excited to spend the summer with her brother Luke and all the people she’d met the previous fall.  She’d loved seeing her brother Luke so happy with Reid Oliver and she was looking forward to spending time with them as well as Mary and her family.  Mary was someone she could talk to and not worry that she’d be told not to act so foolish.

Faith and her mother Lily had a very rocky relationship fraught with guilt and recriminations.  Faith had never felt good enough and Lily kept telling her to try harder, at what Faith wasn’t sure.  All Faith knew was that she felt depressed and worthless after being around her mother.

The past few months working with her grandmother Lucinda Walsh had been eye opening for Faith.  She really enjoyed communications and public relations, promoting World Wide and what it could do for potential investors.  She couldn’t wait to tell Luke about her acceptance at Boston University and that she would be starting classes in the fall for a degree in Communications.  All of her credits from Oakdale U were being transferred so she would be starting her third year.

Faith had inched her way out of the ferry and had come to a stoplight; she stopped taking the car out of gear and waited until the light turned green.  As the light changed Faith put the car in what she thought was first gear and jerked forward faster than expected bumping into a young man who’d just stepped off the curb.

“Hey watch where you’re going!” an angry male voice with an English accent shouted at Faith and piercing green eyes glared at her from the front corner of the car.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Faith apologized and the gorgeous man rolled his eyes saying loud enough for her to hear.

“Bloody rich and rude princess!” he grumbled and Faith’s anger bubbled up.

“I said I was sorry, you jerk,” she spat out her brown eyes flashing as she pushed her sunglasses up, “You’re the one who stepped out in front of me!”

“Silver-spooned brat,” Harrison replied with disgust, although he couldn’t take his eyes off the stunning young woman in front of him, the brown eyes sparkling with anger, but that didn’t stop him from saying to her, “Hmmm, well I’m sure daddy will fix the car for you if I’ve scratched it.”

Harrison didn’t hear the reply as a horn blared behind the little convertible making Faith jump and stall her car.  She hastily put it in first gear this time moving forward and looking over to see the young man walk up to the ferry.

“Bastard,” she growled her hands shaking and lips quivering as she drove to the closest parking lot before heading towards the bookstore.  She hastily wiped the tears from her eyes and looked towards the ferry but the man was gone.  She let out a shaky breath and then sighed, “What a stupid gorgeous jerk.”

“Where’s Harrison?” Bridget asked Luke as she entered the bookstore.

“I gave him the afternoon off so he was taking the three o’clock ferry into Boston to check out the campus and look for a place to stay,” Luke explained wincing as he stood up and smiling to himself.  The painting had reminded Luke of some unused muscles but the amazing sex with Reid also had added to Luke’s current discomfort.

It wasn’t often that Reid was so aggressive and Luke hadn’t minded one bit.  He’d gotten his turn later that night and had Reid begging and pleading to fuck him hard as Luke teased and played with Reid.  As Reid found out Luke loved to take control and Reid knew he had to be patient but that wasn’t something that Reid was very good at.

“Well that was very nice of you,” Bridget replied handing Luke a coffee and donut and Luke gave her a grateful smile.

“Thanks, how was the shopping trip and the aquarium?”  Luke asked as he took a sip of his coffee, grimacing as it burnt his tongue.

“Awesome, well I thought the shopping was Scott not so much but we all loved the Aquarium.  Holly was absolutely enthralled with the sharks at night and she loved the sea turtles,” Bridget explained with a chuckle, “Has Faith arrived yet?” she asked bending to pet Violet who’d gotten up form her place in the sunshine to say hello.

“She should be here in a few minutes she missed the early ferry out of Boston and had to wait for the one that left at one o’clock,” Luke explained and Bridget nodded.

“We almost missed the early ferry as well but we were lucky, both Scott and I had to work today,” Bridget told Luke.

“Harrison had enough time to make the three o’clock ferry to Boston and Casey and Kara were going to meet him at the dock in Boston so they can show him around the city.  Reid’s condo is getting a lot of use these days,” Luke commented with a smile.

“What are you and Reid planning to do with the condo in Boston?” Bridget questioned and Luke shrugged.

“I’m not sure, Casey and Kara are getting pretty serious so they may move in together,” Luke explained, “And I have the apartment above the bookstore that Faith can stay in this summer if she wants, or she may want to stay with Reid and I, we have plenty of room.  I thought I might offer the apartment to Harrison if he wants some privacy or if you and Scott want some privacy after you move into the Wellfleet house.”

“The condo is kind of nice to have in Boston, I know that Scott and I were happy to stay there last night and Holly’s old room still has some of her things there,” Bridget was saying and stopped mid-sentence seeing a familiar face drive by, “Faith?” she questioned and Luke looked out the window and then heard the purr of a small car near the back door of the store.

A car door slammed and Luke walked to the back door, opening it in time to see his little sister.  He eyed the little green sports car as she turned and squealed out his name and launched herself into his arms, at 5’4” Faith was not a very big girl.

“What is that Faith?” Luke asked kissing her temple and squeezing her tight.

“Isn’t she gorgeous?” Faith gushed looking back at the little car, “John let me borrow her for the summer.”

“But you don’t know how to drive a standard,” Luke said in confusion.

“Well I’m not the best at it,” Faith agreed thinking of the incident on the ferry dock, “But I’m getting better,” she admitted, looking up she saw Bridget come to the door, “Congratulations!” Faith said as she gave Bridget a warm hug.

“Thank-you and before you ask, of course you’re invited,” Bridget added and Faith gave her a brilliant smile.

Luke closed the store at 5 pm and he and Faith headed to Mary’s for dinner.

“I couldn’t believe the nerve of that guy,” Faith was telling Mary about the gorgeous man who’d yelled at her on the ferry dock, “I didn’t even hit him really, I just bumped him when I accidentally shifted to 2nd gear instead of first,” Faith was explaining and Mary laughed.

“Was he good-looking at least?” she asked her eyes twinkling as she saw the telltale blush creep up Faith’s neck and Faith nodded.

“Yeah, he was gorgeous with an adorable accent,” she said then added shaking her head, “But he was a complete jerk,” her anger returning as she remembered what he’d called her.

Luke told everyone about Faith’s acceptance at Boston University and everyone was excited to hear that she’d be close by and could come and see them throughout the school year.

“Good for you Faith,” Reid has told her after Luke’s announcement, and she gave him a hug which he accepted, after being with Luke for these past months and with Holly, Reid was beginning to almost enjoy hugs.

“Thanks Reid, I took my time the past few months to figure out what I wanted to do and I found it.  I’m happy that I spent the time a way from Oakdale and my mom,” she added with a grimace and Luke came to pull her into a hug.  Luke knew that their mother was not happy with Faith’s decision to go to school so far away from Oakdale.  Luke on the other hand was so proud of his little sister and how much she’d matured in the past few months. “Luke can I go over the Scott’s house tomorrow and help Faith choose some items Ginny made fore the Memorial Day Craft Show?” Faith asked later that night.

“Sure, go ahead, I can handle the store tomorrow, then on Monday you can meet Harrison and you two can work together.  I have a bunch of things I need to get done and organized for the mover’s next weekend,” Luke told her, “And you’ll be pretty busy here this summer and won’t get too much time off, that’s why I let Harrison go to Boston this weekend,” Luke explained and Faith nodded she knew that this was a working vacation, but she loved P-Town and was looking forward to spending sometime on the beach and hanging out with her brother and her new friends.

Harrison sighed as he walked down the street to the bookstore he figured Reid would be coming by at some time and he could get a ride back to the house with him.  Harrison had loved Boston and the campus, but finding a place to stay may be more difficult than he first thought.  He really didn’t want to live in a student dive or share a house with a bunch of people.  He wanted more privacy and maybe just one or two roommates but not a full house.

He smiled seeing the little bookstore, The Boy in the Moon, Luke Snyder was great and he was hoping that Luke’s sister was as easy going as he was.  Harrison was enjoying his work at the bookstore and was looking forward to the quiet summer he would be having before starting school in the fall.

He hadn’t felt this relaxed and happy in months and he knew that he was finally getting over Courtney, as a pair of angry brown eyes reappeared in this thoughts.  The bell jangled over the door as he opened it and stepped into the store and he turned to look towards the back door when he heard a girl’s voice.

“Hey Luke, I’m back,” and Harrison’s jaw dropped as the light brown haired girl with flashing brown eyes stopped seeing Harrison standing just inside the front door.

“Hey Faith, how’d it go?” Luke’s voice carried from the far side of the store as he walked over and turned seeing Harrison by the front door, “Oh, hey Harrison, you’re back, Faith this is Harrison Moore, Harrison this is my sister Faith Snyder,” and piercing green eyes met stunned brown ones.

dr. reid oliver, !author|artist: sajaal, livejournal, luke snyder, fanfiction, lure

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