Title: Secret's in the Sauce
andmydogWarnings: None
Pairing(s): None
Notes: #14 - Taste. 5 minutes on the dot!
"You cooked?"
Gojyo rolled his eyes and dumped a ladleful of something dark and spicy-smelling into Hakkai's bowl.
"Yeah, I cooked. I didn't just live on beer an' bar food before you showed up, y'know." He dropped into his chair and started shoveling food into his mouth. Hakkai eyed the oily mess with distaste.
"Ah, Gojyo..."
"It's not poison or anythin'," Gojyo muttered. "You don't want it?"
Hakkai stretched his mouth out in a smile. "No, of course not. Thank you." He took a ginger sip, and his eyes widened in shock. "It's quite good!"
Gojyo hid his bashful grin behind a snort. "You don't have t'sound so surprised. Oh, hold on..." He pushed back from the table to grab a beer from the fridge. The moment his back was turned, Hakkai bit down on his tongue, hard.
"You want one?" Hakkai shook his head in polite negation, and took another sip of the soup. The heavy, familiar taste of blood overpowered all the delicate flavours, and the sweet chilis burned in the open wound.
Good. That was as it should be.