16 - Foretold, Hakkai/Gojyo, R

Jul 10, 2008 14:34

Title: Foretold
Author: andmydog
Warnings: Implied sex, blood and guts and death
Pairing(s): Hakkai/Gojyo
Notes: #16 - Sixth Sense. 30 minutes, give or take. (Also, hi. Late. Whoops.)

He knew the second it happened.

The teacup slipped from his grasp and shattered on the floor, and then there were faces, and voices, loud and concerned and close close close and any day other than today he would have gathered his worries and stretched them tight back into his hair

penance, the colour of atonement, of blood

carving his face into a smile, stomping his heart down smaller, smaller

slicing the meat of his face from his bone, the blade of the knife nicking the sclera, spilling crocodile tears, rain over blood, good, good, weep for her whom you destroyed, scream your sorrow for your crimes, and die

but not today. Today he struck out, flailing, blind to those he pushed aside, unmindful, uncaring of what harm he inflicted, for what harm could be worse than that he knew?

I wonder why I didn't know.

It doesn't mean you didn't love her enough.

Careful what you wish for. Oh, he knew, he knew, but he hadn't known. A thousand

bodies, rotting in the spring breeze, sliming the corridors, the flies intolerable

hints he should have seen sprang to mind. The grey hairs. The tremors in his hands. The confusion, hid behind a smile, and oh, he should have seen. He should have looked, he should have stayed.

Two days' drive here, and how many to run back? He didn't know. He didn't care. He ran, heart pumping, legs pumping, until exhaustion forced his mind blissfully blank

sweltering on the porch, sun pounding between his eyes, Gojyo pounding between his legs, melting, drifting, burning into nothing and ash and soft, high wind

except for the voice that never stilled, that chanted over and over that something was wrong, something was wrong, someone had taken what was his. Again.

He would run faster unhindered. His tiny chains vanished in the dust, and he bared his teeth and ran. Nature abhorred a vacuum, and karma abhorred taboo, and that was a matter he would take up with Those in charge.

Nobody harmed what was his but him.

pair:gojyo/hakkai, challenge:sixth sense, author:andmydog, rating:r

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