Author: Despina
Title: A Burden of Rebirth
Pairings: Kouryuu
Rating: Some disturbing images
Word Count: 291
Summary: Kouryuu faces his new life.
Time: 23 minutes to write, 8 minutes to look over, read at your own peril.
Notes: Prompt is rebirth. Concrit is good. A big ♥ Thank You! ♥ to
moshesque for giving me some love and courage to post again.
There was blood on his skin, blood on his hands. He’d seen blood before, but never so much, it flowed like a river, a viscous, red and sticky river. Inside, his mind was screaming and he felt tears streaming from his eyes. He looked down again at the heavy weight in his lap, his master and mentor, his reason for existing, did not look back. Koumyou Sanzo was dead.
Kouryuu did not want the task his dying master had bestowed on him. Already he could feel the mark on his forehead, like a brand of responsibility seared into his skin, the sign of a Sanzo Priest and proof of his master’s death. He was too young to take this burden and while he had always stayed close to his Koumyou, in truth, he knew nothing about being a Sanzo.
His master was unfair. Kouryuu smoothed back Koumyou’s hair and curled his small body over, hugging his dead mentor one last time. He closed his eyes, still allowing his tears to fall and for a final time, he fervently wished events of the night were nothing more than a bad dream.
He heard a door open and he turned his head to see the other priests, horror on their faces. They gazed at his dead master, a man who had loved him, a man who had bestowed upon Kouryuu his deepest trust, his title of Sanzo.
Kouryuu stood and stared at them, his cold determination replacing his sorrow. He would not fail his master. He could carry his new burden and he would not lose sight of himself. Not ever.
“My master is dead,” he said, clear and strong, his face still wet with tears. “I am now known as Genjyo Sanzo.”