Fanfic: Xmas's Sweet quarrel (1/3)

Dec 24, 2009 21:59

Title: Xmas's Sweet quarrel
Author: saizasiren
Betareader: YaY for littlekid_lk  & malu186  love you <3~
Pairing: Sakuraiba, Ohmiya, slight ArashixJun
Genre: romance, drama, fluff
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I’m not own Arashi, although I enjoy addressing them as “my” Arashi
Word count: 4,037
Summary: What had happenned that made Aiba and Nino dare to come to MatsuJun's house at midnight...
Notes: English isn’t my native language, so it’s understandable that I’m maybe not good at writing, but I’m still trying my best to improve it. ^_^ This fic's a present for koyoakiko sorry I'm late [>.<]

Part 1(1/3)

Ohmiya was the very first couple in Arashi.

Their love had started from the first time they met at Hawaii, when Ohno was 18 and Nino just stepped into the age of 16. Although there were many differences in characters, their bonds still grew up day by day to the moment Nino sincerely confessed to his beloved Riida and they decided to move in Nino’s apartment. Ten years had passed, even there still were times when they argued to each other, or when Nino’s rivals tried to steal his Ohchan away from him, they had always overcome every single obstacle together.

But that was just only Nino himself thought. Now he had to deal with their latest problem: his captain’s love toward fishing.

It wasn’t that he missed Ohno damn much these days. It wasn’t that he hated being alone in their huge quiet house. And it absolutely wasn’t that he had been jealous over those damn stupid fish or got tired of his boyfriend’s maniac hobby.

It was because today is the very rare day that they could finish work early. Besides, just 2 days left and Christmas would be coming soon.

Nino had spent all week thinking about what would they do tonight and he even planned to seduce Ohno with his new skill he had learnt on a magazine. But as soon as he finished changing clothes in their greenroom and came out, he realized his boyfriend was already missing and that he had followed the voice of the sea on his stupid boat.

“That bastard!” Nino mumbled lying lonely on their queen sized bed.

“Leaving me here all by myself” he bitterly thought rolling to the edge of the bed, pulling the pillow close to his chest and burying his melancholy pretty face deeply to it.

All of a sudden, his cellphone rang, the quiescent usual bedroom resounded with a beautiful melody of “Take Me Faraway”. “Beloved Riida” was on screen.

“Moshi Moshi” Nino picked up.

“Nino? Are you there Nino?” Ohno was screaming on the other line in other to make his voice stand out but still lost to many rumble sounds.

“Yes, What’s up?!” Nino had always been known for his incredible patience. There was no way he would lose temperature to some trifles like this.

“Well, umh, I’m going fishing so don’t stay up late waiting for me, you’ve got work tomorrow too!” Ohno bawled into Nino’s eardrum.

“Yeah, whatever, fishing again, abandoning your boyfriend again, I don’t care anymore…” Nino muttered holding tightly to his cellphone.

“Heh? What did you just say? By the way…Argh…”

The conservation suddenly paused and was replaced with many chaotic noises “…..Ah stop it Kato-kun, Chinen-kun, I’m gonna fall………Urgh, don’t spill water at me……….Ninochan, I’m gonna hang up, remember to sleep early. I love you.”.


10 minutes had passed. Nino sat still on their bed with his hand gripping against the cellphone, unmoving, his dark eyes kept starring at the motionless blue stuffed fish in the opposite table.

“If god had created Ohmiya, why would world still needs Chinen Yuri and Kato Shigeaki?!!” Nino didn’t need their existence to disturb Ohmiya’s peaceful happy life and stole all Ohno’s attention away from him.

It wasn’t really his fault to get seasick so easily and become a big trouble for his boyfriend whenever he stepped onto a boat.

Ohno was worried about his health. That was the reason why he had never requested Nino to go fishing with him. Nino appreciated it, he knew Ohno care for him, only want the best thing happen to him. He even understood Ohno needs to contact with other friends other than him and Arashi…

Yet he couldn’t stand the thought that his precious lover was under Chinen and Kato’s company now.

Nino deliberately put his phone down before leaving the bed and heading to their wardrobe.

“Having a carefree boyfriend is surely troublesome. It seems like I’m the only one trying to maintain this relationship…” Nino painfully thought.

“Has he ever cared about my feeling?! Did he know how much sorrow I’ve been through having seen him hanging out with other guys?!” Nino continued his own thinking brook as he pulling out a striped shirt and a pair of trousers and started getting changed quickly.

“Wait and see…I will make you pay for it, I will make you experience what I’ve been passed through all the time. Don’t ever underestimate Ninomiyas!” Nino hissed between his teeth snatching his home key near the stuffed fish on the table and striding quickly to the main door.

On a wink, unlocking the door, Nino stormed out with a very much alike Nino’s bratty smirk on his face.

“ Just watch me, Ohno Satoshi!”


Sakuraiba was the second couple in Arashi.

Unlike Ohmiya who fell in love with each other at first sight and ended up happy without any difficulty together as a fairy tales, Sakuraiba had undergone much suffering, misunderstanding, interdiction and disapproval from almost everyone, especially Sho’s family. Sakurai’s parents found it so ludicrous for someone with great bright future like their son to end up falling in love with his band mate, Aiba. So they kept attempting to separate them with many ruthless methods, pairing Sho with another woman, threatening Aiba, putting pressure on the couple and also Arashi.

But no matter how many hindrances they had been through, Sho still endured patiently until the day Aiba accidentally got hurt because of a girl his mother had sent to Sho. Aiba could swear he had never seen an angrier Sho in his whole life…

What happened after that event was really a bit surprise as Aiba hadn’t seen any of Sho’s parents villainous conspiracies anymore and somehow he managed to live a trainquil life with his boyfriend in their new house. However, all these complicated troubles had occurred ages ago and no one would ever mention about it since what they cared now was to focus on their happy lovey-dovey life…

Aiba was sitting on the sofa in Sho’s tender embrace around his slim waist, snuggling his head to his boyfriend’s brawny chest to make himself more comfortable while watching his favorite TV programme.

“Masaki, it’s midnight now.” Sho whispered into his lover’s ear placing his chin on Aiba’s soft shoulder.

“Nee~ Masaki, let’s take shower together before going to bed.” Sho suggested seductively moving his hand to tighten his grip on the younger.

Sho’s lip met Aiba’s smooth neck and started marking it out longingly, trying to draw his lover’s attention from that boring TV Show but Aiba seemed not to pay any interested in that at all.

“Stop it, Shochan, that’s tickle.” said Aiba turning his head away “Give me five more minutes. It’s gonna end anyway.” Aiba smiled shyly before being pulled deeper to his boyfriend’s muscle arms.

“Don’t ignore me Masaki.” Sho’s palm gently caressed Aiba’s cheek then suddenly forced him into a passionate kiss.

“mmmn….” Aiba protested hopelessly while trying to fight for dominance with Sho’s slippery tongue.

Sho had always been a good kisser. Living together for five years, Aiba never could say no to any Sho’s childish demands, because simply he loved his Shochan so much. And Sho would often take advantages of that… Sho maybe seemed nice and kind and obviously a true handsome gentleman to other people. But when it came to Aiba’s, he unexpectedly became a meanie evil-minded possessive boyfriend.

Sho slipped his hand underneath Aiba’s shirt and started stroking his lover’s smooth skin, sending many shivers down to Aiba’s spine.

“nnnh…..Shochan” Aiba gasped exhaustedly between kisses

“Hm? What is it, sweatie?” Sho responded innocently while trading his hand to Aiba’s lower part and started unbuckling his belt.

“Unnng….wait up, Shochan. At least take a bath first….” Aiba mumbled before feeling Sho’s tongue find its way to his mouth again.

“Nope, let’s keep going like this” Sho craftily answered breaking the kiss and now attacking his lover’s slender neck again to received a lustful moan escaped from the younger‘s swollen lips.

Sho continued running several chaste kisses across Aiba’s shoulder then his foot slammed on the remote and unpremeditatedly switched the current channel to “Discovery channel”. The sudden loud roaring of some animals startled the loving couple, Aiba jerked his head away from his boyfriend again to look back.

“Aww~ Shochan, look, it’s so cute” Aiba yelled excitedly bouncing up and down beside his dumbfounded boyfriend, his left hand kept pointing at the baby tiger yawning on the screen.

“He reminds me of Shimuken. I miss his tiny claw so much…he must be a big boy now…” Aiba paused for a minute before went on chirping nonstop about that used-to-be-the-cutest baby lion in the world, leaving his stunning boyfriend frozen on the sofa.

“Masaki” Sho signed in frustration “I’m going to the bathroom now” Sho sullenly staggered slowly to their bathroom and shuffled in.

Suddenly aware of his lover’s weird attitude, Aiba remorsefully walked in front of the door where Sho was bathing quietly inside and sat down, his back rested upon the cold door.

“Shochan~ “ Aiba murmured but there was no answer from the new caster.

“Shochan, I’m sorry, don’t be mad at me…” Aiba started sobbing softly.

“I’m not mad at you Masaki, not at all!” Sho signed in respond.


Aiba simpered in relieve and came back to his normal cheerful state “Nee Shochan, tomorrow, after the Non-no interview, let’s go on a date together” he blushed slightly hugging his knee closer as he proposed to his boyfriend.

“I’m sorry Masaki but I have a date with Maki-san tomorrow” Sho replied guiltily, he knew his Masaki is very sensitive when it comes to Maki’s stuff.

“Is that so… Uhm, I get it.” Even without facing his lover, Sho still could tell Aiba was pouting “You’ve been hanging out with her a lot recently nee, Shochan” Aiba sadly smiled.

“Shochan, How’s about Christmas? I want to go to Disney Land” Aiba continued hopefully



“….I have some works that day too, I don’t know if we can go or not.” Sho spoke in a low voice, be afraid to disappoint Aiba more than now.

“Right! I should know that” Aiba burst out laughing bitterly

“I should have known that Sakurai Sho just care about works and Maki, perhaps more than his own boyfriend. Sometimes I really wonder… Am I still important to you?! Am I still the only one you love, Sakurai-san?” he chuckled ironically.

“What are you talking Masaki?!!” Sho opened the door roughly to reveal a very sinewy half naked body being covered with just a white bath tower around the firm waist. Water following dropped from the newscaster’s wet hair down to his virile chest.

“Don’t deny it Sho, I don’t need your deceitful pity. You can go out with her, and I will get lost for your god sake.” Aiba finally blew up, he stood up face to face with Sho, tears filled in his beautiful eyes.

“Don’t say silly things like that again Masaki. I do not have any feeling for her. She’s simply my co-worker, nothing more. And about the Christmas Day, I’m sorry I can’t go out with you so stop being childish, we are adults already. If you want, we can still make it on another holiday.” Sho restrained his anger by looking down his feet, avoiding Aiba’s crying face.

“Fine, I will go with Junkun, or even Yoko, and you can keep your work for yourself.” Aiba yelled himself hoarse, turning his back at Sho to leave the tense air behind.

“No, Masaki” Sho grabbed Aiba’s wrist to stop the younger in vain “Please, don’t-“

“Let go of me Shochan. Leave me alone.” Aiba cried free himself from Sho to run toward the main door, wiping his tears away.


Not knowing where to go, Aiba kept walking on the pavement thoughtlessly, tucking his hand deeply in the side pockets.

Alone on the road, looking at the other couples hand in hand on the street, he felt nothing more than emptiness and pain within his soul. Tears rolled down his cheek again, burning his cold broken heart inside…

“If I get to MatsuJun’s place and bother him now, he’ll surely get rid of me.” Though saying those words, his legs somehow inattentively led himself direct to the familiar apartment.

Starring at the big black door, Aiba hesitated as he pressed the purple button at the center of the door.

After a long beep sounded. His heart skipped a bit when hearing a slight footstep getting closer, be perplexed how to deal with an angry MatsuJun.

But the one appearing in front of him now was not MatsuJun.

It was Nino.


Meanwhile, Sho was also chasing after Aiba since his lover running off their house then lost his sight in the middle of the pursuance.

“Where the hell did he go?!!” panted Sho looking around but couldn’t find his boyfriend’s figure anywhere on the crowded road.

Desperate at the present situation, Sho could do nothing other than pulling out his phone and started to call Aiba but obviously he didn’t pick up.

“Damn it, where are you Masaki?!!” Sho cried in despair, his mind was full of desolation and worry.

“Maybe he’s with Nino now. Masaki always comes to Nino when he’s sad” Sho thought finding Ohmiya’s number with his frozen hand.

“Moshi Moshi” It was Riida - Sho thought still not finding any word to say.

“Satoshi-kun?! Is Masaki with you two now?” Sho raised his voice hopefully.

“No, I didn’t see Aibachan. I’m outside. Shokun, is there something wrong?”

“We…I….I had a quarrel with him and then he ran off the house and then….then….now I don’t know where he is. What should I do now?! I had ruined everything……”

Sho’s word was disturbed by many grief whimpers. His voice was getting limper and then sank into snivel.

He couldn’t find his precious Masaki, he felt like crying. If he lost Masaki… How could he keep surviving in this somber world. How could he find happiness in living this tiresome life…

“Calm down, Shokun. Everything’ll be alright! Have you call Junkun yet? Maybe he will know where Aibachan is.” Said Ohno, his voice drowned into worry. Ohno knew how important Aiba was to Sho, and how Sho’d always get panic when something happened to Aiba.

“I….I haven’t call Junkun. You’re the first one came to my mind. I don’t know what to do anymore…What if Masaki hate me? What if he won’t come back to me…”

“Listen to me, Shokun. I will call Nino if he knows something. You try to contact Junkun, okay?! I will come to your place soon.”

Ohno might often space out whenever he was on working, but he could be very reliable when times come. He could always keep his composure no matter what happened. No doubt he was Arashi leader after all.

“Okay. Thank you, Satoshi-kun” Sho hang up, his mind was completely disordered.


“Nino? What are you doing here?” Aiba squealed in astonishment, forgot about his own mournful sadness.

Nino was leaning over the doorframe on his back with his hand crossed from the front and a very annoying sneer on his face.

“That should be my line. Why are you here? It’s 2 am now. Or…did you guys just altercate?” Nino grinned evilly.

“No” Aiba denied immediately, shaking his head to hide the lie appearing on his redden face.

But Aiba was Nino’s best friend from the junior’s days. There was no way he could hide anything from Nino. Nino knew that instantly…However, he wasn’t intent to expose Aiba now.

“Where is Junkun?”

“Cooking in the kitchen” said Nino widened his smile proudly, pushing the door open broader “Come in, Aibasan.”

“Eh? At this hour? Cooking?” Aiba gaped in surprise before being dragged into Jun’s kitchen.

Standing at the large convenient kitchen, Jun presented his long back to the new comer, busying chopping some porks and carrots on the brand-new timber board then looked up and realized Aiba was already there.

“What are you doing here, Aiba? Where is Shokun?”

“How am I supposed to know?! Do I have to spy on him to know what he is doing now?! Stop asking me about him.” Aiba blurted out. He didn’t want to hear that name ever again coming from his friends’ mouth.

“Because he’s living with you, and moreover, he’s your boyfriend.” Jun scowled heavily.

“Go easy on him, Junkun. Masaki now is already heart-broken. He certainly just had a fight with his boyfriend.” Nino asserted affirmatively as pulling out a chair and sat down uneventfully.

“Shut up, Kazu. You’re nothing better than him. Suddenly coming all the way here and weeping to me about Ohchan.” Jun snapped before returning to his work.

“I didn’t weep” Nino protested angrily.

“Yes, you did. I probably had filmed it when you were wailing and groaning all over my shoulder, you owe me a new shirt. Do you need to watch it to confirm?”

“How dare you MatsuJun. I will kill you for sure.” Nino stood up against the table, his eyes were full of regret and animosity.

“Don’t make a fuss. I’m just kidding. Why would I want to film your face, to show off to my friend?!!”

“You dare do that.”

“Don’t defy me, Kazu. Remember you’re in my house. I can kick you out anytime I want.”

Nino pouted at the last word came from Jun. He didn’t used to step back when having a chance to argue with Jun like this. But Nino didn’t have other places to go, and he wouldn’t willing to pay just for a one-night sleeping place or an expensive meal. Nino prefers stay in Jun’s house and enjoys his free yummy dishes.

When the dispute ended serenely, the youngest regconized Aiba was still standing exactly at that spot watching thoroughly the entire argument.

“Aiba? Come and sit here… After all, What happened between you two?” Jun asked softly

“Nothing special… Nee Junkun, can you let me stay here for tonight?”

Jun winced at the older’s propose. It was not that he didn’t want Aiba to stay here. Jun knew that something must have occurred to Sakuraiba pair, something was serious because Aiba wasn’t the type who easily got involved into a quarrel with his boyfriend and than ran off to his friend’s.

“Does Shokun know you are here?”

“No, and please, Junkun. Don’t tell him I’m here. I need more time to make up my mind.” Aiba pleaded. It seemed tears could flow off from his big brown eyes again…

“Okay, okay. Jun-kun can arrange it fluently. Now Aiba-san, can you go to the living room to watch TV or something. We will prepare the dinner.” Said the nimble Nino, swiftly shoving the tallest out of the kitchen then turn back facing the youngest.

“You heard that Junkun. You need to join and help us.” Nino continued, his eyes fixed on Jun penetratingly, waiting for the answer while still preparing the dishes.



Ohno was heading home as quickly as possible.

He intended to call his lover just a moment ago if he knows something about Aiba’s missing but it turned out much more terrible, Nino didn’t pick up.

“Maybe it isn’t awful that much, he’s just already sleeping. That’s all.” Ohno consoled himself on the road back home.

But it was that bad….The door was locked, all the light was off like there was no one existed in the apartment.

Ohno opened the door slightly to enter their bedroom but found nobody inside. The bed was greatly tidy, the white counterpane was unusually cold…

“Nino wasn’t here!” Ohno finally got into the state of panic, pulled out his cellphone and called for Sho.

“Moshi Moshi”

“Shokun, Nino isn’t here, too. He’s missing.”

“What?! What happened?”

“There isn’t enough time to tell the whole story…Meet me at Junkun’s house.” Ohno said rushed out the house like a streak of lightning.


“Jun! Are you home? Jun!...”

Sho was enthusiastically pounding the door like a mad man.Though they were in such a deadlock circumstances, if Jun found out his costly door were being broken down by his beloved band mate, he would just send their dead body with the rest of his door to the rubbish dumps, Ohno shuddered at the horror thought as trying to pull Sho far from the guiltless door.

“Shokun, please, you can press the button of the bell over there, instead of trying to smack down the door. Junkun will kill us if there is a small scratch on it.”

“Ah, right! He should have one around here…Where is it?!”

Ohno chuckled quietly at the view of a panicking Sho was confronting the door like a lost mommy child as pushing him away to press the prominent button right above their face.

In the blink of an eye, the door was opened and they were welcome by a very furious MatsuJun.

“What the hell are you doing in front of my house?! Do you two have something people usually call…-“ Jun paused suddenly to inhale his breath before shouted into the yamapair’s eardrum “.....MANNERS ?!!”.

“I told you he will be angry.” Pouted Ohno now was concealing timorously behind the newscaster, refused to show up his face to the youngest.

“Junkun, Masaki and Nino are missing.” Sho began gravely.

“What?! What did you do?!”

“We were sitting in the parlor watching TV then I started kissing him and stuffs, but later Masaki was attracted to that stupid “Wildlife channel”. It made me so damn pissed off that’s why I scold him when he grumbled about me choosing work over him…but that’s not true, I treasure him more than anything in the world….”

“…And then he ran off the house…”

Sho lowered his head to stare at the cold solid ground, gripped his fist tightly, tried to hold in the tears inside his heart.

“So that’s it.” Jun muttered only to himself then turned to his leader “And Nino…?”

“I don’t know.” Ohno confessed honestly “I was going fishing with Chinen-kun and Kato-kun then received the tiding that Aibachan is missing so I came back home but found nobody was there, Nino had gone.”

“I see, that’s explain everything” Jun thought span his head back to the living room, looked at the air space before facing the yamapair again.

“Don’t worry. They will come back when they calm down. There’s nothing you can do now. Just go home and take a nice sleep. Maybe tomorrow, when you wake up, you will see them lying beside you.”

“No, how can I leave my Masaki alone outside like that?! What if he’s being kidnapped?! With his puppy eyes, his gorgeous smile, pretty face, he surely will be raped by those weirdo ojisan prowling around the streets…”

Sho exhausted at the last word. He would kill anyone dare to touch his precious Masaki…anyone…even if he would become the first JE’s famous idol end up in jail because of being a murderer.

“For god sake. Quit it. Your imagination has improved that much after living with Aiba?!! Aiba isn’t a weak guy, he can knock out anyone intend to molest him. And if you don’t believe me, you two can keep on searching for your beloved boyfriends all night long. Now sorry, I need to rest, I have works tomorrow. Goodbye…and good luck!”

Finished the words, Jun slammed the door close and headed in the bright living room to meet the two lost puppy sitting on the sofa waiting for him.

“Enough, go to sleep, now.” Jun growled giving the order to the older two kept starring him questioning.

“But what about dinner?! I’m hungry.” Nino pouted while clinging to Aiba’s thin arm.

“It’s nearly 3am now. If you have meals at 7pm, then it’s called a dinner. 3am meals aren’t considered as dinner.”

“But I haven’t eaten that 7pm dinner today…”

“Fine. Do whatever you like. Just remember to tidy up after you’ve done your ‘dinner’” Jun yawned languishedly stretching his arms over his messy hair and stepped to his cosy bedroom but didn’t forget to warn back

“And don’t enter my room.”

~End Part 1~


First Eng fic ever in my life XD XD it turns out pretty good XD XD I'm praising myself here [>.<]
so much love to my betareaders >.< thank you so much <3~ though you had edit "my first child" without any mercy [>.<]
thank you littlekid_lk for everything XD you hastened me any times >.< everywhere :] now it's your turn ne :)
thank you ss malu186 for keeping my secret XD XD you're my loved editer <3~
happy birthday ss koyoakiko

sorry ss [>.<] sn ss cả năm trước rồi mà giờ em mới nghĩ đến chuyện tặng quà [T.T]
cái này bắt đầu là juntoshi thế mà giờ lại ra sakuraiba và ohmiya
ss kiên nhẫn nhé, anh iu sẽ xuất hiện nhiều hơn ở part 2 :]

#g: fluff, #fanfic: ohmiya, #fanfics, #g: romance, #rating: pg-13, #fanfic: sakuraiba, #oneshot

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