Supernatural Rec List

Dec 23, 2012 00:14


It took me forever to really get into the SPN fandom, for three major reasons. One, no non relatives to slash either Sam or Dean with, and Wincest (incest, period) makes me more than a little green around the gills. Two, while I like het just fine, there were no real female leads, and I REALLY don’t like Ruby. At all. Not even a little. I like/d Jess, but there seem to be precious few good ‘Jess lives’ fics out there that don’t also involve wincest. And lastly, I REALLY don’t like RPF/RPS. I just find the idea of writing stuff about real people creepy.
So after Dean went to Hell I wandered off for several seasons and buried myself in Doctor Who, NCIS and a couple other things, pretty much forgetting about the whole SPN fandom. Then a friend mentioned Castiel and Gabriel, and I was all ‘AngelsWhoWhatNow?’.
After the obligatory ‘OMG, have you been living under a ROCK?!?!?’ conversation, I went over to Project Free TV and proceeded to catch myself up. I promptly fell in LOVE with Dean/Castiel (and to a lesser extent Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Gabriel, and Sam/Castiel.)
So I’ve managed to collect a fair amount of awesome fics in the past year or so and thought I’d put all my favorites in one place for the benefit of others. I love rec lists myself, so I thought creating my own might be fun. And helpful. And stuff.*G*

Gen and Crossover pairings

Title t's All in the Details by Colleen
Genre:  Gen, but just like the show you can slip on your Dean/Cas slash goggles if you want. :)
Authors summary:  When Dean goes to sell his soul at the crossroads to bring Sam back, someone else steps in to negotiate the deal. Cas did get a sign and it sent him off into the past to change things. AU from The Man Who Would be King and All Hell Breaks Loose.
Warnings Time-Travel
Why I’m Reccing it:  This is by far, the very best supernatural timetravel fic I have found to date. It’s long, well written, and fully believable. Colleen fixes a bunch of those bits that we all cringed and moaned about on the show.*G* Besides that, the characters are very in character, and all the changes seem to be carefully and well thought out. I have yet to find any major plot holes, and the grammar and spelling is great. All in all, a wonderful read. There is one thing though. It IS a WIP, but before you run away, let me point out that it’s already 43 chapters, and the 43rd was just added 12-14-12, so it hasn’t been abandoned.


Title:  Dean Winchester and the Hidden Staircase by Chabbit
Genre:  Gen, Crossover with Harry Potter.
Authors summary When John Winchester found the first letter, he used it as tinder for their camp fire.
Warnings: one
Why I’m Reccing it:  While there are a ton of fics, both good and bad, that have the Winchesters interacting with the HP world, there are really none that have one or both boys becoming wizards. There ARE fusions, but those are pretty much just taking the SPN characters and turning them into HP characters. The Supernatural world gets left behind. This fic doesn’t do that. This fic is an honest take on what would happen if an 11 year old Dean Winchester (who is in England because of John’s hunting) received a Hogwarts letter. The character reactions are all really fantastic and true to the characters and the world they come from. There is no automatic switch from the normal SPN mind set of ‘All magic is EVIL’ to the HP one of ‘Magic is AWESOME!’ for any of the characters. John is realistically suspicious and Dean is believably conflicted. You just wanna hug him, seriously. The author took the time to check actual dates and ages, so the timeline lines up with the books, with Dean starting the year before Harry and Co start. It’s still a WIP, but the author seems enthusiastic, and committed to at least writing the first year. (I’m subtly cheerleading for more.*G*)


Title Hunters and Heroes Series by TamrynEradani
Genre:  Het and Slash, crossover with The Avengers.
Authors summary Clint and Dean meet when Clint's a beginning agent, and Dean's hunting on his own, because his dad's off doing something and Sam's in college. They keep in touch as Clint takes out his family and Dean dies for his, and they form a friendship that becomes something more.
With the apocalypse averted and an alien invasion twarted, things should get easier, but with an invitation for the Winchesters to live at Stark Tower, Sam falling in love with an assassin, and Castiel using Steve Rogers as a study in humans, Dean thinks his life has actually gotten more complicated.
Warnings Gore and violence appropriate to the respective fandoms, Slash, Het, and one odd inter-species relationship.
Why I’m Reccing it:  This is an excellent meshing of the worlds of the Avengers and Supernatural with believable interactions. Well, for the most part… The Castiel/Steve Rogers thing is a bit weird, but works surprisingly well. The main pairing of Dean/Clint Barton is a slow burn friends to more relationship and works out in a nice believable manner, and the secondary Sam/Natasha Romanov is certainly an upswing from his (scary disastrous) canon relationships with women (just try pinning HER to a ceiling, demons).


Title The Tamir Incident by Kavery12
Genre:  Gen, Fusion with Star Trek Reboot (also known as Star Trek AOS and Star trek 2009)
Authors summary:  Two maverick captains. One impossible mission. The beginning of an epic partnership.
Warnings:  Fusion, slight crack.
Why I’m Reccing it The well done fusion seems to be a rarity. This is the first fic in a 25 fic series. They are all fairly well done and hilarious. Characters are well done and only slightly tweaked to fit the new world. Jim and Dean make excellent friends, and Sam and Spock could probably take over the galaxy if they wanted to. Definitely worth the time to read.


Title Gone With the Wendigo by bellatemple
Genre:  Gen, crossover with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Authors summary:  Sam and Dean go into the New Hampshire wilderness to investigate a new case: whole groups of hikers are getting trapped in freak blizzards and then encased in solid ice. When a blizzard hits them on the trail, they take shelter in a nearby cave for the night, only to awake to find themselves transformed into brightly colored ponies and trapped in a whole new world where zebras speak in rhyme, ponies run apple orchards, good times and positive thinking are encouraged, and friendship? Friendship is magic.
Warnings Cracky crossover? Other than that…. *shrugs*
Why I’m Reccing it:  Okay, before you roll your eyes and leave, THIS IS ACTUALLY A REALLY GOOD FIC. I know how it sounds, Supernatural and My Little Pony, two fandoms that you’d think couldn’t possibly interact in any way other than complete and utter crack. But this is actually a well written character driven fic, that is completely in character. I realize that sounds impossible, but Bellatemple managed to do it, folks, and do it well. I’ve only ever seen one ep of MLP, and couldn’t even sit through the whole thing, but I’ve read this several times. The art for it was done by Davincis_girl, and is what drove me to read the fic.
Here’s a link to the art in question, hopefully it’ll have the same effect on everyone else!


Title Those Campbell Boys by l. marie benjamin
Genre:  Gen and Het, crossover with Criminal Minds
Authors summary hen a demon attacks one of the team members, an impossible world opens up for another and a mother's secrets will change everything. Post Season 5 finales for both shows.
Warnings Graphic gore and violence, an instance of non-graphic rape of an original female character (sort of, it’s complicated). Many OC’s, but well, they really aren’t entirely OC’s (It’s VERY complicated*G*).
Why I’m Reccing it This is amazingly well written. The two worlds are meshed not just in a simple ‘these characters meet THESE characters’ way, but in an epic, sprawling, since the beginning of TIME way. I am in awe of this author. The idea she had for this would have been really easy to do badly, but this fic reads like it could be a series of episodes/season of either show. The characters are all in character, and even the most unbelievable parts of this story are fully convincing. Also, check out her profile. She’s got a link to a sound track for the fic and some pictures of her original characters.


Title Raphael and Remembrances Of Things Past by Noxialis (2 fics)
Links: and
Genre:  Gen
Authors summaries:  Raphael leaves his vessel for another, and pays for it. Set during Criminal Minds 'Revelations'.

When the new 'Supernatural' books are released, Garcia convinces Reid to join the fandom. What he finds, however, are too many coincidences for him to ignore.
Warnings Violence and gore, but nothing worse than either show.
Why I’m Reccing it *shrugs* They’re well written, decently characterized and fun to read. I love the idea if Garcia interacting in a fannish way with Sam and Dean, and like the thought of an entire team of FBI agents finding out about the supernatural. This is done in a fairly believable way, so I thought it was worth recommending!


Title Here Be Dragons by Xela
Genre:  Gen, Crossover with Stargate: SG-1
Authors summary Cas accidentally BAMFs himself and Dean into Stargate Command. Hilarity ensues.
Warnings None
Why I’m Reccing it:  It’s FUNNY.


Title:  Roadhouse Ink by Epicycles
Authors summary U. After an injury, Dean retires from hunting to become a tattoo artist, slipping anti-possession symbols into all the art. One day two djinn -- the supposed Trickster and his younger brother -- turn up on Dean's doorstep, needing his help and offering a wish in return.
Warnings: m, Tattoos?
Other Pairings:  M’kay, the author says this is Gen, so that’s why I put it in the Gen section, but seriously, you don’t even have to be wearing your slash goggles to see the Dean/Gabriel vibe. Just sayin’.
Why I’m Reccing it I usually don’t like AU’s, mainly because I LIKE the supernatural aspect of SPN, and I also like the angels, you know, BEING ANGELS. But this one I like. It’s still set in the SPN universe, but instead of being angels, Gabriel and Castiel area type of Djinn. It works really well and I love how all the various characters interact with one another. Fun stuff!


Title The First Son & His Daemon and The Fallen Son & His Daemon by LJ Todd
Links: and
Genre Fanart, fusions with HDM (His Dark Materials)
Authors summary: N /A
Warnings:  None
Other pairings:  N/A
Why I’m Reccing it:  Okay, these technically aren’t fics, they’re some nicely done photo manips, each with a ficlet to go along with them. I’m reccing them because the artist/author put a lot of thought behind her choices of daemons for the brothers, far beyond many much longer HDM fusions I’ve seen. So, go take a look. If you don’t agree with the choices she made, or just want to know her reasoning behind them, she’s fully willing to discuss it!


Title:  These Unbroken Threads by shadownashira
Genre:  Gen, crossover with Stargate: SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis
Authors summary:  John Winchester gets a nasty wake-up call one day that forces him to re-evaluate how he’s raising his sons. At the same time, Jack O'Neill, an old friend of his, tracks the man down to demand answers. After revelations are had by both sides, Jack offers him an alternative option to their hunting lifestyle, and so the Winchesters move to Colorado Springs to hide and play the waiting game with Yellow Eyes. Somehow gaining a clone as their best friend, Dean and Sam grow up knowing the best and brightest of the SGC while keeping themselves in the hunting loop. Eventually, destiny catches up with them as the forces of Heaven and Hell search for their missing players in the Apocalypse.
Written for the Supernatural Crossover Big Bang 2012.
Warnings:  Series level violence.
Other pairings N/A
Why I’m Reccing it This is a pretty good crossover. It feels a little rushes in places, but I imagine that’s ‘cause the author actually wanted to meet their BB deadline. The fic spans years, so a certain amount of rushing was kinda necessary. The author IS going back and doing codas though!


Title:  When Summoning Please Watch The Wording by Ryuuza Kochou
Genre:  Gen, crossover with Good Omens
Authors summary:  Dean and Sam fall into the hands of Satanists, who, naturally, want to use Sam as the vessel for the Golden Eyed Demon. Well...they do get A Certain Golden Eyed Demon. And an avenging Angel. And a serious posterior whooping.
Warnings:  Satanists getting what they deserve.
Other pairings N/A
Why I’m Reccing it:  I’ve had a link to this fic for YEARS. It’s hilarious, and SO very easy to picture!



Title The Dangers of Intimacy by aquariell
Genre:  Angst, romance, H/C
Authors summary:  When Dean starts behaving strangely Cas and Sam have no choice but to ask Gabriel for help. then to make matters worse it turns out the demons are up to something. Something that could start the apocalypse all over again. And Dean is the key to it all.
Warnings Show level violence and gore
Other pairings:  Sam/Castiel
Why I’m Reccing it: I LIKE Dean/Gabriel fics… I know the pairing is really improbable, but that’s part of the reason I like it. It’s more of a challenge to the writer to do well. And this fic, while feeling a bit rushed in places, does a pretty good job. It’s disappointingly devoid of any mature or explicit content though. *sighs* You can’t have everything though. It’s also a powers!Dean fic.


Title:  This Gentle Chaos, This Quiet Madness by morganoconner
Genre Angst, Romance, Drama.
Authors summary Sam has his soul back, but the brothers aren’t quite as home free as they’d hoped. Dean doesn’t realize that there’s still an outstanding contract on his own soul, meaning that unless they come up with a plan before the demons can figure out who gets to collect on it, he’s still bound for Hell and all his worst memories.
The answer comes in the form of an old adversary who can provide Dean with the protection he needs. All he has to do is offer everything he is to Gabriel’s alternate persona. To Loki.
But even when the ritual is complete and his soul firmly bound to a being he’s not even entirely sure he trusts, he’s still left fighting enemies on all sides. The armies of Heaven will stop at nothing to get to Castiel. The wall keeping Sam’s sanity intact is not as structurally sound as it should be. Demons are itching to come after Dean. And the archangel-turned-pagan-god at his side is annoyingly persistent in trying to win his affections.
Dean figures they’re all pretty much screwed.
Warnings:  Graphic sex-magic pagan ritual.
Other pairings Sam/Castiel
Why I’m Reccing it I love this fic. Pure awesome. The characters are all pretty in character, and the whole premise of the fis is fantastic. The way the author differentiates between Gabriel and Loki is fascinating. And the way Dean relates to Gabriel/Loki is a very unique take on this pairing, I think.



Title:  My Life is a Movie by Tenoko1
Authors summary:  It started out a simple case. Then it got complicated. And thank you very much, but Dean Winchester does NOT appreciate his life having a soundtrack like a freaking chick flick, even it's starting to resemble one.
Warnings:  Musical (think Once More With Feeling*G*)
Other pairings Sam/Gabriel (not until the very end, though)
Why I’m Reccing it:  Because it’s awesome? The characterizations are fantastic, the song choices are perfect, and Dean and Sam (and Gabriel) storm heaven. Great stuff. I really recommend listening to the podfic, too. It’s really well done, and the songs are inserted in perfectly. This fic introduced me to the song ‘I’m an angel with a shotgun’ by The Cab, which is just about the perfect theme song for Cas, too.


Title Are You There, Dean Winchester? It's Me ... God by bunnymaccool
Link ttp://
Genre Slash
Authors summary Dean Winchester has grown used to God dicking around in his life the last couple years. But this crap? This takes the CAKE ... or pie, rather. Now he's been thrown a whole new curve-ball. The kind that has ended the Civil War in Heaven ... but resulted in Raphael taking over, and hunting for Dean's ass on a silver platter. Not to mention dealing with Balthazar acting like a self-righteous prick, Sam having some big damn epiphany on his big brother's sexuality, and Cas eying him up like he's the world's juiciest cheeseburger. All that mixed with the chance to fix it all and set everything to rights ... but only if Dean is willing to sacrifice himself. Again. Seriously, if he ever meets that bastard God he's gonna- ... oh hey, Chuck! What are you doing here?
Warnings Powers!Dean
Other Pairings:  Bobby Singer/Jody Mills (In the 2nd fic)
Why I’m Reccing it Because it’s FANTASTIC. One of the best and most original Super!Dean fics I’ve read yet. Dean, Sam, and Castiel are done well, and Balthazar adds a nice and much loved dash of snark to the fic. It’s long, but very fast paced. I usually don’t like stories that switch between POVs, but the authors’ does it very nicely. And it’s a Chuck-is-GOD fic! Who doesn’t love those! It has an even more fantastic sequel now, too. With added Gabriel!*bounces*


Title:  How I Spent My Summer Vacation (And Other Myths) by scarletjedi
Genre:  Slash, Crossover with Glee
Authors summary For the summer after Junior year, Puck and Kurt are sent to Souix Falls, Puck to his mother's cousin, Sheriff Mills, as punishment for his stint in Juvie in hopes that she will "set him straight," and Kurt to escape the Hockey Team's violence and to learn to Hunt like his mother from his Uncle Bobby. They meet at Singer Salvage, where they're both surprised, yet very pleased, to find a familiar face. A few days later a black impala drives up with two bloody Winchesters and an injured Angel. Then all Hell breaks loose....
Other Pairings: Sam/Gabriel and Kurt/Puck (also some Kurt/Blaine)
Warnings:  SPN level Violence and gore
Why I’m Reccing it:  These are two fandoms that don’t typically mix easily in my mind, but this is done is a very believable way. I love BAMF!WeeHunter!Kurt and intelligent, knows something’s up!Puck. The Sam/Gabriel is done in a really interesting way, laying some interesting back story, not just having the two suddenly leap into a relationship, but rather has them meeting in various *cough* situations before. A pretty unique take on it, honestly. The other relationships are also done at believable paces. They feel natural, not forced. Also, again, Chuck is God.


Title The Sky Verse by starandrea
Genre:  Slash and Het
Authors summary:  At the end of the world, Dean still has Sam. What he doesn't realize is that there are other people willing to be his if he lets them.
Other pairings Becky/Chuck, Slow burn!Sam/Gabriel
Warnings Hella LONG. Becky being a creepy fangirl. Someone may or may not get Smited into a bunny (don’t worry, it’s no one anyone actually likes ;) ) and some definite Wing!P0rn (P0rn, grooming, same diff).
Why I’m Reccing it:  This is an EPIC series. BUNCHES of very interesting things happen, and really, it’s one of those fics that is very difficult to describe without giving away the best bits. I will say that it is a Powers!Dean series, but not really. *BEG*


Title:  How (thanks to Gabriel) Dean and Castiel (accidentally) raised each other (and Sam) by Vera (Vera_DragonMuse)
Genre Slash, and Time-Travel fic of a sort.
Authors summary:  In which, Gabriel meddles with the time line and Castiel becomes Dean's angel rather sooner than intended.
Other Pairings Sam/Gabriel
Warnings: show level violence
Why I’m Reccing it:  It’s a very original take on the usual fix-it fic. And the idea of Dean, Sam, and Cas ‘growing up’ together is really interesting, and this is a well written exploration of that idea. The boys, as children, are well characterized and their interactions with Castiel are believable. I love how Cas’s personality is shaped by his interactions with the Winchesters as they grow up, and equally, the effects he has on them.


Title Arrangements by icarus_chained
Genre:  Slash, crossover/fusion with Good Omens
Authors summary Team Free Will meets everyone's favourite angel and demon, and everything spirals from there.
Yes, this is the Arrangements 'verse from LJ. Set 20 years post-book for GO, and goes AU from SPN 5x16. See notes for more details.
Other Pairings Aziraphale/Crowley, Sam/Gabriel
Warnings:  SPN level Violence and Gore
Why I’m Reccing it This is the finest crossover between these two fandoms in existence, that’s why. *hugs fic* I love this thing. I’ve read it about thirty times. There's this one scene about Gabriel's wings, that is SO well done, you really FEEL whats happening. It was technically never finished, but the author posted a chapter of explanations about where the fic was going and how she planned on ending it, so it does feel finished even though she didn’t flesh the ending out.


Title The Heart and Stomach by MollyC
Genre Romance and Genderswap (Always-a-girl!Dean, always-a-girl!Sam)
Authors summary:  It's bad enough waking up with the mother of all hangovers, but then your angel doesn't recognize you and there's some strange guys in your room and no one seems to know you or your sister. And all this when you thought you were looking into the guy who got smashed by the Incredible Hulk. Dina Winchester's life is nuts sometimes.
Other Pairings Dina/Castiel
Warnings:  Reality hopping, Threesome, allusions to Dean hooking as a teenager.
Why I’m Reccing it:  Good genderswap is hard to come by, and this is great. So many change way too much of the character when they switch the genders. This Dean is still very much DEAN, for all he was born a she. And Sam is still Sam, too. Very well written, and the art is excellent too!


Title:  Until The Lost Become The Found by twisting_vine_x
Genre:  Angst, Drama, Romance, AU meeting Original world.
Authors summary Although Dean may have been unable to save his brother in that hellish future world, there's a certain fallen angel that Castiel might just be able to rescue in time.
Other Pairings:  Threesome between Castiel/Dean/Cas.
Warnings The above mentioned threesome? Also, drug use, because it IS future!Cas.
Why I’m Reccing it:  Was anyone else extremely ticked off/depressed by the raw deal Post-Apocalyptic Cas got? I know I was. Not only was future-Dean an ass, he got his dumbass killed in a suicide run and left Human!Cas to die alone in a hell on earth future. This fic fixes that. It’s well written, and the incongruity of Future-human!Cas, Castiel, and Dean interacting is very well orchestrated.


Title:   When We Fell by teaandjumpers
Genre:  Slash, fluff, crossover with BBC Sherlock.
Authors summary:  On an errand in Kent, Castiel runs into a familiar face.
Castiel never understood what the cherubs meant about soulmates being two halves of one whole, but in these two he could see it. How one completed the other. How one could potentially fall, become desperate and incoherent and utterly, frighteningly destructive without the other.
Warnings:  None
Other pairings Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Why I’m Reccing it:  This fic just makes me smile. And this is now one of my SPN/Sherlock headcanons. Beautifully written, and fully picturable/believable.

More to come after the holidays!
(Also, for some reason this post keeps dropping the first letter if a word.... Anyone know how to STOP it from doing that?)

crossovers, dean/gabriel, dean/castiel, supernatural, rec list, sam/gabriel
